Brain and Memory

Heart and Brain Biggest Risk Factor

Lipoprotein is considered the greatest risk factor for heart attack and stroke. One in five people are affected, usually without knowing it… Read More

Link Between Mercury and Autism

There is a significant relationship between autism and concentrations of lead and mercury in the body… Read More

Vagus Nerve in Your Body

The vagus nerve is one of 12 cranial nerves, helping link the brain with other areas for functions such as digestion, heart rate and breathing… Read More

Link Between the Brain and Immune System

The brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously unknown, affecting treatments for neurological diseases… Read More

Brain Chemistry

Dr. Candace Pert is alarmed at the cardiovascular problems created in some susceptible people after long-term use of Prozac and other antidepressants… Read More

Magnesium and ADHD

A positive influence of magnesium in the prevention and treatment of hyperactivity in children is more and more frequently seen… Read More

Magnesium Fights Alzheimer’s Disease

Magnesium may help prevent so many body problems in bones, heart and brain… Read More

Ecklonia Cava: Fountain of Youth from Brown Seaweed

Helps your body produce Nitric Oxide (NO) that dilates blood vessels and keeps them wide open. Prevents tightening and narrowing… Read More

Book: The Healing Code

Six minutes to heal the source of your health, success or relationship issues… Read More

Vaccination and Autism Link

Mainstream medicine insists vaccinations are a no-brainer, but we must consider the side effects… Read More

Mercury in Vaccines Linked to Autism Epidemic

Zeolite removes toxins that can provoke chronic inflammatory and neurological conditions, fatigue and pain… Read More

Autism and Vaccination

TV show host was grilling Dr. Andrew Wakefield about his claim that vaccinations may cause autism. Cases have increased 100 fold in the past 20ish years… Read More