
Our foods are now deficient in minerals. Unlike previous generations. Modern farming focuses on maximum production. Not maximum nutrition. Our soils are over-worked and under-nourished. They grow food deficient in many nutrients. People are starving for nutrients that used to be in our food. Many are over-fed yet under-nourished. This type of malnutrition causes pain and chronic degenerative diseases. Supplements are now necessary to regain and maintain your health. Minerals are involved in every life process at the cellular level. Every heart beat. Every thought and feeling. Cells deficient in minerals are working under stress. This causes premature aging. Aggression is tied to a copper and zinc imbalance. Road rage is often caused by a Magnesium deficiency. PMS can be an iodine deficit. Chromium is involved in blood glucose and weight management. The quality of your supplements will directly affect your quality of life. When your body gets its required nutrients, it can repair and maintain itself. Find out your specific Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Take a lood at our Blogs about Magnesium, Minerals: Major, Minerals: Trace, MSM and Suflur, and ORMUS. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

  • Calcium

    Calcium (2)

    We’re told that Calcium makes our bones stronger. Dairy boards and food guides say we need milk products every day. To keep your bones strong. The truth is that Calcium depends on Magnesium to get into your cells. Without Magnesium, Calcium gets deposited in your joints. Causes pain and loss of mobility. Gallstones and kidney stones. Extreme cases cause calcification of body organs. All these conditions often disappear after taking extra Magnesium. If you eat dairy foods every day, you need Magnesium supplementation. Coral Calcium has naturally occurring Magnesium. In a perfect balance for your body to use. Plus more than 50 trace minerals and enzymes to help absorption. Exceptional value. To determine the Mineral balance you need, find your specific Metabolic Type. When your body gets its required nutrients, it can repair and maintain itself. Take a look at our Blogs about CalciumYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Crystal Salt

    Crystal Salt (1)

    Himalayan Crystal Salt is a healthy and delicious mineral supplement. It contains 84 minerals and trace elements. Table salt is only sodium and chloride. Industrial waste. All other minerals and trace elements have been stripped away and sold. Bad for you like refined sugar and flour. Causes so many health troubles. High blood pressure, fluid imbalances and more. Sea salt is not much better because all water is becoming polluted with industrial toxins. Our Himalayan Crystal Salt is pure and of the highest grade. It takes millions of years to mature underground. Under great tectonic pressure. Untouched by pollution. Energetically and nutritionally superior. Delicious and healthy, it uses are many. A Crystal Salt Brine Bath is detoxifying and relaxing. Helps balance your pH. Brine steam inhalation helps acute and chronic respiratory illnesses. Brine poultices are very effective treating pain from inflammation. Also helps fevers and skin conditions. May relieve sores throats and canker sores. Crystal Salt cleans and re-mineralizes your teeth and gums. Start seasoning your food with healthy and delicious Crystal Salt. Take a look at our Blogs about Crystal SaltYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Humic and Fulvic Acids

    Humic and Fulvic Acids (15)

    Humic and Fulvic Acids may help you beat the next civilization-ending epidemic. Humic Acid boosts your immune system. Fulvic Acid is a powerful detoxifier. Together they help you kill disease and slow aging. Decades ago, people ate more food straight from the earth. After washing or rubbing the soil off. Those foods with a little dirt left on them provided minerals and microbes that live in the soil. These are humates and are the basis of life. Humic Acid is a powerful, broad spectrum immune booster. Protection against viruses, bacteria and parasites. Kills free radicals that can cause tumors and early aging. Helps restore digestive system balance. Fulvic Acid enhances detoxification and nutrient absorption. It penetrates your cells and mitochondria. Tells the cell to make more ATP. That’s energy and you will feel it. Fulvic Acid helps you efficiently detoxify from all that we absorb from the industrial environment around us. Heavy metals, mercury, pesticides, herbicides, volatile organic compounds, radioactive elements and others. Humic and Fulvic acid may help you regain and maintain good health. Take a look at our Blogs about Humic and Fulvic AcidsYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Iodine

    Iodine (8)

    Iodine deficiency is common and terribly harmful. Your body produces none therefore supplementation is essential. We cannot get adequate amounts from the food we consume. In the past it was added to salt, bread and milk. Now none is added to bread and milk, and far less is now added to salt. Iodine is vital to support your thyroid gland. It manages your energy, weight and hormones. Helps to balances emotional states. More obvious in women because of different hormonal dynamics. Regulates reproductive organs. Ovaries and breasts in women. Prostate gland in men. Iodine deficiency symptoms include thyroid gland malfunction. Unexpected weight gain. Weakness, fatigue and feeling cold. Dry skin and hair loss. Learning or memory problems. Pregnancy complications. Our natural Iodine supplements are sea plant-sourced. Sea plants contain many valuable nutrients. Especially important now, because they’re missing in our food. Take a look at our Blogs about IodineYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Magnesium

    Magnesium (18)

    Magnesium activates your parasympathetic nervous system. This improves sleep and allows deeper rest. Relax nerves, overcome stress and anxiety. Improve bad moods. Helps you feel calm and centered. Relieves muscle and joint pain and discomfort. Great for restless legs, muscle cramps and twitches. Our soils have been severely depleted of Magnesium from modern agriculture practices. You can effectively absorb it through your skin. Bathing in it is a cost-effective way to relax and rejuvenate. A foot bath works just as well. Excellent to help relive pain. Or apply topically to any area of concern. Magnesium improves heart function and blood pressure. Great for kidney and bone health. Essential for every major process in your body. Digestion and protein synthesis. Cellular energy production and glucose metabolism. Take a look at our Blogs about MagnesiumYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Minerals: Multi

    Minerals: Multi (19)

    Multi Minerals include all major and trace minerals that your body needs to build cells and activate metabolic reactions. Minerals are required for proper composition of all body fluids. The formation of your blood and bones. For healthy nerve function, and to support enzymes. It's important to know your specific needs for minerals. Find your specific Metabolic Type to determine what minerals you require. What foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Multi Minerals supplementation is now required because our soils have been depleted by industrial agricultural practices. In nature, none appear in isolation, therefore none should be used alone, except in very specific situations. Take a look at our Blogs about Minerals: Major and Minerals: TraceYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Minerals: Single

    Minerals: Single (21)

    Single Minerals have very specific jobs in your body. Iron can rebuild your blood. Critical for women suffering excessive menstrual blood loss. And great for heavy caffeine drinkers. Potassium supports your healthy heart and nervous system. Selenium, Zinc and Copper are protection from free radical damage. Helps your immune system function normally. Since our soils have been depleted by industrial agricultural practices, mineral supplementation is now required for good health and you may be low in only some of them. It's important to know your specific needs for Single Minerals. Find your specific Metabolic Type to determine what minerals you require. What foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. In nature, Single Minerals do not appear in isolation. None should be used alone, except in very specific situations. Take a look at our Blogs about Minerals: Major and Minerals: TraceYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Minerals: Trace

    Minerals: Trace (24)

    Trace Minerals are often not appreciated until an imbalance becomes overwhelming. Since our soils have been depleted by industrial agricultural practices, mineral supplementation is now required for good health and you may be low in only some of them. It's important to know your specific needs for minerals. Find your specific Metabolic Type to determine what minerals you require. What foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. In nature, Trace Minerals do not appear in isolation. None should be used alone, except in very specific situations. Take a look at our Blogs about Minerals: Major and Minerals: TraceYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • MSM and Sulfur

    MSM and Sulfur (9)

    MSM contains organic Sulfur, that is involved in transporting oxygen across your cell membranes. More Sulfur means more oxygen. Vital for life and more is better. With less oxygen in your cells, you feel tired and age faster. Efficient cellular oxygen transport enables healthy cellular regeneration. Essential for connective tissue repair and maintenance. Less pain and it’s detoxifying. Enhances circulatory health and liver functions. Enables skin repair and and scar tissue reduction. Drops help clear mild eye, ear and sinus irritations and infections. In 1931 Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for proving that cancer in humans in anaerobic. It grows in cells that are low on oxygen. Better cellular oxygenation can shrink and stop tumors, as they all thrive in oxygen deprived cells. If you (or someone you love) has cancer, MSM and Sulfur can be a game-changer. Take a look at our Blogs about MSM and SulfurYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

    ORMUS (35)

    The term ORMUS comes from orbitally rearranged monotomic elements. Take these alchemical products to help boost your health in every way. Nourish your body, mind and soul. Physically, mentally and spiritually. An easy path to rejuvenation and enlightenment. ORMUS products have been called the "Fountain of Youth". Enhance your spiritual practices. Increase your life force at the cellular level. Tap into your greatest potential. Open to higher consciousness and instantly raise your self-esteem. Alchemy is a medieval chemical philosophy that transforms materials into a magic elixir of longevity. Adepts and spiritual seekers have passed on this  ancient practice for thousands of years. Recently rediscovered, we present it here for those enthusiasts wanting access to ORMUS by competent practitioners. Each ORMUS product varies slightly from the others. Try several to decide which is best for you. Take a look at our Blogs about ORMUSYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Silica

    Silica (5)

    The Silica we have for you is methylated and bio-available, not beach sand. It helps you SEE younger skin and FEEL younger joints. This under-appreciated mineral holds you together as you age. Helps your connective tissues support your structure. Bones, joints, cartilage and muscles. May prevent untimely signs of aging. Your body does not store silica, it needs to be replenished daily. When you’re fully grown, you will have used up to 80% of your stored silica reserve. Adequate supplementation helps your body perform better.  You may have fewer injuries with your structure held firmly held together. Silica helps strengthen connective tissues,  bones and flexibility in arteries. Supports healthy skin, hair and nails. Helps your teeth and gums to last your lifetime. Studies show that it counteracts the effects of aluminum on the body, therefore may be important in preventing mental decline. To get the most benefit from Silica, choose one that’s been pre-digested by plants. Then it's highly available for your body to use. Take a look at our Blogs about SilicaYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Silver

    Silver (2)

    Silver is a centuries-old way to wipe out bacterial, viral and fungal invaders. It suffocates single-cell organisms. Deprives them of oxygen so they die. The use of Silver was widespread until World War II. Antibiotics then became the standard treatment for infections. But because of overuse, many pathogens have become resistant to antibiotics. Bacteria cannot become resistant to Colloidal Ionic Silver. But it DOES kill some good healthy bacteria in your digestive system. Please take Probiotics to re-balance. Colloidal Ionic Silver Silver promotes more rapid healing, with less scar tissue. Even in the case of severe burns. It helps boost your immune system, by lightening its load. Kills invading germs. Older people report feeling younger because their declining energies are diverted to health processes. Not fighting disease. Take a look at our Blogs about SilverYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
  • Zeolite

    Zeolite (9)

    Zeolite is a powerful internal cleansing agent with NO detoxification side-effects. No additives, taste nor smell. It captures toxins and deactivates them. This process supports your immune system to defend against a broad range of infections and chronic conditions. Zeolite removes toxins absorbed from our industrial environment. All of us are exposed to toxic heavy metals from numerous sources. Contaminated air, water, soil and food. Toxins like mercury, pesticides and herbicides. Volatile organic compounds, radioactive elements and others. Two quite prevalent toxins come from vaccines and dentistry. These common sources can provoke chronic inflammatory conditions, fatigue and pain. Zeolite helps balance your pH and blood sugar. It’s an antioxidant that fights free radicals to help reduce your risk of tumors, and premature aging. May improve your nutrient absorption and reduce symptoms of allergies by capturing some of the the antigens. Zeolite may effectively regulate an underactive or overactive immune system back to normal. Most diseases and illness occur when the immune system is unbalanced. Extremely easy and pleasant to take. Take a look at our Blogs about ZeoliteYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.