Antioxidant: Raspberry

Stop Free Radical Cellular Damage

Mutation of cells is often caused by free radical damage – they are responsible for much ill health, from common symptoms of aging, to potentially terminal cancerous diseases. The cells in your body are in a continual cycle of birth (replication) and death. This replication is naturally controlled to ensure no mistakes (cancerous mutations) occur prior to cell division. If mutations are detected, the cell is instructed to die or not reproduce, thus protecting us from cancerous growth. When cells ignore these signals, they become virtually immortal, reproducing indefinitely, while abandoning their intended function.

We know that the cause of mutated cancerous cell growth is free radicals. They are undesirable products of the body’s metabolic processes, caused by poor or insufficient nutrition, and from exposure to environmental pollutants. Free radicals are the natural consequence of all metabolic processes, during which most of these radicals are extinguished by antioxidants. To control excessive amounts of free radicals your body needs help. Antioxidant supplements are needed to extinguish the radicals and to limit the damage done them. Science has proven that free radicals are responsible for mutated cell growth. This causes much ill health, from common symptoms of aging to potentially terminal cancerous diseases. Science also has proven that free radical reproduction can be slowed or even stopped with antioxidant supplementation.

Research indicates that raspberry seeds are antibacterial and antiviral, protect DNA, reduces birth defects, prevents harmful transmutations of cholesterol, prevents heart disease, and it promotes cellular detoxification. The health benefits of raspberry seeds, including cancer prevention, are described in the American Cancer Society’s book; Complimentary and Alternative Cancer Methods. The American Cancer Society, The Hollings Cancer Institute, and many other health organizations recommend that you eat one cup of fresh raspberries every day. But fresh raspberries are expensive, and difficult to buy when out of season. We have the answer.

More About Ellagic Acid

Ellagic Acid is present in all parts of the raspberry, but it is most highly concentrated in the seed. It was found that Ellagic Acid is not changed, nor its potency weakened, by freezing, drying, or processing into a powder. The seed is processed into a maximum bioavailable flour, which frees the ellagitannins for immediate absorption and transformation into ellagic acid.

Many fruits contain ellagitannins. However, raspberry ellagitannins are one of very few fruits that have been clinically shown to be transformed into beneficial levels of ellagic acid in the human body. Small amounts of Ellagic Acid is found in other foods (such as strawberries, blackberries, walnuts, pecans, pomegranates, and cranberries), however, raspberries have been found to have up to six times more.

Ellagitannins can also act as antibacterial agents. In order for bacteria to replicate, they require an enzyme called gyrase. Ellagitannins inhibit gyrase activity, so replication is restricted. Resistance to this type of antibacterial action is very difficult, making it a very desirable alternative. Ellagitannins have antiviral activity also. Viruses do not have the ability to replicate, instead they must insert themselves into a host cell. This requires an enzyme called integrase, which is inhibited by ellagitannins. Ellagitannins can also reduce blood sugar levels.

Economical and Delicious

Can be added to fruit juice or smoothies, baking or salads, since it can withstand temperatures up to 400 degrees F.

Clinical Research Proves It

Although some of the early published research on Ellagic Acid appeared in the 1970s and 1980s, we owe most of our current knowledge about Ellagic Acid and its use in cancer prevention to studies done at the University of Minnesota School of Nutrition Sciences, and more recently to research conducted by Dr. Daniel Nixon. Dr. Nixon is the President of the American Health Foundation, a professor of Folk Medicine, and a Professor of Hematology and Oncology at the Medical University of South Carolina. He is currently using Ellagic Acid in his cancer research at the Medical University of South Carolina’s Hollings Cancer Institute.

The Hollings Cancer Institute at the University of South Carolina is doing a double blind study on a large group of 500 cervical cancer patients that has everyone excited. Nine years of study have shown that a natural product called ellagic acid (consuming the equivalent of 40 milligrams of Ellagic Acid from red raspberries) is causing G-arrest within 48 hours (inhibiting and stopping mitosis-cancer cell division), and apoptosis (normal cell death) within 72 hours, for breast, pancreas, esophageal, skin, colon and prostate cancer cells. Human cervical cancer cells, which are infected with the human papilloma virus (HPV) will die a normal cell death within several days.

Clinical tests also show that ellagic acid prevents the destruction of the p53 gene by cancer cells. Additional studies suggest that one of the mechanisms by which ellagic acid inhibits mutagenesis and carcinogenesis is by forming adducts with DNA, thus masking binding sites to be occupied by the mutagen or carcinogen. Ellagic Acid stimulates the immune system to destroy cancerous cells. It may be useful in reducing the incidence of birth defects, may slow the spread of the HIV virus in the body, may prevent periodontal disease and diabetic retinopathy. It can slow the aging process and promote wound healing. Ellagic acid may help prevent heart disease because of the presence of a natural form of aspirin called salicylate. In Dr. Nixon’s words, “It’s fair to say that raspberries contain a chemical that fights cancer cells.”

Could It Be This Simple?

  • Special Phytonutrient Molecules In Red Raspberry Seeds Super Feed And Reactivate This Crucial Cellular System.
  • Cell-By-Cell This Dormant Mechanism Then Awakens To Shut Down Runaway Pre-Cancerous and Cancerous Cells.
  • Raspberries are a nutritious and nontoxic natural food.
  • The cellular system raspberries feed is a natural cellular response system.
  • When mutated cells are shut down by this system, there is no damage to healthy cells.
  • Within a few days, the mutated cells dissolve naturally and automatically – as countless millions of old cells do everyday anyway – and are replaced by new cells dividing from the neighboring healthy cells.
  • Phytonutrition (from plants) is incredibly affordable and noninvasive in contrast to technological or surgical responses.
  • Raspberry has many bonus benefits.
  • Only a very short list of foods contain any meaningful amount of the precious Ellagic Molecules. Raspberry Seeds are the superior source by several-fold higher potency.
  • Ask yourself, when was the last time I ate pecans, walnuts, pomegranates, strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, or blueberries? In 2 cup quantities daily – on an ongoing basis – and was careful to chew every seed?

Paradigm Breakthrough For Healthy Cells & Longevity

There is no cancer remedy or cure here. The phytonutrient does nothing directly to cancer. Yet there is no cancer growth or propagation. And only healthy cells remain. We trade “cancer-thinking” for optimization-thinking – nurturing of the cells.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff