About us​

Exceptional Products

Products we offer are made by small companies driven by passion for results. We use nature-made, rather than man-made, whenever possible. We focus on quality and aim to deliver exceptional customer service. Our guiding principle is "treat others the way you'd like to be treated." 

Our motto is Restoring Vitality to You and to the Planet.

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Nutritional Advice for Every Situation​

Our team is composed of experienced nutritionists and health coaches.

We do not treat or cure anything. We offer nutritional advice for all ages and health needs, helping to guide you on your journey to build health. We help you restore normal function through education and nutritional advice.

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Life Enthusiast Staff

Martin Pytela,


Founder and CEO, Martin is passionate about helping people restore health. His own story of breakdown from toxic medical procedures and subsequent restoration of health helps him understand what you may be going through. He works closely with our team to ensure that our products and services meet the highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction.

Ivo Janko,


Ivo is keeping us financially sound. He is also Martin's oldest friend, since 1971. He also keeps our production company operations together. And besides that he has been an athlete, an avid skier, hiker, paddler and all things outdoors, and a father of four. 

Alicia Hull


Alicia is a fully trained herbalist who has been making her own products for many years. She has advised and served many customers in health food stores.  When she's not answering your questions, she is available to help you balance subtle energy issues that control your life outcomes with the AO Scan system.

Marcelina Maciejewski


Marcelina is a wealth of information about nutrition and health. She has a deep understanding of vegetarian ways, and is keeping up with the newest trends in nutrition. She studied in Toronto, first graphic design and later nutrition. She is great at helping you find the path you need to follow toward a better health.

Julia Poulton

Health Coach

Julia is passionate about health, fitness, wellness and animals.  As a veterinary assistant, she experienced the limitations of traditional veterinary medicine not addressing the root causes of illness.  Julia worked in gyms, personal training studios, and yoga centers. She earned her ACE Group Fitness Certification. Julia pursued additional certifications whilst working at her local health food store. In her free time, Julia enjoys being in nature, hiking, foraging, practicing yoga, gardening, researching spiritual teachings and philosophies, bio-hacking, working out, cooking, and helping animals.

Ann-Louise Evanoff


Since 2005 Ann-Louise has kept our product information organized and easy to understand. She also wrote and co-authored many newsletters and blogs. Like most of the Life-Enthusiast team, her personal health tragedy and recovery has enabled a deeper understanding of our products and their uses.

John Brandt


John is responsible for all the interesting emails you read about our products and other news from the world of health. John has worked in professional writing since 2017. Besides writing, he loves exercising, spending time in nature, reading, playing music (when he gets time), and helping others put their health in their own hands.

Nayab Naseer


With 20+ years of experience in development, implementation and maintenance of online stores, Sunny helps us with a broad range of IT and Logistical issues, making sure we can share information efficiently and process orders with speed and precision. Sunny is also a proud father of four.

Mohammad Fazal

Creative Designer

With more than a decade of experience, Mohammad is a key member of our creative team. He specializes in creating visuals, label designs, graphics, and web design, ensuring that every brand experience is cohesive and impactful across all platforms.

Life Enthusiast Story

The original Life Enthusiast Co-op was started in 1989 by Jevari Oberon (back at the beginning known as Larry Meier), dedicated to developing the most advanced life-energy SuperFood formulas from natural whole foods. They were sold as Excela, Quantum Advance, and later as Exsula. To this day we are serving customers that have been with us since the 1990s.

In 2001 Life Enthusiast re-launched online. We now offer unique products in many categories made by manufacturers who are dedicated to delivering quality above cost, customer service above bottom line, and passion for life above the numbers on a spreadsheet.

Our Founder and CEO Martin Pytela, CMTA – that’s Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor – offers his Health Coach services based on Metabolic Typing, a method that helps determine which food and supplement combinations will be most appropriate for you, your Biological Individuality. You may already be aware that what heals one person may make another one worse… Martin is supported by a team experienced and dedicated associates that include a nutritionist, a herbalist, and a fitness specialist. We understand humans, and also pets.

We make it our business to help people reverse chronic degenerative, metabolic conditions, the source of aging and pain that plague so many. Especially if you have been frustrated by the medical system, and its symptom-oriented approach, you will find us to be refreshingly different. We believe that emergency room solutions so effective at saving a life are not appropriate for preventing or reversing conditions associated with aging or with system-wide break-downs.

Chances are that either you or someone very close to you is suffering from a chronic condition that conventional medical treatments are not able to resolve. You may have even been told to get used to it – it’s part of aging or we can’t do anything about it. We have evidence to the contrary.

Most of the intractable medical conditions come with the word “syndrome” attached – it is the code word for “we don’t know the cause, and we don’t know how to help you”. Is it possible to solve a problem created by too much toxicity with toxic drugs? It is possible to block a response, but it is not possible to build health. Only the body’s innate homeostatic system can do that. The syndromes that the conventional medical approach can't solve include the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, the autistic spectrum, the migraine syndrome, but also the cardio-vascular, cancer, back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, candida albicans and (fill in your chronic inflammatory condition).

We do not diagnose, treat or cure a disease  - see your doctor for that. We do not sell drugs. We offer nutritional education and coaching and products that compensate for the disaster our industrial food producers present to us as food. We are not allowed to tell you that our products heal, prevent, or make better any specific medical condition, because the regulatory agencies have defined that only a drug could do that. This means that if somebody is promoting garlic to prevent flu, or cherries to prevent heart disease, they can expect to be hounded by the FDA because of it. We can sell you an apple on the basis of its color, flavor, juiciness, but not because the malic acid it contains helps you dissolve gall stones, support your energy production and repair your nerves.

Life Enthusiast approach is different! We teach you how your lifestyle choices activate specific defensive responses and how you can help yourself by addressing the causes – to help your body replace illness with wellness.

You Can Regain and Maintain Your Health, through education and through changing your lifestyle.

Is it YOUR time to STOP and hit your RESET button?
We all keep doing what we’re doing, until we can’t anymore, don’t we?
If you continue on the same path, nothing will change.

Let us help you find a better way…

Arthur Schopenhauer once said, “All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; second, it is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as self-evident.

Natural Healing Through Education

We provide clear, fact-based information on nutrition, cleansing and lifestyle choices that restore, maintain and improve your health.

We seek out and publish research by experts in many different fields – experts who are focused on finding causes and correcting them – to let your body heal and stay well.

We offer tools to empower the only person that can build your health… You!

You will find a lot of information more in our Education library…

Read our free Chronic Pain Manifesto report, and unlock a new paradigm for wellness – a model that puts you in the driver’s seat.

Natural Healing Through Nutrition

If you support your body with proper nutrition, you can heal and maintain a state of health. Our bodies naturally strive to be healthy. By providing your body with adequate nutrition (including supplements), you’ll have proper nutrient absorption and toxin elimination, resulting in a healthy immune system. You can maintain health with food that matches your Biological Individuality.

A healthy immune system can heal your body, and keep it free of pain and disease.

Unfortunately, even a good diet combined with mainstream supplements, does not contain enough nutrients for optimal health.

Natural, high-quality supplements are crucial for health – now more than ever – because nutrients have been depleted from our soils, and destroyed in the processing and cooking of almost all the food we eat. Too many foods are hormone injected, loaded with antibiotics and genetically modified – completely unnatural and hazardous to our health!

We believe in our products enough to use them ourselves, and feed them to our families and our friends. We focus on products that are not in the mainstream so that you may enjoy benefits otherwise not accessible anywhere else.

We offer a Health Coach service, together with our simple testing, that helps you understand how the specific combination of genetics, environment, food inputs, toxins inherited and acquired, conspired to create the final result – your reason for searching for a better health outcome.

Life Enthusiast Founder – Martin Pytela

“I grew up behind the Iron Curtain in Czechoslovakia. As a fresh immigrant to Canada at 25 years of age, covered by freshly earned insurance coverage, I stepped into a dentist’s office for a checkup and received a dozen mercury amalgam fillings. This was the beginning of my 30 year journey into alternative health solutions.

Within a couple of weeks I experienced an outbreak of herpes on my lip. Within a year I had carpal tunnel syndrome and plantar fasciatis. Within three years I had severe back problems – crawling on all fours to the bathroom, and sleeping face down in the rocking chair. Then came serious periodontal disease, gum recession and loose teeth. Later I came down with severe allergies, debilitating me for several weeks each spring. My doctor offered me Sudafed, saying I would have to take it for the rest of my life. There was no cure for allergies, he told me.

Two years into this ordeal – out of curiosity – I had my hair analyzed to check for toxins, and it came back with mercury toxicity. I should have clued in then, but I did not connect the mercury poisoning to my dental work.

I sought help from medical doctors, orthopedic surgeons, chiropractors, naturopaths, physiotherapists, and a good range of more esoteric therapists. I was still eating the Standard American Diet, and I was beginning to put on some weight. The decline continued.

Not one of these well trained people suggested mercury poisoning, and yet, that’s what I was suffering from. Not one of them tried to find the cause, they were all just treating the symptoms. I finally hit the proverbial wall. I realized that I would have to help myself, because the professionals were not going to do it for me.

I started researching natural and alternative health principles. I started the Fit For Life regimen – mostly raw food, lots of detoxification with algae and proper food combining. After five years of this, my back problems subsided, and after ten years my allergies went away. By that time I was at least as well read as any naturopathic doctor or nutritionist, and I decided to start a health and wellness company.

"I wish to give people new hope in natural healing methods, to ease years of suffering.” I continue to learn and to grow. I have incorporated Metabolic Typing as my main tool that guides me in understanding what each individual needs to maintain health.

The Life Enthusiast website is continually evolving, adding information, products and services with one common theme… “Restoring Vitality to You and to the Planet.”

I invite you to live life to its fullest potential. Join us and spread the word that a strong body, clear mind and vibrant health are an achievable reality.

Embrace the concept of becoming a true “Life Enthusiast”.