Pain: Joints

Silica Basics

Silica helps keep your bones, ligaments and connective tissues strong. It also helps maintain elasticity of your skin, hair, nails and arteries… Read More

Mud Puddle Reviews

Read what people are experiencing with this anti-inflammatory skin treatment… Read More

Arthritis and Rheumatism – A Holistic Therapy

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints, while the term ‘rheumatism’ includes a variety of symptoms, such as inflammation, pain, tenderness and stiffness of muscles and joints… Read More

Bursitis: How to Manage

Persons with bursitis can have their pain resolved with a series of daily injections of 2000 mcg of Vitamin B12… Read More

Osteoarthritis Risk Factors and Tips

A disorder caused by the combined effects of genetic susceptibility and injury to the joint… Read More

Arthritis Explained

The most common disorder of joints. Pain, swelling, disfigurement and ultimately destruction of joints… Read More

Herniated Disks

Debilitating herniated discs occur when the outer shell weakens, or the pressure inside builds beyond its strength… Read More

Back Pain Risk Factors and Tips

The way you stand, sit and move, reach over and pick up or carry objects all affect the well being of the back… Read More

Back Pain and ORMUS Review

I know I harbored a wicked strain of bacteria in my sinuses that were sooner or later going to kill me after all the antibiotics failed… Read More