Digestion and Food Intolerances

Digestion and Food Intolerances Symptoms of poor digestion are not always recognized. One can have heartburn, constipation and/or diarrhea. It can also cause inflammation and pain in any part of your body. Allergies can develop or worsen. For good health in both the long and short term, we need to efficiently absorb adequate nutrients. And that means good digestion. Dehydration can cause poor digestion, as can a lack of digestive enzymes and imbalanced gut flora. Support good digestion with Energized Water, Digestive Enzymes, Fiber and Probiotics. Take a look at all our Blogs about Digestion and Food Intolerances. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

Showing 1–16 of 62 results

  • RemedyLink, Pokegeshi


    Prebiotics for Microbiome Reset

    $0.89 Cashback
     By: RemedyLink
    Prebiotics for Microbiome Reset

    Pokegeshi Reset Your Microbiome pH A stool pH below 6.5 favors healthy microbiome bacteria. At 6.6 and above, pathogenic bacteria, parasites, yeast and fungi grow. Some pathogens convert the urea naturally present in the large intestine into alkaline ammonia with an enzyme called urease. By suppressing urease, ammonia is not formed in this manner and the pH of the stool can move in an acidic direction favoring healthy bacteria. Bifidus Recovery Bifidus and other lactic acid producing bacteria (LAB) create the lactic acid needed to give the stool an acidic pH and serves as the substrate...

    • Support Healthy Microbiome
    • Normalize Stool pH
    • Supports Colon Health
  • RemedyLink, Bicarbamet


    Balance Your pH Effectively

    $0.89 Cashback
     By: RemedyLink
    Balance Your pH Effectively

    Bicarbamet Metabolic Acid Detox May Help Balance Your pH Metabolism continuously makes acids (H+ and CO2). CO2 can be exhaled. But H+ must be either turned into CO2 by adding bicarbonate, or excreted out in urine by phosphate and glutamine/ammonium pathways. Since unwanted growths consume both phosphate and glutamine, it may be preferable to use the bicarbonate pathway to remove metabolic acids. Supports Health of Teeth and Bones When the body becomes overly acidic, it can rob calcium and phosphate from bones (which are made from calcium phosphate), to help the kidneys remove acids. This can...

    • Detoxify Metabolic Acids
    • May Help Balance pH
    • Supports Health of Teeth, Bones and Digestion
  • Bundle: Travel

    These 5 products help you stay healthy with challenges of travelling…

     By: Life Enthusiast
    These 5 products help you stay healthy with challenges of travelling...
    Original price was: $143.85 – $404.85.Current price is: $117.78 – $340.98.

    Bundle: Travel These 5 products help you stay healthy with challenges of travelling. Maybe it happened to you? Or maybe you heard the story... Mary went on a vacation to a tropical island, and on the third day she got diarrhea - well, actually dysentery. She spent the rest of her vacation between her bed and the toilet. Many people fear getting sick while traveling - I know that I do. Even while at home, no one likes getting sick, but it's especially stressful when far away on vacation. Let me share some hard-won tips for...

    • Kill Bacteria and Parasites in Mouth, Sinuses, Lungs and Digestive System
    • Create Pure and Clean Drinking Water
    • Prevent and Stop Diarrhea
    • First-aid Tool for Skin
  • RemedyLink, Lactimet


    Small Intestine Detox

    $0.89 Cashback
     By: RemedyLink
    Small Intestine Detox

    Lactimet supports good colon pH and microbiome health. Lactic Acid in Lactimet Helps improve your gut health that will affect everything else Activates neural and intestinal stem cells, may have this effect on all stem cells Skin regenerative effects, helping it feel softer and look younger Contains no milk/dairy. It is suitable for those with dairy allergies or intolerances or vegans. Supplementing with Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) supports a healthy microbiome. A healthy microbiome has 11 times more Gram-positive than Gram–negative bacteria. With age this changes to 2 times more Gram–negative than...

    • Healthy Microbiome Support
    • Enhanced Digestion Promotes Overall Better Health
    • May Improve Mood and Confidence
    • Helps Regenerate Skin
  • RemedyLink, Phylamet


    Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs)

    $0.89 Cashback
     By: RemedyLink
    Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs)

    Phylamet micro enema supports good colon pH and microbiome health. Supplementing with Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) supports a healthy microbiome. A healthy microbiome has 11 times more Gram-positive than Gram–negative bacteria. With age this changes to 2 times more Gram–negative than Gram-positive with disastrous effects. SCFAs may support a proper ratio between Gram-positive and Gram–negative...

    • Micro Enema
    • Healthy Microbiome Support
    • Supports Good Colon pH
  • White Pond Lily

    White Pond Lily

    Organic Herbal Tincture

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture

    White Pond Lily (Nymphaea odorata) Helps improve inflamed/irritated bowel, diarrhea and intestinal spasms May help prolapse in the pelvic area (bowel, uterus, bladder), vaginal dryness/irritation or excessive discharge, and excessive menstrual bleeding (more than 7 days) Helps bleeding gums, sore throat and thrush May relieve boils, sores and pressure sores May reduce excess bronchial mucus/congestion and irritated mucus...

    • May Improve Health of Mucus Membranes
    • Helps Relieve Mouth and Pressure Sores
    • May Help Prolapse in Pelvic Area
  • RDT Herbs, TruCHAI


    Fresh-tasting Herb and Spice Chai Tea

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Fresh-tasting Herb and Spice Chai Tea

    TruCHAI creates an enticingly pleasant sensation on your tongue. And feels warming and cleansing in your stomach. Wonderfully fresh-tasting herb and spice blend. Unlike more recent Chai teas, this one does not include black tea. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties Provides energy Boosts immunity Helps reduce anxiety Support heart health Promotes digestive health. Ingredients are pure concentrated powdered extracts. Only one teaspoon is needed to make a warm and robust Chai tea. A real Chai formula, based on the original Ayurvedic recipe. Chai is a hot drink of herbs and spices, enjoyed for many...

    • Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-microbial
    • Helps Reduce Anxiety
    • Supports Heart and Digestive Health
  • Healthy Gut, Magnesium-HP


    Best Form of Magnesium for Sensitive Guts

    $0.75 Cashback
     By: Healthy Gut
    Best Form of Magnesium for Sensitive Guts

    Magnesium-HP supports a healthy microbiome with comfortable digestion and bowel movements, relaxed moods and deeper rest for more energy. Designed to restore your Magnesium levels quickly and effectively. Without irritating your stomach or introducing unnecessary ingredients. Plus, it contains added gut and brain health benefits from the amino acid Glycine. Super bioavailable form of Magnesium Gentle on the gut, compared to other oral Magnesium supplements Glycine provides added gut and brain supportive benefits Helps to protect intestinal cells from damage May help restore glutathione levels for better detoxification and digestion Helps...

    • Supports Body, Brain and Microbiome
    • More Relaxed Body and Mind
    • Super Bioavailable and Gentle
  • Healthy Gut, HoloImmune


    ParaProbiotics, Adaptogenic Immune Support

    $0.75 Cashback
     By: Healthy Gut
    ParaProbiotics, Adaptogenic Immune Support

    HoloImmune Adaptogenic immune support for healthy responses to the right things. Not the wrong things. We need a strong AND smart immune system, that is attuned to our environment and not at war with it. To have the appropriate responses to the current environment. No extra effort that can accidentally attack our own cells. 36+ Studies Back This Gut-Immune ParaProbiotic for Better Health With up to 80% of immune cells in our gut, it is the main place for us to train the immune system. HoloImmune supports stronger immunity and: Upper respiratory immune health...

    • Supports Stronger Immunity
    • May Help Skin Immune Reactions
    • Relieves Environmental Allergen Responses
  • Healthy Gut, HCL Guard+

    HCL Guard+

    Promotes Stomach Digestive Power

    $0.75 Cashback
     By: Healthy Gut
    Promotes Stomach Digestive Power

    HCL Guard+ Your stomach acid may need boosting if  you eat a healthy diet but still experience: Occasional constipation, diarrhea, heartburn Heaviness or fullness after eating Bloating or gassiness Burping and stomach noises Hair, skin and nail complaints Mood issues and lowered energy You're over the age of 40 (especially over 60) Stressful times and hurried eating H pylori and other infections Low quality food ... then stomach acid disorder is something that might be affecting you. A 2001 study showed 40% of Japanese men and women over 50 years of age...

    • Supports Healthy Digestive Function
    • Helps Optimal Nutrient Absorption
    • Promotes Healthy Inflammation and Immunity
  • Healthy Gut, Tributyrin-X


    Professional Grade PostBiotic

    $0.75 Cashback
     By: Healthy Gut
    Professional Grade PostBiotic

    Tributyrin-X is a revolutionary professional-grade PostBiotic. Supports the restoration of gut health, metabolism, immunity and: Helps regulate gut speed (motility) to slow down loose BM’s and support stuck ones May reduce inflammation Supports microbiome diversity and healthy mucosal layers Supports proper immune system activity Supports healthy mast cells and histamine levels May reduce skin eruptions Supports healthy weight management Helpful after restrictive diets or to increase FODMAP tolerance Powerful support for leaky gut and tight junctions. Tributyrin-X may help you get back to the life you want. Without stubborn gut discomfort...

    • Advanced Digestion Support
    • Supports Healthy Metabolism
    • Microbiome and Immune Support
  • Healthy Gut, HoloZyme


    Digestive Enzymes

    $0.75 Cashback
     By: Healthy Gut
    Digestive Enzymes

    HoloZyme contains Digestive Enzymes. They are special molecules that speed up the breakdown of food into usable nutrients. When properly activated, some of these enzymes are absorbed and help support strong immunity. If foods are not properly broken down by enzymes, the consequences are typically felt. And feeling digestion is typically a bad sign. Most customers feel the difference right away. Enzymes Are Critical to Great Digestion When we eat food, enzymes rush in to break the food down, after they do their job, we absorb the broken down carbohydrate, fat, and protein molecules. However,...

    • Promotes Optimal Nutrient Absorption
    • Helps Prevent Gas Build-up (bloating) and Cramps
    • Supports Healthy Digestion,  Immunity and Energy
  • PurelyWild, PlumClenz


    Raw, Wild and Whole Plum Extract

    $0.35 Cashback
     By: PurelyWild
    Raw, Wild and Whole Plum Extract

    PlumClenz is a cleansing antioxidant. Rich in whole food polyphenols and pectin. Polyphenols have antioxidant properties that support overall good health. Wild plums are known for their cleansing properties, particularly in  digestive and urinary...

    • Antioxidant with Cleansing Properties
    • Supports Digestive and Urinary Systems
    • Rich in Polyphenols and Pectin
  • Bundle: Foundational Health – Advanced

    Essential Nutrients to Support Peak Performance

     By: Exsula Bundles
    Essential Nutrients to Support Peak Performance
    Original price was: $544.80.Current price is: $517.55.

    Bundle: Foundational Health - Advanced contains essential supplements to help return your performance to a more energetic and youthful state. This bundle includes: 1. Iridesca Superfood blend for peak performance and longevity. 2. Excela-50 Support a weakened body. 3. Strata-Flora Cleanse and rebuild digestive health. 4. New Liver Rebuild damaged liver...

    • Support for Longevity with Quality
    • Helps Cleanse and Rebuild Digestive Health
    • May Rebuild Damaged Liver Function
  • Bundle: Foundational Health – Basic

    Begin Health Recovery and Maintenance

     By: Exsula Bundles
    Begin Health Recovery and Maintenance
    Original price was: $394.85.Current price is: $375.10.

    Bundle: Foundational Health - Basic contains essential supplements to begin your journey to health recovery and maintenance. This bundle includes: 1. Excela-50 Support a weakened body. 2. Strata-Flora Helps to cleanse and rebuild digestive health. 3. New Liver May help rebuild damaged liver...

    • Support a Weakened Body
    • Helps Cleanse and Rebuild Digestive Health
    • May Help Rebuild Damaged Liver
  • Remedylink Panaceum


    Prebiotic Blend for Microbiome Support

    $0.89 Cashback
     By: RemedyLink
    Prebiotic Blend for Microbiome Support

    Panaceum nurtures your microbiome. A healthy microbiome may dramatically increase your lifespan and quality of life. We all want to feel healthy and youthful up right to the end. This formula is a symbiotic ancient intelligence made up of bacteria and bacteriophages. It helps manage all your key systems: Neurotransmitters Antibodies Hormones Antioxidants Blood sugar Detoxification. Nurturing your microbiome requires some oligosaccharides (special sugars). This powder contains 8 different oligosaccharides. They recreate the diet of a primitive and successful hunter-gatherer. Unfortunately, modern diets are nothing like that of our ancestors. So the microbiome becomes...

    • Supports a Healthy Internal Environment
    • May Strengthen Immunity
    • Helps Kill Parasites