Body Fluids: Basis of Health

I wonder how the recent economic and political developments are affecting you? Are you feeling apprehensive? Maybe a little unsure? Or perhaps a bit scared? I think the amount of uncertainty coming our way is unprecedented. I hope all the change we are getting is for the better, at least in the long run. I have been giving a lot of thought to the recent decline in the economy. Do you think that the remedy for problems created by too much credit is more credit?

I would love to hear what you think. My guess is you would have to believe that the remedy for a hangover from too much drinking is to drink even more. I saw an ad on television this week: It confirms that arthritis is the symptom of Tylenol deficiency. It has to be true a guy in a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck said so. Heres what I think: in the end we will reap what we have sown. We cannot escape the logical consequences of our actions.

Here is a personal story (one of our clients) that illustrates the above point really well:

All my life I have enjoyed sports, I play soccer and hockey, and I ski as much as I can. In my youth I competed at the national level in athletics. I considered myself nutritionally aware, and ate healthy foods. My diet has been the typical fare of nutritious meals that most people eat. I am now 57 years old. A few years ago I started noticing a decline in my health. I was not able to participate in sports, and eventually was not able to even walk up a few flights of stairs without gasping for air. When I saw a doctor about this, I was diagnosed with emphysema.

I thought my life was pretty much over. I started taking Zymitol after a few months of this suffering, at first at 3 caps per day. That did not do much. Once I increased the dosage to the activation dose (9 per day for me), I soon started to notice benefits. After about 6 months I went back for my medical checkup, and was told that the documented incurable emphysema was completely gone.
I felt great, and was able to even return to skiing in high altitude which would have been impossible for me otherwise. At that point I thought that the enzymes have saved my life.

Over time I became complacent. I let the odd day go by without taking any of my supplements, and I ate without restrictions. Recently I took a month off to travel in Europe. I was not able to maintain my routine, both the supplements and the food intake, plus I indulged in some social drinking, and I did not exercise. When I returned back to my regular life I found out that I was getting tired a lot easier than before and that my blood pressure was mildly elevated. After a consultation with Martin at Life Enthusiast I started using transdermal magnesium, both as bath salt and as oil on my skin, and the enzymes.

The transformation is nothing short of spectacular. I went skiing, and did 4 hours of non-stop extreme action. It would have not been possible only two weeks ago, and should have wiped me out I should have been unable to move for a couple of days afterwards. I did take a magnesium bath when I came home. The next day I was fine. Even more extreme is my experience a week later when playing hockey. I was not getting tired at all, out-skating my playmates in a way that was nothing short of spectacular. I was coming off the ice not because I needed to catch my breath, but because I wanted the others to get a chance to play. I think it is the combination of the two supplements that finally brought me back to full metabolic function. I feel really good, physically and mentally.

I know the writer very well. He is understated in all his comments. He was quite sick. The transformation is nothing short of spectacular. It is a great illustration of the activation dose in action. When I tell people to keep increasing the enzyme dosage until the cascade kicks in, they often ask: How will I know when I have reached it? My answer is: You will be feeling like a million bucks! And how did he get to the terrible shape before the miraculous transformation? By getting his body fluids out of balance.

Here a quote from Dr. Baroody’s writings:

ACIDOSIS is the basic foundation of all disease. We need to understand the simple process of alkalizing our body and the important role a properly alkalized body plays in restoring and maintaining our overall health. Our glands and organs function properly in exact proportion to the amount of alkaline and acid levels in our system. You can read more about pH Balancing on our education pages.

The Impact of Acidosis On Your Organs

The heart is one of the most alkaline-dependent organs in the body. It is partly enervated by the vagus nerve which functions best in an alkaline (7.35) environment. Correct heartbeat is altered by acid wastes. These wastes rob the blood of proper oxygenation. Degeneration of the heart follows. A pH Balanced system creates an ideal heart function.

Digestive difficulties (belching, bloating, sensitivity at the waist, intestinal gas, regurgitation, hiccups, lack or limitation of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, colic in children) may indicate vagus nerve problems and possible hiatus hernia syndrome, which can produce acid residue throughout the system. Hiatus hernia can quickly reduce necessary hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Without proper hydrochloric acid breakdown of foods, the foods become too acidic in your body.

The liver has over three hundred functions, including processing acid toxins from the blood and producing numerous alkaline enzymes for the system and is your first line of defense against any poisons. All the nourishment obtained through the gastrointestinal tract enters the blood by way of the liver. The load on the liver is much heavier when acid waste products are constantly floating in the blood. If the liver becomes too congested with protein acid wastes, death is imminent.

The pancreas is highly dependent on a mineral-balanced diet. All aspects of pancreatic function reduce excess acidity and regulate blood sugar balance. To have proper blood sugar balance, you must maintain a primarily alkaline-forming diet.

The Peyers Patches, in the upper portion of the small intestines are crucial to life. They are essential for proper assimilation of food and producing lymphocytes for the lymphatic systems wide ranging nodal network. They also produce large amounts of the enzyme chyle, which is a major alkalizing substance. The uninterrupted flow of chyle into the system is crucial. Too much acid waste production from acid-forming foods is a great burden on the Peyers Patches, which lessens the production of chyle.

In an adult, about 1 liter of blood per minute passes through the kidneys. By executing their primary duty, the kidneys keep the blood balanced and extract acid. Kidneys that are over-stressed with too much acidity create kidney stones, which are composed of waste acid cells and mineral salts that have become gummed together in a waste acid substance. Therefore, by reducing acid-forming products from entering the body, the chances are better that you can avoid this painful condition.

The colon must be kept clean of accumulated acid wastes. Poisons collect on the colon walls and in cases of diarrhea or constipation will harden and reabsorb into the bloodstream. Good bowel action (complete elimination) must be done at least 2 times per day.

There are 600-700 lymph glands in the body. Lymph fluid carries nutrition to the cells and removes acid waste products. Lymph fluid flows best in an alkaline environment. When the body is overly acidic, it slows, creating one of the most chronic, long-term, life-threatening situations. Gradually, the lymph dries and begins to form very tiny to very large adhesions throughout the tissues. These adhesions can interfere not only with lymph fluid but with blood flow as well. Hindered lymph flow increases tissue acid storage. Not drinking enough purified water will also slow the lymph. Waste products from foods that are not properly digested are reabsorbed into general circulation via the lymphatic ducts of the small intestine. In addition, bowel movements that do not completely clear the body of its daily poisons are also reabsorbed.

How Negative Emotions Create Acidity

Have you ever been so upset with someone or something that you get an upset stomach? All negative emotions create an acidic environment. Have you ever heard anyone say you are letting your problems eat away at you or get the best of you?

Fear is the underlining cause of most disease. It will undermine your life and your health. Fear causes anger. Anger causes hate. Hate will consume you with continual suffering. Love and understanding cleanse and heal your body, creating an alkaline environment within you.

What Can You Do?

Moderate exercise is alkalizing to the body. Excessive exercise (past the point of exhaustion) can create an acidic problem due to lactic acid buildup. People who are acidic usually feel worse from exercise because their detoxification organs are not working properly due to excessive acid in the tissues. Yet without exercise, acid and toxin buildup are likely.

As the saying goes every step you take, every breath you take .
If your environment is polluted with chemicals, dust, smoke, pet dander, mold, micro-organisms, then much of your energy reserve will go just in detoxifying. Today, even in the forest and near the ocean, the amount of negative ions are much lower than they were only a few decades ago. Also, since we sealed buildings to conserve energy and started making our homes and furnishings with synthetic materials, the number of cases of asthma and chronic fatigue have risen dramatically.

Food combining is key to creating an alkaline environment because when you combine properly you reduce putrefaction in the body creating a more alkaline condition.

When you purchase supplements you must ask yourself what your goal is and will these supplements actually help alkalize and remove acid from your body. Green drinks are very helpful in filtering out toxins and acidity in the body.

Eating the right balance of macro nutrients will make everything else work better. In general, it is important to eat a diet that contains both acidic and alkalizing foods. People vary, and you need to find what is right for you. Metabolic Typing answers the big question about what is alkalizing to YOU – is it fats and proteins, or carbohydrates?

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff