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Book: 10-Day Detox Diet Cookbook
Your kitchen might be under the cruel reign of the food industry. When you remove the sugary, processed foods that hold your weight and health hostage and replace them with real, whole foods, you have a chance to stage a revolution and reclaim your kitchen.
Getting the obstacles to weight loss and health out of your way will transform your kitchen into a place of true nourishment and healing.
In fact, taking back our kitchens and embracing the act of cooking real food is probably the single most important thing that any one person can do to create a healthy, sustainable food system. It is also a magical alchemy that transforms individual ingredients into ambrosia and pleasure.
My philosophy is to Eat real food. So the best thing to do immediately is to take an afternoon to hunt and gather in your kitchen. Be merciless, and throw out any products that are not real food. Toss all highly processed, factory-manufactured Frankenfoods. Keep and going forward, choose only fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and lean animal proteins such as fish, chicken, and eggs.
Now, I understand that not everyone is ready for or wishes to undertake such a dramatic change. That doesn’t mean you need to take an either-or approach and succumb to the processed, sugary foods that contribute to diabesity.
A few simple upgrades can transform your diet without radically altering your life. While simple, these seven replacements can create dramatic changes in your diet that don’t feel restrictive or diet-ish
1. Replace breakfast with a protein smoothie. Most people start the day wrong, having dessert for breakfast or skipping this most important meal altogether. A protein shake makes an easy replacement to stoke your metabolic fire to burn more calories during the whole day, accelerating weight loss. You can load a shake with superfoods, proteins, healthy fats, and phytonutrients that will keep your blood sugar balanced and your energy high throughout the day. Plus, they are very filling and satisfying no worries here about going hungry. Protein shakes sustain you and help you control your appetite throughout the day. Grab some of my favorite shake recipes here.
2. Upgrade your meat and eggs. Conventional meat and eggs often come loaded with hormones, antibiotics, from animals fed with grain and other foods that definitely do not belong in their diets. Look for animal products that are pasture-raised, grass-fed, and antibiotic-, hormone-, and pesticide-free. Go on a low-mercury diet by sticking with small, wild, or sustainably farmed fish. By the way, whole eggs are okay; you don’t need to stick to just egg whites. Yolks contain important vitamins and fats needed for brain and mood function.
3. Replace gluten starches with green vegetables. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, spelt, and oats. It has been around since we began cultivating grains 10,000 years ago (still relatively new in the human diet). But 50 years ago, the type of gluten changed as we created new strains of wheat (genetically altered dwarf strains I call Frankenwheat), and this has created a veritable epidemic of problems, including a 400 percent increase in celiac disease and a dramatic rise in gluten sensitivity, affecting about eight percent of the population. While gluten-free grains are best, all grains (including breads, cereals, and snacks) even gluten-free ones can spike blood sugar and insulin. To break the addiction cycle, we need to shut down insulin production as much as possible. An easy way to do that is simply substitute another leafy or cruciferous vegetable for what would normally constitute a starch on your plate. You can easily do this when dining out as well. If your entrée includes a baked potato, simply ask your server to substitute sautéed spinach.
4. Replace bad oils for good oils. Corn, soybean, canola, and sunflower oils contain inflammatory omega-6 fats and currently make up 10 percent of our calories. Instead, stick to extra virgin olive oil or extra virgin coconut butter (also known as coconut oil). Extra virgin olive oil contains polyphenols, which are powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. Olive oil has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease as much as or more than statins. Coconut butter or oil is a powerful cellular fuel and also contains anti-inflammatory fats such as lauric acid, the same fat found in breast milk. For high-heat cooking, grape seed oil is also safe.
5. Replace bad fats for healthy fats. The standard American diet (SAD, indeed) contains a massive amount of pro-inflammatory fats that keep you sick, tired, fat, and inflamed. Make the leap to anti-inflammatory healthy fats. Have one serving of a healthy fat at all meals, which might be avocado, wild-caught salmon, grass-fed beef, or nut or seed butter such as almond or cashew.
6. Replace snacks with nuts. Get rid of the sugary, processed snacks and keep nuts in your pantry instead. They have been proven to help with weight loss and reduce the risk of diabetes. They are also a great snack because they are full of protein, fiber, minerals, and good fats. Buy raw or lightly toasted unsalted nuts. Avoid nuts that are fried or cooked in oils. The best are almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, and pecans. Stick with one or two handfuls for a snack once or twice a day. But be careful, nuts have a tendency to raise blood sugar if you binge on them. Remember a serving is 10 to 12 nuts or a good handful.
7. Replace coffee for green tea. Coffee can interfere with your liver’s detoxification mechanisms, makes you less insulin sensitive, and its caffeine content revs up your stress hormones. Make the switch to green tea and stick to one to three cups a day. The small amount of caffeine won’t hurt and the antioxidants will heal.
The easiest and quickest way to jump-start these replacements is to reclaim your kitchen with 29 delicious recipes in my brand new Starter Kit. In addition, you will receive my 10-Day Detox Diet Roadmap, and 5 Tips to Eliminate Belly Fat.
Get started right now with your free download.
Do You Have FLC Syndrome?
The FLC Syndrome is when you Feel Like Crap. Chances are you have it.
It affects nearly half of our population. It causes gain weight and resistance to weight loss. And it causes a whole list of chronic symptoms and diseases. Yet most people have no idea what causes it or how to fix it. The truth is, most of us have experienced FLC Syndrome at some point in our lives.
Even though most doctors don’t know how to diagnose and treat it, the science of Functional Medicine provides a clear road map for your way out of FLC!
How Do You Know If You Have FLC Syndrome?
You have FLC Syndrome if you have any of these symptoms:
- Excess weight around the middle (belly fat)
- Crave sugar and refined carbs
- Binge on sugar or junk food
- Yo-yo dieting where you keep gaining back the weight
- Tired and sluggish
- Brain fog
- Joint pain or muscle aches
- Bloating, gas, diarrhea, or constipation
- Congestion, sinus problems, asthma
- Allergies or autoimmune diseases
- Skin problems acne, eczema, psoriasis
- Mood problems like anxiety, depression, or insomnia
- Headaches
- Memory problems
- Low sex drive or function
- Just feel like crap
The fact is, most of us are only a few days away from feeling well, from ending sugar and carb cravings, from having control over our bodies, only a few days away from getting our body back to its original factory settings.
Food Is a Drug
There is a solution. It is one of the greatest medical advances of the 21st century.
It is this: Food is the most powerful drug on the planet.
The wrong food will make you sick (FLC Syndrome) and the right food will transform your body in just a few days. Food is medicine, and what you put at the end of your fork is far more powerful than anything you will find in a prescription bottle.
After nearly three decades of medical practice and research and seeing over 15,000 patients, performing extensive metabolic and nutritional testing, and synthesizing thousands of research papers on the root causes of disease and FLC Syndrome, of weight gain, pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes, or what I like to call diabesity, I created a simple 10-day plan that can quickly reverse FLC Syndrome and help you lose significant amounts of weight quickly, safely, and sustainably.
The result is The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet.
We did a trial on 600 people, and here are their results:
- Lost over 4000 pounds in 10 days (average of about 8 pounds each)
- Blood sugar dropped an average of 20 points
- Blood pressure dropped an average of 10 points
- Ended sugar and carb cravings
- Reduction of all symptoms from all diseases by 62% in 10 days (FLC Syndrome)there is no drug on the planet that can achieve those results
- Many went on to lose 50 to 100 pounds and reverse type 2 diabetes and many other health problems as they continued on the program
The Secret of The 10-Day Detox Diet
The secret of The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet is this: we simply swap out processed foods, sugar, flour, and inflammatory foods and add delicious, whole, fresh, real, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying food, and the body does the rest.
The food industry’s dirty little secret is that they have intentionally hooked us on addictive, hyper-processed, hyper-palatable, food-like substances that have hijacked our taste buds, hormones, our brain chemistry, and our metabolism.
The scientific verdict is in: sugar and flour and processed foods are highly biologically addictive. In fact, sugar has proven to be eight times as addictive as cocaine. Think cocaine cookies, morphine muffins, or heroin lollipops.
The 10-Day Detox Diet is a goof-proof, step-by-step, science-based program that resets your hormones and brain chemistry and quickly lets you take ownership back over your body. The truth is, our biology has been held hostage by food terrorism, and The 10-Day Detox Diet is a Navy SEAL raid taking it back. And it doesn’t take long.
If you are thinking you cant give up sugar or bread for 10 days, then, for sure, you are an addict. If you start wondering about artificial sweeteners or alternatives to sugars, it is a profound clue that you don’t own your body anymore – the food industry does.
Here’s one participants story. It can be yours, too. And it is just 10 days away.
I was a sugar and carbohydrate addict. I couldn’t go a day without something sugary. I was like a vampire I had to have it! I sensed, though, that if could go a few days without it, I could get past it.
I started the 10-Day Detox and was surprised that I didn’t crave sugar. But the way the food plan was designed, I didn’t feel hungry or anxious in any way. I was calm, the food was good, and I didn’t miss the bad stuff I was eating.
Every day I was on the program, I felt more in control that the food wasn’t in control. Before, I used to think, I know eating this food is bad for me, I know I shouldn’t have it, and yet, I cant NOT have it. I couldn’t stop. I didn’t understand that the food literally had physical control over me and that my will power even though I had it wasn’t enough. I didn’t realize that I was so entrenched in the addiction of the processed foods. They’re right with that commercial, you cant have just one! You’re sitting there eating it, knowing you shouldn’t, yet you cannot stop. I noticed right away that I felt like I was in control over the food, and that was a huge shift.
Jackie Woods
A Simple Plan for 10 Days
The program is simple – the daily schedule and theme, the meals and menu plan, set you up for automatic success. You learn what to let go of and what to add into your life. The food, lifestyle practices, journaling, tracking, community support are all scientifically designed to give you a jump start to health and weight loss, to end cravings for sugar and carbs, reverse diabesity, and put an end to FLC Syndrome for good.
You will also learn how to design your life and health for long-term success. And the food rocks – one person called it Detox for Foodies. It is not about bland, boring diet food but about abundance, pleasure, and deliciousness.
Why It Is Not Your Fault You Are Overweight
The era of blaming overweight people for being lazy gluttons is over. That is exactly what our government and the food industry would have use believe by saying its all about personal responsibility, all about moderation, that there are no good or bad foods, that all we need to do is exercise more and eat less.
But here’s the truth: there are bad foods, there are toxic and addictive foods we should not be eating, and 100 calories of almonds is VERY different from 100 calories of soda. Any fifth grader knows that. But most nutrition experts, doctors, and our policy makers still haven’t figured out that a calorie is not a calorie! Some calories make us sick and fat, and some make us thin and healthy.
In my book, The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet, I expose the lies that keep us fat and sick and use the latest science to help you end FLC Syndrome forever! You can order it right now and get these great bonus gifts to jumpstart your program:
- In the Kitchen with Dr. Mark Hyman in this 3-part online video series, Dr. Hyman teaches you how to cook amazingly delicious healing foods quickly.
- The Missing Ingredient Report Why we get stuck and how we can sustain our weight loss goals
- Dieting 101 Guide Dr. Hyman reviews the top 10 weight loss programs to share what works and what doesn’t and WHY?
Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD