
Podcast 482: pH Balance

With Martin Pytela and Spencer Feldman. Maintaining balanced acid levels is vital for our teeth and bones, metabolism, muscle function, digestion, kidney function and more…Read More

Podcast 481: Understanding Inflammation Beyond Arthritis

With Martin Pytela, breaking down the science of inflammation and arthritis, with clear insights and practical tips to help you take control of your health…Read More

Podcast 480: Pregnancy

A comprehensive, holistic approach of pregnancy, addressing physical, emotional, cellular, and spiritual aspects of preparing for a baby…Read More

Podcast 479: Enzymes are Catalysts of Life

With Michael Kramarczyk. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions, without being consumed in the process, enabling more efficient metabolic processes…Read More

Podcast 478: Methylene Blue

This versatile compound is a powerful antioxidant that may help calm nerves, enhance energy and boost brain functions…Read More

Podcast 477: Phylamet

With Spencer Feldman from Remedy Link. Supplementing with Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) supports a healthy microbiome, digestion and immunity…Read More

Podcast 476: Chinese Tonic Herbs & Specialty Teas​

With Rehmannia Dean Thomas. Discover herbal remedies, medicinal teas and adaptogens used for healing in TCM and Ayurvedic medicine…Read More

Podcast 475: Healthy Gut

With Steven Wright. Gut health plays a crucial role in digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, mental well-being, and overall systemic health…Read More

Podcast 474: Staying Healthy in a Toxic World

Interconnectedness of chemical sensitivities and intolerances, autism and geo-engineering…Read More

Podcast 473: Watch Your Water

Research shows toxins infiltrate our water, affecting organs including the kidneys, bowels, brain, heart, ovaries and testes…Read More

Podcast 472: Biodynamic Water Filter System

With Charlles Bohdy. This is unique and superior system combines filtration with softening and Energizing. For superior hydration, mineralization and removes toxins too…Read More

Podcast 471: 2024 Predictions

With Martin and Scott, reviewing 2023 and looking into the future for what’s to come in politics, astrology, economics and health…Read More