Pain: AutoImmune

Link Between the Brain and Immune System

The brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously unknown, affecting treatments for neurological diseases… Read More

Book: A Place to Go

One woman’s personal account of health decline and full recovery from a debilitating autoimmune disorder called scleroderma… Read More

Top Ten Causes of AutoImmune Disease

Check out the top ten root causes of auto-immune diseases – you may be surprised… Read More

Rheumatoid Arthritis: What’s Safe

Targeted supplements, gentle stretching and exercises may help joint degeneration and deformity… Read More

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Cabot

A systemic disease causing inflamed joints that can progress to joint destruction and deformity… Read More

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Risk factors (genetic, environment, diet, female gender) and wellness tips (rest/exercise, reduce stress and supplements… Read More

Lupus Risk Factors, Prevention and Tips

If you have lupus, it is important to make sure build daily physical activity into your lifestyle… Read More

Lupus Options

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect virtually any system in the body, including organs… Read More

Lyme Disease: New Ideas

Later in the illness the disease can afflict the heart, nervous system, joints and other organs… Read More