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Minerals: Trace
Trace Minerals are often not appreciated until an imbalance becomes overwhelming. Since our soils have been depleted by industrial agricultural practices, mineral supplementation is now required for good health and you may be low in only some of them. It's important to know your specific needs for minerals. Find your specific Metabolic Type to determine what minerals you require. What foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. In nature, Trace Minerals do not appear in isolation. None should be used alone, except in very specific situations. Take a look at our Blogs about Minerals: Major and Minerals: Trace. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.
Showing 1–16 of 24 results
Ionic Mineral Supplement
$0.23 Cashback By: CR SupplementsIonic Mineral SupplementAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$23.20 – $104.74Add to WishlistSelenium is essential for the proper functioning of your body. Critical for thyroid hormone production Antioxidant to help prevent and stop tumor growth Defends against heart disease Helps prevent aging mental decline May boost immunity Helps reduce serious breathing difficulties. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that may prevent and stop tumor growth. Helps reverse symptoms of aging and eliminate painful degenerative diseases. Antioxidants help kill free radicals that cause mutated cell growth (tumors). Free radicals are by-products of your metabolic processes. Caused by insufficient nutrition and detoxification. Stress and exposure to...
- Critical for Thyroid Function
- Antioxidant Helps Prevent and Stop Tumor Growth
- May Slow Aging Mental Decline
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistBlack Mica Water
Water Purification by Agglutination – Detox Your Water
$1.05 Cashback By: GaiaTheraWater Purification by Agglutination – Detox Your WaterAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$19.95 – $104.95Add to WishlistBlack Mica Water creates Pure and Energized Water ~ Any Place, Any Time An easy, natural and effective way to eliminate and/or reduce chlorine, fluoride, a number of anaerobic bacteria (E.coli, pseudomonas, etc.), heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic, etc.) VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and cloudiness of water in cases where water has been contaminated. This powerful process also ensures that the treated water, when stored properly, will stay pure for an extended period due to its natural stability. A Revolutionary Way to Restore Drinking Water to Its Pristine Purity and Vitality -...
- Create Energized Water for Enhanced Cellular Hydration
- Easily Penetrates and Hydrates Your Cells
- Superior Hydration Fights Inflammation, May Reduce Pain
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistLiquid Ionic Trace Minerals
Full Spectrum, Over 72 Trace Minerals
$0.30 Cashback By: Allegany NutritionFull Spectrum, Over 72 Trace MineralsAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$30.00Add to WishlistLiquid Ionic Trace Minerals are excellent for body repairs and maintenance of your overall good health. Helps prevent discomforts and disease. Minerals help perform vital functions such as: Energy production pH balance Formation of blood and bone Maintaining healthy nervous system Body repairs Essential for proper utilization of nutrients Essential for regulating and manufacturing enzymes, amino acids and hormones Can prevent muscle spasms and leg cramps. It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of minerals and trace minerals for good health. All enzyme activities involve minerals. They are the catalysts for all nutrients...
- Vital for Body Repairs and Maintenance
- Naturally Balanced
- Safety Assured
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistZinc
Ionic Mineral Supplement
$0.43 Cashback By: CR SupplementsIonic Mineral SupplementAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$23.20 – $104.74Add to WishlistZinc aids over 200 activities that occur in your body either directly or indirectly. It also supports: A strong immune system Healthy cell division for maintenance, growth and reproduction Enzymes for digestion and metabolism Proper assimilation of nutrients Maintenance of body tissues and proteins at all ages Normal growth and development in pregnancy, childhood and teens DNA synthesis Healthy blood sugar (when already normal) Maintenance of healthy reproductive system Wound repair and inflamed skin conditions. It's also an an antioxidant that may prevent and stop tumor growth. May decrease symptoms of...
- Helps Boost Immunity
- Supports Improved Digestion and Nutrient Assimilation
- May Speed Wound Repair (including inflamed skin conditions)
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistGermanium
Ionic Mineral Supplement
$0.15 Cashback By: CR SupplementsIonic Mineral SupplementAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$15.00 – $108.26Add to WishlistGermanium may increase oxygen movement into your cells. Oxygen cleanses toxic waste. This optimizes all organ health and activity. Oxygen is the key to good health because without it, we quickly die. When Oxygen supply is limited, the function of every body part diminishes. When Oxygen supply increases, all organ activity is enhanced. This results in more energy and better overall health. Germanium also serves as an electrical semiconductor. This helps maintain electrical fields in your...
- Discounted for Decreased Potency (out of date)
- Helps Increase Oxygen In Your Cells
- May Cleanse Toxic Waste
- May Increase All Organ Health and Activity
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistCopper
Ionic Mineral Supplement
$0.43 Cashback By: CR SupplementsIonic Mineral SupplementAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$23.20 – $69.64Add to WishlistCopper Is Essential For: RNA formation Healthy immune system Strong bones Enzyme formation Healthy Zinc and Molybdenum levels Increased Iron assimilation, to form hemoglobin and red blood cells Graying hair may indicate a deficiency. Copper supports so many body activities, that your requirements may exceed the amount in your diet. Because this supplement is in ionic form, you get maximum absorption. Fewer milligrams needed, because absorption is more complete. This mineral activates thyroid hormones, for use in controlling your metabolism. It influences protein metabolism. And it influences how your body perceives pain...
- Supports RNA Formation
- Helps Strengthen Immunity and Bones
- Graying Hair May Indicate a Deficiency
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistCR-OXY+
Stabilized Oxygen
$0.16 Cashback By: CR SupplementsStabilized OxygenAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$16.19Add to WishlistCR-OXY+ is a great source of stabilized Oxygen. Easy to use, liquid concentrate of stabilized Oxygen electrolytes. Available for your body in molecular form. When your body is an Oxygen-rich environment, it's alkaline. This discourages anaerobic bacteria, viruses and yeast from thriving. Good aerobic gut bacteria love Oxygen. Your overall well being depends on healthy gut bacteria and plentiful Oxygen. Low Oxygen levels create an acidic environment. This allows anaerobic bacteria, viruses and yeast to thrive. We are oxygen-dependent beings. All cells...
- Create an Oxygen-rich Environment In Your Body
- More Oxygen = Better Energy, Less Disease
- Discourages Anaerobic Bacteria, Viruses and Yeast
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistSulfur
Ionic Mineral Supplement
$0.43 Cashback By: CR SupplementsIonic Mineral SupplementAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$23.20 – $104.74Add to WishlistSulfur helps increase your cellular oxygen. Helps remove cellular toxic waste. May reduce symptoms of aging. The primary function of Sulfur is transporting oxygen across your cell membranes. Without intracellular oxygen, your health declines and you age faster. Better oxygen transportation gives better health. Plants draw sulfur from soil. Mammals cannot. We must ingest sufficient quantities every day. Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in your body (after calcium and phosphorus). It's crucial to maintaining good health for: Cellular toxic waste removal Essential for protein and insulin synthesis Important for carbohydrate metabolism...
- Helps Increase Cellular Oxygen
- May Reduce Signs of Aging
- Helps Remove Cellular Toxic Waste
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistBoron
Ionic Mineral Supplement
$0.23 Cashback By: CR SupplementsIonic Mineral SupplementAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$23.20 – $35.08Add to WishlistBoron Supports: Both short and long-term memory Good energy levels Strong bones and teeth Soft and flexible cartilage Conservation of calcium and magnesium in bones Healthy estradiol and testosterone levels. This mineral supports bone metabolism and healthy bone calcification. In turn, this support affects calcium, magnesium and phosphorus levels. Both in and outside of bones. The amount of calcium and magnesium that your body gets rid of will increase if Boron is lacking. A lack of Boron can make your body think there's an excess of calcium and magnesium. The perceived excess...
- Promotes Strong Bones and Teeth
- Helps Cartilage Flexibility
- Conserves Calcium and Magnesium in Bones
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistIron
Ionic Mineral Supplement
$0.23 Cashback By: CR SupplementsIonic Mineral SupplementAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$23.20 – $104.74Add to WishlistIron gives energy. It builds red blood cells (hemoglobin) that transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. This greatly affects your energy. Oxygen transports nutrition into cells. Carbon dioxide moves waste out of cells to points of disposal. With Manganese and Copper, it helps maintain blood chemistry (when already normal) Supports soft and healthy, liver tissue Stimulates circulation to maintain blood pressure (when already normal) Absorption improves with Vitamin C Iron is stored in your blood, bone marrow, liver, and spleen. Trace amounts are found in every organ. Women require more than men...
- Helps Build Hemoglobin and Increase Energy
- Transports Oxygen and Nutrients Into Cells
- Moves CO2 Out of Cells for Elimination
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistIndium
Ionic Mineral Supplement
$0.23 Cashback By: CR SupplementsIonic Mineral SupplementAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$23.20 – $104.74Add to WishlistIndium is a rare trace mineral. Users report increased energy and feeling rejuvenated. Consequently it promotes optimal immune activity. Indium is believed to support several hormonal systems. Especially the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. They maintain your hormone balance, and other glands also. Reported benefits of Indium include: Increased endurance Improved memory Better sleep Reduced tension Balanced blood glucose levels (reduced insulin use) Balanced blood pressure Improved hair growth Lessened menopause symptoms More youthful appearance Elevated immunity activity (faster recovery from colds) Better prostate function Increased libido in both men and women. Seems to enhance...
- Less Sleep, More Energy
- Stronger Immunity
- Enhances Food and Mineral Absorption
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistChromium
Ionic Mineral Supplement
$0.23 Cashback By: CR SupplementsIonic Mineral SupplementAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$23.20 – $104.74Add to WishlistChromium Supports: Normal blood sugar and insulin levels Healthy heart and vascular system Exercise, because it uses fatty acids, and your liver uses Chromium to make fatty acids from stored glucose. Chromium is not easily absorbed by your body. More mature people cannot store as much as younger people can. Yet it's a necessary mineral. When you're deficient in Chromium, your body has to pull it from storage. It enables your body to process refined starches and carbohydrates that you eat. Turns them into energy. Most people eat plenty of refined sugars and grains (starches...
- Helps Normalize Blood Sugar and Insulin
- Promotes Healthy Heart and Vascular System
- Not Easily Absorbed, Yet Necessary
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistPure PC
For Cell Membrane Health
$0.58 Cashback By: QuickSilver ScientificFor Cell Membrane HealthAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$58.00Add to WishlistNanoformulated, Pure PC (phosphatidylcholine) helps replenish your cell membranes. This may benefit your overall health: Helps metabolize cholesterol and fat Supports brain health Enhances liver detoxification. When cell membranes are damaged, the cell cannot perform properly. Supplementation with Pure PC is the simplest and most effective answer to replenishing and restoring cell membrane function. PC is the primary lipid that composes and nourishes all cell membranes in your body. Including the membranes of energy-producing mitochondria ("batteries" of every cell). An intact, functional membrane is essential to cellular health. That membrane can be...
- Helps Replenish All Your Cell Membranes
- Helps Emulsify Fat for Cholesterol Metabolism
- Excellent for Brain and Liver Health
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistQuintEssential Optimum Mineralization 3.3
Therapeutic Marine Plasma
$0.50 Cashback By: QuickSilver ScientificTherapeutic Marine PlasmaAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$50.00Add to WishlistQuintEssential Optimum Mineralization 3.3 Great way to nourish your cells if you're generally healthy. Especially great for active people, high physical performance and intense mental activity. If you want more daily energy. At 3.66 times the mineral concentration of your blood, this is an optimal way to provide nourishment for your cellular health, and overall vitality. It supports the highest capability in life and activity, both physically and mentally - perfect for helping: Fast-acting hydration and mineral replenishment May enhance athletic performance and recovery Supports sustained alertness and stamina Supports exertion from psychological effort...
- Supports High Performance and Intense Mental Activity
- Helps Increase Your Energy Endurance and Strength
- Support Your Immune System and Other Cellular Functions
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistWater 4 Life
Ionic Mineral Supplement
$0.43 Cashback By: CR SupplementsIonic Mineral SupplementAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$23.20 – $104.74Add to WishlistWater 4 Life begins as fossilized kelp. Concentrated through decomposition over eons of time. Contains a potent and broad variety of ionic calcium and trace minerals. Trace minerals aid and promote your body’s natural functions. Perfect for overall body maintenance and may improve: Energy Immunity Heart health Digestion Mental focus and balanced moods Joint flexibility Sleep. These trace elements address a wide variety of body needs. They're constantly being used and eliminated and must be replenished. Water 4 Life is the perfect nutritional supplement for overall body support and...
- May Improve Energy and Immunity
- Supports Good Heart Health and Digestion
- May Increase Mental Focus and Balance Moods
Add to WishlistAlready In WishlistAdd to WishlistVanadium
Ionic Mineral Supplement
$0.23 Cashback By: CR SupplementsIonic Mineral SupplementAdd to WishlistAlready In Wishlist$23.20 – $104.74Add to WishlistVanadium supports your: Heart and circulatory system Cholesterol and blood sugar (when already normal) Pancreas - may reduce insulin resistance Pancreas Beta cells that modulate appetite Teeth and bones Insulin receptors on fatty tissue Immune system activity May promote red blood cell growth by assisting iron metabolism. Vanadium supports the healthy mineralization of teeth and bone, which may consequently be a source of vanadium, when needed for more critical uses in the...
- Support Your Heart and Circulatory System
- Cholesterol and blood sugar (when already normal)
- Aids Pancreas (may reduce insulin resistance)
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