
RoundUp Cannot Produce Organic Food

Whole Foods declares coexistence with GMO foods id possible and it can never be… Read More

Social Media and Body Image – Part 2

Society and media distort health images and give false information to make money… Read More

Social Media and Body Image – Part 1

Society and media distort health images and give false information to make money… Read More

GMO Foods, Elections and Immunity

Genetically modified organisms are cross-breed across species that would never mate in nature. In nature it’s a natural process… Read More

Stop the NEW Monsanto Protection Act

They boasted contacting every Congress member and spent nearly a half million dollars per month for lobbying… Read More

Empowering You to Take Charge of Your Health

Welcome to a healthier and happier – pain free – way to live out the rest of your life… Read More

Our Agricultural Situation

Much of our food is really low in nutrients due to our current agricultural practices… Read More

Movie: A Thousand Suns

In one of the most densely populated rural regions of Africa, people have been farming sustainably for 10,000 years… Read More

Depleted Uranium Use By Military

The past and current use of uranium weapons has resulted in unacceptable exposures… Read More

Twin Towers And Pentagon Destruction

There are a multitude of flaws in the official explanations regarding the Twin Towers and Pentagon destruction… Read More

Depleted Uranium, Anthrax Vaccine and the Gulf War Syndrome

Depleted uranium weapons were given to and used by Israel with US supervision in the Yom Kippur War in 1973 against the Arabs nations… Read More

Depleted Uranium Worldwide

This is a dirty story where the facts have been concealed from those who needed them most… Read More