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Magnesium Awareness Gallup Poll
from PR Newswire United Business Media
Majority of Americans are not getting enough Magnesium… most are not aware of RDA for this essential mineral.
Magnesium is an essential mineral of a healthy diet. It may help to maintain the function of the heart, muscles and nervous system. However, according to a Gallup poll, four out of five Americans (80%) are not consuming enough magnesium from diet alone. That number may be even higher among those who have certain medical conditions or are taking medications known to deplete magnesium in the body. Even when including vitamin and mineral supplements together with diet, only about one in three (35%) consume the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) or better of magnesium (between 310 – 420 mg/day).
The vast majority of respondents (86%) were not aware of the daily requirement of magnesium at all. Magnesium is essential for the functioning of more than 300 enzymes. Proper magnesium levels help maintain normal heart rhythms. It is also necessary for normal protein synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, proper muscle function and helps to absorb calcium and potassium. “It’s clear that most people aren’t aware of the important role that magnesium plays in the body.
If people are concerned about their magnesium levels, they should make sure to discuss medications and health conditions with their doctor when evaluating their diet and magnesium supplement options,” said Barbara Levine, RD, PhD., Associate Professor of Nutrition in Medicine, Weill Medical College of Cornell University-New York Presbyterian Hospital. The majority of people (53%) surveyed couldn’t name a good source of magnesium, which include 100% bran cereals, avocados, almonds, milk, pumpkin seeds, cashews, cooked spinach, sesame seeds, oatmeal, potatoes (baked, with skin) and soy beans.
The body’s stores of magnesium can be depleted by certain illnesses or chronic conditions such as extensive bowel resection, intestinal or biliary fistulas, pancreatic insufficiency, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and Chron’s disease. Certain medications, such as loop/thiazide diuretics (water pills) and digoxin, can also affect magnesium levels. Additionally, poorly-controlled diabetes may be a risk factor for depletion of magnesium stores. High alcohol intake and chronic or excessive vomiting or diarrhea can also deplete magnesium. Ensuring enough magnesium through diet or supplements is important – and so is making sure that the mineral is absorbed into the body as intended.
Supplements containing magnesium chloride allow the body to absorb more magnesium, compared to products that contain magnesium oxide. Not surprisingly, 86% of the survey respondents didn’t know difference between magnesium chloride and oxide. The Gallup Organization conducted a telephone survey of a nationally representative sample of 1,009 American adults 18 years of age or older. Interviews were conducted between January 6-31, 2004. For the results based on sample size, the margin of error at 95 percent confidence interval is +/- 3 percentage points.
- The magnesium content of various foods and vitamin supplements was gathered from the Nutritional Data Library of the USDA.
- Office of Dietary Supplements National Institutes of Health. Magnesium. Facts About Dietary Supplements.
Key Findings:
Americans increasingly understand the necessity of supplementing their diet with both a multivitamin and extra amounts of certain vitamins and minerals. However, magnesium is not a mineral that Americans typically think of as important to their health. The awareness level of health conditions with associated vitamin deficiency is also low. General Awareness: 56% of respondents listed Vitamin C among “most important” among vitamins and minerals. 86% of men and women did not know the daily requirement of magnesium.
Percentage of respondents who were aware of health conditions associated with vitamin and mineral deficiency:
- Heart disease, including high blood pressure: 47%
- Diabetes: 32%
- Osteoporosis: 71%
- Migraine headaches: 29%
- Muscle cramps: 62%
Intake of Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: 51% of men and 66% of women take vitamin and mineral supplements daily. 73% of respondents did not know how much magnesium they take daily. Four out of five (80%) respondents are below the RDA of magnesium from food intake alone. When evaluating food intake plus supplements, more than three out of five (65%) were below the RDA. Responses, though, varied substantially between men and women. 86% of men were below the RDA of magnesium from food intake alone, and 76% were below the RDA with food plus dietary supplement. 76% of women were below the RDA of magnesium from food intake alone, and 55% were below the RDA with food plus dietary supplement.
Intake of Magnesium Supplements Among Patients with Health Conditions – Percentage of those who were getting the RDA or better of magnesium from food and supplements with the following conditions:
- Heart disease – 26% (74% were below the RDA)
- Diabetes – 40% (60% were below the RDA)
- Osteoporosis – 35% (65% were below the RDA)
- Migraine headaches – 42% (58% were below the RDA)
86% of respondents could not tell the difference between magnesium chloride vs. magnesium oxide and the benefits associated with either – 53% of respondents could not name a good source of magnesium. Foods which are good sources of magnesium include: 100% bran cereals, avocados, almonds, milk, pumpkin seeds, cashews, cooked spinach, sesame seeds, oatmeal, potatoes and soybeans. Dietary magnesium supplements are also available over-the-counter.