Tag: insomnia

Podcast 463: Sleeping Soundly with Biocrystals

With Monica Leal. Sleep deprivation prevents our ability to function properly and can have serious negative side effects on our health. The Biocrystal products aim to create a better sleep environment, optimizing our immune system and cellular function… Read More

Magnesium for Your Nervous System

It’s the most important major mineral, responsible for over 350 biochemical reactions… Read More

Magnesium Chloride for Health

Essential for muscle and nerve functions, formation of bones and teeth, must be balance with calcium… Read More

Magnesium and Cellular Vitality

Magnesium soothes the sympathetic nervous system, allowing deeper and better sleep. It’s just as essential as Calcium… Read More

Glutathione: Master Antioxidant

Glutathione is the most concentrated of all intercellular endogenous antioxidants. Helps reduce free radicals… Read More

Magnesium: Evidence of Effects

Adequate Magnesium lowers your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis, and maybe migraines… Read More

Book: Magnesium The Ultimate Heart Medicine

Magnesium’s role in preventing heart disease and strokes is accepted, yet cardiologists have not gotten up to speed with its use… Read More

Magnesium and Calcium Dance

Magnesium deficiency is common and associated with increased intracellular calcium, that may lead to insulin resistance… Read More

Sleep Basics

Natural periodic state of rest for both body and mind, to build immunity, reduce stress and improve your moods… Read More

Clinical Studies for EMPowerplus Advanced

New micronutrient formula offers hope for those who suffer with mental and mood disorders… Read More