Health Concerns

Health Concerns Your body is an amazing, self-healing system, when its needs are met. Here we present tools for your body to begin repairing itself. Physically, emotionally and spiritually too. Enhance your energy, longevity and quality of life. We take a wholistic approach to well being. To help you understand WHY your body is falling apart. And how to bring it back to energetic, optimal performance. Our Health Coaches can help you find the best products for you. And we have a wide variety of educational Blogs and Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance. Most Health Concerns can be improved (even eliminated) with only a few simple changes. Your road to better health can begin with better Hydration, Nutrition and Cleansing. When overloaded, every chain breaks at its weakest link. Yours may be heart, liver or skin. We can help you solve chronic inflammatory problems that do not respond well to mainstream medicine. Pain, auto immune disorders, cardiovascular and digestive issues can be eased and sometimes even eliminated. Your youthful and invincible self is still inside you. Just buried under layers of unfortunate events and choices. Returning to more youthful health may be like an archaeological restoration. Picture your body like a masterpiece painting. Like the Mona Lisa hanging in a smoky bar, covered in layers of grime. We can show you how to peel off the grit and make it shiny again. This will amp-up your immune system, to repair and maintain vibrant health.

  • Adrenal Glands

    Adrenal Glands (10)

    Adrenal Glands We have two and they're essential for health. They produce hormones that help you react to stress. Burn fat and protein. Regulate sugar and blood pressure. Under or over production can cause serious health concerns. One most common symptom of under-functioning Adrenal Glands is fatigue. Other issues include weight gain. Skin problems and high blood glucose. Slow growth rates in children. High blood pressure. Muscle and bone weakness. Extreme sad moods and irritability. Keep your Adrenal Glands healthy to ward off serious health concerns that come from over or under hormone production. Adrenal-Ease supports your tired adrenals. Help to overcome adrenal exhaustion and rebuild your energy. Cortisol from your adrenals helps regulate your stress response and metabolism. Cortisol-Ease is an herbal tincture for stress. It helps reduce both traumatic and chronic. When your body gets it's required nutrients, it can clean, repair and maintain itself. Find out your specific Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Metabolic Typing is THE tool you need for optimal health. Feeding your unique body type is the single most important principle that affects your maximum performance in all aspects of life. Take a look at our Blogs about Adrenal Glands. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Aging and Rejuvenation

    Aging and Rejuvenation (55)

    Aging and Rejuvenation Help to feel younger than your age, with more energy and looks to match. All symptoms of aging, like loss of mobility from either physical or emotional (mental) pain, may be improved with only a few simple things. Literally every product we sell can help you Rejuvenate. Here we present a only a few of the most popular and effective. Superfoods feed your immune system what it needs to repair and maintain good health. Because it’s so very difficult in our fast-paced world to eat only whole foods (or sometimes any at all), Exsula Superfood Blends are a great natural choice to offset the processed foods you probably eat. Antioxidants are the antidote for free radicals. With age, your body does not have enough antioxidants to get rid of free radicals - they mess up natural cell repairs, and allow mutations that cause disease. Mutated cells become virtually immortal and reproduce indefinitely. Science has proven that free radical reproduction can be slowed or even stopped, by taking antioxidants either orally or applied onto your skin. Both help with symptoms of aging and degenerative diseases. Digestive Enzymes and Systemic Enzymes are the Spark of Life and Youth. They are the critical nutrients that power your energy transactions. Without adequate enzymes, you age faster and eventually all your cellular functioning stops. Without them, you can’t digest or absorb food, or build new cells. With adequate enzymes you age slower, you feel and look much younger, more energetic, vibrant and free from pain. We all need Exercise and Movement, especially those in too much pain to move. If exercise were a pill, it would be the most prescribed one of all.  It benefits literally all aspects of your health. At Life-Enthusiast, our goal is to Restore Vitality to You and to The Planet. Take a look at our Blogs about Aging and Rejuvenation. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Allergies: Mucous and Skin

    Allergies: Mucous and Skin (9)

    Allergies: Mucous and Skin Allergies affect your nose mucous, eyes, ears, skin, energy and more. Symptoms include (but are not limited to) red itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, wheezing, coughing and skin rashes. If you experience allergic symptoms, the cause may be that your Liver is not coping with its load. Or you may have Digestive Food Intolerances (constipation, bloating, heartburn) and this over-works your immune system. Whatever the cause of your allergies, the solution is the same: Cleanse and Detox... let me explain. With age, your body accumulates toxins and that increases the load on your immune system. This is why people often develop allergies when they are older. Your immune system weakens, from dealing with so many accumulated irritants. It's not able to keep you youthfully healthy and you might develop allergies, joint pain, fatigue and any other degenerative condition (depending on your individual weak tendency). Even though Allergies: Mucous and Skin tend to be worse in the Spring and Summer, any time is a good time for allergy prevention and treatment. It does not have to be difficult, painful or even uncomfortable. The repair actions required can be quite subtle. Your personal rebuilding program will depend on how severe your symptoms are. Better Hydration - it's easy to create super-hydrating Energized Water, and you will need to drink less. It allows maximum moisture absorption into your cells and provides very effective toxin removal. Cleanse and Detoxify with Apple Fiber. It's great at binding toxins and enhancing waste elimination. Helps improve digestion, blood glucose and weight. This helps energize your immune system to repair and maintaining health. Take a look at our Blogs about Allergies: Mucous and Skin. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Athletic Performance

    Athletic Performance (43)

    Athletic Performance supplements help you reach peak abilities. You may experience faster recovery times from heavy workouts. And from traumatic injury and surgery. If exercise were a drug, it would be THE MOST prescribed one! It's recommended to improve every complaint. From sad moods to sore joints. Regular exercise helps reduce stress. Improves mental health. Builds stronger muscles that help lose or maintain weight. Boosts your immunity. Strengthens your heart, lungs and circulation. Sharpens mental performance. Easier to learn. Deeper and easier relaxation and sleep. Enhance digestion and elimination. Feel pleasure and sheer enjoyment! Powrtein is a protein supplement that's perfect for Athletic Performance. Contains Superfoods that may boost energy.  Helps control appetite, build muscle and burn fat. It's also great for your brain to enhance moods, creativity and memory. Zymitol helps decrease inflammation so that you can train with less pain. And recover faster. It manages pain with high potency Systemic Enzymes.  Enzymes are essential for every biochemical reaction in your body. Including pain management. The aging human body produces less enzymes. Enzymes sustain life. With proper enzyme balance, you may be able to live a pain-free life. Algoran Sports is the ultimate, natural feel-good formula. It enhances moods and physical performance too. You may feel more energy, stamina and mental clarity to achieve your daily goals. Take a look at our Blogs about Fatigue and Energy. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Blood Glucose

    Blood Glucose (10)

    Blood Glucose issues arise when your body can’t produce insulin, or can’t properly use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas. Its role is to regulate the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. We have solutions to help you manage your blood sugar. Take a look at all our Blogs about Blood Glucose. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Bones

    Bones (11)

    Protecting the health of your bones is easier than you think. We can help you with the many factors that affect your bone mass. Take a look at our Blogs about Bones. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Brain and Memory

    Brain and Memory (54)

    Most people think that Brain and Memory functions decrease with age. Becoming more forgetful can be from a specific nutritional deficiency. These supplements can help if you have trouble learning new things. Or cannot recall where you put things. Decreased brain functions can also be caused by chronic inflammation or rising toxicity. Also from allergic reactions to ingested or inhaled irritants. These supplement can help:
    • Enhance your overall brain health, memory and concentration. Increase your clarity, focus and attention, prevent memory loss and help nerve synapses.
    • Supercharge your brain with adequate brain food.
    • Oxygenate your pineal and pituitary glands.
    • Repair DNA and regrow brain cells.
    Take a look at all our Blogs about Brain and Memory. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Candida, Yeast, Fungus

    Candida, Yeast, Fungus (26)

    Candida, Yeast, Fungus normally grow in the presence of excess sugar. And in the absence of oxygen. Candida is a yeast that is naturally present in your body. Overgrowth can be caused by digestive imbalance. Leading to serious health issues. Correct the imbalance and the candida problems go away. We can help you eliminate candida albicans (yeast) and fungus, withOUT nasty side effects. Probiotics help balance your digestive system. Helps your immune system function optimally. You may decrease pain from inflammation and allergies/food intolerances too. Eating right for your metabolic type, and removing toxins that deplete your oxygen will help. Take a look at all our Blogs about Candida, Yeast and Fungus. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Dehydration

    Dehydration (22)

    Chronic Dehydration is very common. But you may not realize that you are suffering from it. Drink pure Energized Water and you will need less. It provides your cells with superior, life-giving hydration. Here we have many solutions to create your own Energized Water, or Pre-Energized. Some signs of dehydration are: fatigue, constipation, excess weight, skin rashes, urinary infections and premature aging. If you experience any signs of dehydration, you need to drink more. But remember, if you drink Energized Water, you will need less. Take a look at all our Blogs about Dehydration. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Dental and Oral

    Dental and Oral (15)

    Dental and Oral health is crucial for your overall well being. Most drug store toothpastes contain glycerin and it blocks the natural re-mineralization of your teeth. Brushing with Magnesium helps to bind calcium into your tooth enamel. Bacteria from your mouth can cause chronic infection and inflammation in other parts of your body. Goldenseal Drops help to block bacterial growth in your mouth to support healthy gums, and decrease bad breath. If you have TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain, your solution may be TMJ-Ease. People feel relief in as little as 2 to 4 weeks. ​​​​​​​Take a look at all our Blogs about Dental and Oral concerns. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Digestion and Food Intolerances

    Digestion and Food Intolerances (61)

    Digestion and Food Intolerances Symptoms of poor digestion are not always recognized. One can have heartburn, constipation and/or diarrhea. It can also cause inflammation and pain in any part of your body. Allergies can develop or worsen. For good health in both the long and short term, we need to efficiently absorb adequate nutrients. And that means good digestion. Dehydration can cause poor digestion, as can a lack of digestive enzymes and imbalanced gut flora. Support good digestion with Energized Water, Digestive Enzymes, Fiber and Probiotics. Take a look at all our Blogs about Digestion and Food Intolerances. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Eyes and Sight

    Eyes and Sight (7)

    Eyes and Sight Worse eye sight is often thought of as a normal part of aging. But it does not have to be so. Decreased vision has been linked to high toxic load and oxidative stress (free radicals). Poor liver health and dehydration may also cause weakening vision. Allergies can upset the eyes too. Take a look at all our Blogs about Eyes and Sight. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Fatigue and Energy

    Fatigue and Energy (55)

    Fatigue and Energy Fatigue is a lack of energy, but not simply feeling sleepy. Chronic fatigue can cause a vast range of physical and mental symptoms. Common symptoms of fatigue include dizziness, headaches and depression. It can cause aches, pain and muscle weakness. Being tired all the time can also cause mood swings and poor judgement. Because the causes are multi-fold, so are the solutions. The causes of fatigue can be inadequate nutrition. Superfood blends provide a convenient abundance of nutrients that are nearly impossible to eat regularly. Eating for your own specific Metabolic Type increases your nutrient absorption. And it reduces toxins, for health repair and more energy. Metabolic Typing is THE tool you need for optimal health. Feeding your unique body type is the single most important principle that affects your maximum performance in all aspects of life. Toxic overload is common and may cause fatigue. Cleansing to detoxify is essential to help regain and maintain energetic health. Very often the cause of fatigue is a lack of exercise. Many forms of exercise can be too strenuous for people with fatigue. Yet it’s essential to regain energy. Lack of movement causes internal toxins to stagnate and putrefy. Take a look at all our Blogs about Fatigue and Energy. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Hair Loss and Quality

    Hair Loss and Quality (12)

    Hair Loss and Quality are direct reflections of your body's inner health. It’s an important part of personal image and is greatly affected by your endocrine (hormone) system, thyroid gland and liver. Each strand is made of a tough protein called keratin, and is anchored into your scalp by a follicle. At the base of each follicle is a bulb, where living cells divide and grow to build each hair shaft. Collagen supports these living cells. Silica is essential for collagen production. Crowning Glory helps stimulate hair growth and prevent future hair loss. Take a look at all our Blogs about Hormones. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Heart and Circulation

    Heart and Circulation (44)

    The first signs of trouble with your heart and circulation system can be fatal. Inflammation greatly affects these systems. Specific and potent supplements help lower your overall inflammation. Try eliminating underlying conditions that cause high blood pressure and cholesterol. Remove plaque and de-calcify hardened arteries. Restore flexibility to capillaries. Blood clots can cause extensive damage if they plug a vessel supplying your brain, or cause a vessel to burst. Systemic Enzymes help prevent blood clots and dissolve cholesterol. When your body gets it’s required nutrients, it can clean, repair and maintain itself. Find out your specific Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. We only have one heart and circulation system. Natural supplements can help take care of yours. Take a look at all our Blogs about Heart and Circulation. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Hormones: General Support

    Hormones: General Support (22)

    Hormones need general support to enable your long term well being. Start with finding your specific Metabolic Type. This will point you to supplements to help strengthen the organs responsible for your hormonal health. Determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Iridesca supports hormone production in both women and men. Women have specific hormonal needs for menstruation and menopause. Emotional fluctuations, fibroids and hot flashes. We have specific and excellent support for women. Maca is general hormone support for both men and women. Aging men often have specific needs for prostate enlargement. Take a look at all our Blogs about HormonesYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Immunity and Infections

    Immunity and Infections (66)

    There are many natural ways to boost your  immunity and fight infections (viral, bacterial, fungal). Some supplements help strengthen your immune system to prevent infections. Others can help fight an infection already acquired. Restore your health with serious, broad spectrum immune support. Humic Acid works to help both prevention and therapy when you're sick. Colloidal Ionic Silver and Oreganol P73 effectively kill cold and flu germs. Without side effects. Learn about pH Balancing and rebalancing your digestive system to help boost your immunity to colds and flus. Take a look at all our Blogs about Immunity and InfectionsYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Liver and Gallbladder

    Liver and Gallbladder (15)

    Your liver and gallbladder are important parts of digestion. The liver produces bile to break down fats. It removes toxins and stores some vitamins and minerals. Bile is concentrated and stored in your gallbladder. You need proper bile supply and flow for better intestinal health and immune strength. Right after having a healthy digestive flora balance, you need good liver and gallbladder functioning. They must be cleansed of toxins. It gives you the ability to build more energy, digest foods thoroughly, and help maintain youthful appearance and function. A malfunctioning liver and gallbladder will affect your energy, your ability to think and your hormones. It will make your muscles, ligaments and tendons tight, and joints stiff. Hot flashes and allergies are a signal that your liver is working beyond capacity. Cleanses will help you avoid these and many other problems associated with aging. Herbs and tinctures help support your liver and gallbladder. Rebuild damaged liver function, to restore your energy and strengthen your immune system. Help dissolve kidney stones with an effective yet gentle cleanse. Take a look at all our Blogs about Liver and GallbladderYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Lungs and Breathing

    Lungs and Breathing (30)

    Inflammation affects your lungs and breathing ability. The cause can be allergies or infection. It can be chronic or short term. Either way, the result is swollen, constricted bronchi and a common cough or serious inflammatory condition. Healthier lungs (and other mucous membranes) give you better protection from invasive microbes and allergens. Better immunity. Reducing inflammation may ease breathing difficulties. Gives you better sleep and more energy. Supplemental antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral products are excellent for killing pathogens that cause lungs and breathing difficulties. Detoxifying to remove industrial age toxins will help free-up your immune system to breathe easier. Supplements can alleviate spasms from coughing. Herbal tinctures can open your throat, chest and voice. Effective relief from throat and lung congestion. Air purifiers with full scale particle filtration give protection the harmful effects of poor indoor air quality. Take a look at all our Blogs about Lungs and BreathingYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Men's Health

    Men's Health (33)

    Natural men’s health products help counteract many specific difficulties. Aging can lower testosterone levels and cause erectile dysfunction. Supplements may help balance hormones (testosterone) and enable healthy erections. Help to get back more sexual desire, energy and stamina. Support prostate health and frequent urination. Take a look at all our Blogs about Men's Health. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Mental Health

    Mental Health (42)

    If you suffer from stress and anxiety, we have natural supplements to help raise your mental health. Mood swings do not have to be part of your life. If you're struggling to get along with people or handle daily stress, there is help. Restore your sense of well-being. Even after temporary chronic or traumatic events. Manage your moods and stay cool under pressure. Lower high cortisol (from stress) with an herbal tincture. Soothe the rest-and-digest side of your nervous system, with Magnesium supplementation. Optimal brain nutrition can help you easily cope with what life throws at you. You may feel a difference in as little as one week. Feel happier. Minimize nervous disorders and emotional swings. Your body’s pH balance is a huge contributor to anxiety and moods. When your body gets it's required nutrients, it can clean, repair and maintain itself. Find out your specific Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Consider CBD (cannabidiol) from Hemp. It's very effective for mood balancing. Don’t wait until a crisis strikes. Restore your mental health before it depletes your energy reserves. Take a look at all our Blogs about Mental HealthYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Nervous System

    Nervous System (16)

    Your nervous system is made up of your brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves in the rest of your body. Fibers called nerves carry important messages back and forth between your body and your brain. Everything in your body is connected. Your heart beat and breathing. Movement and senses. Speech, thinking and learning. And your memories. Specific nutrients are here to help you calm down when overstimulated. Support restoration of damaged nerves. Soothe the rest-and-digest side of your nervous system with Magnesium supplementation. Inflammation from heavy metal toxicity can disrupt nerve signals. We all need regular cleansing to detoxify from pollution. Consider CBD (cannabidiol) from Hemp. It's very effective for spasms, tremors and cramps. Take a look at all our Blogs about the Nervous SystemYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Nutrition

    Nutrition (33)

    Adequate nutrition can solve almost all health issues. Superfood blends contain concentrated nutrients from a vast array of whole foods. They are an easy upgrade for your diet and health, to replace what’s missing in your diet for higher performance. Healthy fats called Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are necessary for your nutrient absorption. They are not stored as fat. They are burned for energy. Algae and Plankton are perfect nutrition from Nature, with hundreds of essential nutrients to target your hidden nutritional deficiencies. And clear your body of toxins. When your body gets it's required nutrients, it can clean, repair and maintain itself. Find out your specific Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Take a look at all our Blogs about SuperFoodsYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Pain and Inflammation

    Pain and Inflammation (93)

    Most people think that pain and inflammation happen naturally with age. But it does not have to be so. To be free of pain, you need adequate and efficient nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. It can truly be that simple. The main symptoms of inflammation are pain, swelling, redness, heat and loss of function. And it may all  be reversible. To reduce and eliminate pain and inflammation, we offer supplements and devices. You can achieve amazing results to improve your quality of life! Thousands of people have eliminated their pain with Amino Acids. Magnesium is highly effective to relieve muscle and joint discomfort. Herbs and herbal tinctures address the specific, rare nutritional imbalances that cause connective tissue inflammation. Silica holds all your connective tissues together. This supports your structure: bones, joints, cartilage and muscles. Systemic Enzymes help postpone or reverse aging. They enable proper functioning of your natural inflammatory response, to repair injuries. Crystal Salt Brine Therapy is powerful and practical to relieve pain and inflammation. It also helps you detoxify. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are healthy fats and help reduce inflammation. They are not stored as fat. They’re burned for energy. Consider CBD (cannabidiol) from Hemp. It's very effective for spasms, tremors and cramps. Take a look at all our Blogs about Pain and InflammationYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Parasites

    Parasites (8)

    One very common symptom of intestinal parasites is digestive problems. Unexplained and persistent gas, constipation or diarrhea. Other signs of parasites are skin issues like rashes, hives and itching. Fatigue, even when you get enough sleep. Muscle and joint pain. Never feeling full, even after eating a large meal. Low blood iron and anemia. Recurrent yeast infections. Itching of the anus or vagina. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • pH Balance

    pH Balance (15)

    Your pH balance reflects your health. When it gets out of balance, you have an environment where disease thrives. If you balance your pH, your body is an environment where disease cannot live. Until recently, health care practitioners believed most of us were overly acidic. Now we know that some people are overly alkaline. Not many though. Your pH balance is simple to determine for yourself. And it’s seriously affected by the foods you eat. Find your specific metabolic type to learn about your unique digestive system. What foods alkalize you, and those that acidify. When your body gets its required nutrients, it can repair and maintain itself. Let food be your medicine. Imbalanced pH has been linked to many serious, debilitating diseases. To regain pH balance, your body takes minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium) from food. If you do not get enough, it takes it from your bones and vital organs. This places great strain on your body and therefore your immune system. This can be the cause of many degenerative conditions. Adequate mineral intake will balance your pH. You can even bathe in minerals with Crystal Salt Brine Therapy. It’s a powerful and practical way to balance your pH. It also helps you detoxify. Drinking alkalized and Energized water will help also. Most everyone is somewhat unbalanced from poor food choices. Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs (prescription, over-the-counter and recreational). Accumulation of environmental toxins and toxic metals. Stress and lack of sleep. Sedentary lifestyle. Take a look at all our Blogs about pH BalanceYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Sexual Health

    Sexual Health (22)

    Maintain and enhance your sexual health with natural products. Instead of prescriptions drugs with side-effects. The seaweed called Ecklonia Cava helps your body produce more nitric oxide. It's a vasodilator, meaning it causes blood vessels to widen. Nitric oxide increases blood flow. Just like the famous little blue pill to overcome erectile dysfunction. These products promote sexual energy and function. But much more than aphrodisiacs. They help a wide variety of conditions. Take a look at all our  Blogs about Sexual HealthYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Skin

    Skin (41)

    Your skin is your body's largest organ, and it's critical you keep it healthy. It’s a direct reflection of your inner physical health, even though it’s on the outside. Most people with skin problems need to eat more fats and proteins, and less carbohydrates. Your Metabolic Type will confirm what food combinations contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. When your body absorbs required nutrients, it can repair and maintain itself. Multiple factors contribute to pimples and inflamed rashes. The cause is likely an immune system disruption. Often related to your intestinal flora, and/or congested liver. Symptoms arrive at the surface. Your body is not coping with incoming foods. Probiotics in a Superfood blend (Strata-Flora) may help repair your digestive and immune systems. Detoxifying your liver (New Liver) may help clear your skin. Nobody wants wrinkles and age spots. Skin Sorcery products can rejuvenate the look and feel of your skin’s elasticity. Take a look at all our Blogs about SkinYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Sleep

    Sleep (25)

    Sleep plays a critical role in your good health. It enables the repair of all your body systems. Ongoing deficiency is linked to an increased risk of many serious degenerative diseases. Magnesium baths (or applied to your skin) calms your nerves. Enables better quality rest. And it’s anti-inflammatory for pain relief. Herbal tinctures can help you with a solid, drug-free rest. EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) can disrupt the quantity and quality of your rest. We have mats, pillows and more to block EMFs. Re-charge your battery and sleep with soothing energy. Take a look at all our Blogs about SleepYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Spirituality and Energy Work

    Spirituality and Energy Work (39)

    For complete well being, we all could use some Spirituality and Energy Work. Renew your sense of spirit and energy. Tune-up and tune-in to higher vibrations. Clear and balance your seven chakras. Devices can clear energy blockages that hinder your energy flow.  This allows your systems to return to health. Simple and effective tools. Some call it the "Fountain of Youth". Spirituality and Energy Work helps rebalance your whole body. Bolster your resistance to illness. Tap into your greatest potential. Topcial skin therapy delivers spiritual advancement and rejuvenation. Aromatherapy help change your state of mind and your life! Each formula is carefully harmonized to trigger a profound shift in your state of being. Effortlessly. Inhaled molecules affect the limbic system of your brain, triggering enhanced moods and brain functions. Spirituality and Energy Work helps reduce stress and expand your consciousness. Results may impact your whole existence. Your ability to attract peace and abundance. Do not underestimate the effects. They are profound! To be truly healthy, you must be in harmony with your world. Fill yourself and your space with love. The way you feel emotionally and spiritually has a direct impact on your physical well being. Take a look at all our Blogs about Spirituality and Energy WorkYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Surgery Recovery

    Surgery Recovery (15)

    Traumatic injury and surgery recovery can weaken your body. In this state, your body may not create a potent enough healing response. You may need help. Regardless of cause, when a cell is cut or crushed, its membranes are breached. The contents are released into the cellular matrix. Your body naturally responds with inflammation. Characterized by redness, swelling, heat, pain and the loss of function. Pain during surgery recovery can be managed by controlling inflammation. Specialized nutrients can accelerate your repair processes. Help your body release stem cells - they convert into healthy new cells that repair damage. May help you recover faster from a catastrophic health setback. Improve repair, post surgery or injury. Build strength and endurance for difficult recoveries. Also help to recover from chronic aches, over-exertion and repetitive stress. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Thyroid Gland

    Thyroid Gland (13)

    Your thyroid gland produces hormones that control energy. Loss of energy from aging is often caused by an under-functioning thyroid gland. Especially in women. This gland is greatly affected by a deficiency in iodine. Most of us are not getting enough Iodine. Only your thyroid can store significant quantities of iodine. Iodine deficiency is very common in the US. Under-functioning thyroid hormones cause fatigue and weight gain. Cold hands and feet. Dark circles under eyes. Swollen tongue and limp hair. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Miscarriages and low birth weight in babies. And degenerative inflammatory conditions. Many people have these symptoms. And still their blood work numbers show low-normal. Extended iodine deficiency has caused an increase of tumor-like diseases. In breasts, ovaries and prostate. Support and correct your thyroid hormones with natural Iodine. It’s a critical nutrient for proper thyroid function. Our natural iodine supplements are sea plant-sourced. They contain many other valuable nutrients. Especially important now, because they're missing in our food. Potassium Iodide protects your thyroid from radiation in case of a nuclear accident. Take a look at all our Blogs about the Thyroid GlandYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Toxicity

    Toxicity (53)

    Reducing toxicity helps eliminate almost every chronic disease. Most diseases are the direct result of accumulated toxins from the food we eat (herbicides, pesticides). The air most of us breathe is full of heavy metals, VOCs from plastics and fragrances. The water we drink is usually chemically treated. Your path to health must include endeavors to cleanse and detoxify. This can be done with bowel and organ cleansing, and eliminating toxic products. Break down toxic waste and flush it out of your system. Improve your bowel regularity for continual cleansing. Zeolite is a mineral and a fast-acting super detoxifier. Cleansing and rebuilding your damaged liver will speed-up weight loss. Miracle II is a unique line of non-toxic products including soaps and skin moisturizers. Take a look at all our Blogs about ToxicityYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Tumors

    Tumors (30)

    Cells that do not naturally die may cause mutated cell growth, into tumors. Free radicals cause mutated cell growth. They are undesirable by-products of your metabolic processes. Caused by  insufficient nutrition and  detoxification, and more. Free radicals are extinguished by antioxidants and ellagic acid. Ellagitannins from ellagic acid have the ability to stop mutated cell growth. To help your abnormal cells die. Abundant oxygen helps tumors die. Create an internal environment where free radicals cannot exist. Eating enough fiber can seriously inhibit bowel tumors. Kill free radicals with nutritional support for your immune system. Sufficient cleansing and detoxification endeavors will support your good health also. Take a look at all our Blogs about TumorsYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Urinary: Kidneys and Bladder

    Urinary: Kidneys and Bladder (13)

    Continual good hydration is effective long-term support for your Urinary: Kidneys and Bladder. The kidneys filter your blood and create urine as waste. The urine leaves your body using the rest of the urinary tract as a pathway. Energized Water is super-hydrating. The water molecules are returned to their original super-moisturizing state. You can make your own Energized Water. Or buy it pre-energized. Use for continual good hydration. Herbs and tinctures can strengthen your entire urinary system. Soothe irritated membranes. Help fluid retention. Support the prostate gland to reduce frequent urination. Build bladder control and reduce inflammation. Dissolve kidney stones. Take a look at all our Blogs about Urinary: Kidneys and BladderYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Weight Loss and Obesity

    Weight Loss and Obesity (23)

    Obesity is an epidemic crisis in our society – most people might benefit from some weight loss. Processed food manufacturers have fine-tuned food to be addictive. They optimize flavor with just the right combination of sweet, salt and fat. They add irresistible stimulants and neurotoxins. These foods are are rich in calories, but poor in nutrients. They are the worst foods for you, yet the most affordable. It’s almost unavoidable to become hooked on processed food. They are like a prescription for obesity. They make weight loss necessary for most people. To manage your weight you need to avoid those foods. When your body gets its required nutrients, it can repair and maintain itself. Find out your specific  Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Burn fat and build muscle with less effort than you may have thought. Increase your nutrient-dense foods to feel full for longer. Protein and fiber are exceptionally good for obesity and weight loss. Exercise is necessary for everyone. For weight loss you must burn more calories than you eat. Simple as that. Adequate hydration is essential to keep toxins flowing out of your body. Drink Energized Water and you will need less. Cleansing to detoxify breaks down toxic waste and flushes it out of your system. Excellent for your overall health and weight loss. Take a look at all our Blogs about Weight Loss and ObesityYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Women's Health

    Women's Health (34)

    Hormonal imbalances are the most common cause of women’s health concerns. The complex nature of menstruation and menopause cause many issues. Painful cramps and mood swings. Fibroids and infertility. Yeast infections, hot flashes and brain functions decline. All of these symptoms have a great impact on women’s health. The solutions should start with eating right diet for your specific Metabolic Type. Learn what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. The thyroid gland often under-functions (sometimes over-functions) in women. Specific supplements can nourish and repair the thyroid. Herbs and herbal tinctures can naturally support your entire endocrine (hormone) system. Take a look at all our Blogs about Women's HealthYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.