

Hydrocarbon Receptor Detox
Price: $99.00
  • Helps Clear Hydrocarbon Receptor Sites
  • Helps Bind Short Chain Fatty Acids
  • Block Effects of Carcinogens

Hydrocarbon Receptor Detox


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AhR Detox

The aryl hydrocarbon receptors (AhR) are meant to bind to short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). When this happens, we have good health.

Unfortunately, they can also bind to chemical carcinogens, aflatoxins, viral, toxic bacterial and parasitic metabolites. When this happens, we may have poor health.

Some chemicals like dioxin have a 5 day half life in the cell and 7 year half life in the body and bind very strongly.

Indigo Naturalis contains a substance that may be able to displace even the strongest of toxic Ahr poisons (ligands).

Feral Tissue

Improperly activated AhR receptors may lead to feral tissue in the body. In dealing with feral tissue, consider cleaning off the receptors as part of your protocol.

Proprietary blend of Indigo Naturalis extracts, glucuronolactone and glutathione in a liposomal base.

Directions for Use

Basic Detox:
Take 1 capsule/150 pounds body weight, once daily with Xeneplex.

Acute Detox:
Take 1 capsule/150 pounds body weight, every 8 hours for 10 days, then reassess.

Recommended Use

May block the effects of carcinogens, aflatoxins, viral, toxic bacterial and parasitic metabolites. Helps clear hydrocarbon receptor sites, and bind short chain fatty acids.

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Scientific References: Plant Extracts