Empowering You to Take Charge of Your Health
We’re Qualified to Help Your Body Repair Itself
Welcome to a healthier and happier – pain free – way to live out the rest of your life.
Many people we care for have been dealing with pain for some time, and have been let down by mainstream medicine.
I’ve had a great deal of pain, and medical doctors didn’t know how to permanently get rid of it. Sure, they had many prescription drugs for me to try, and they did help for a while, but they didn’t get rid of the cause.
Pharmaceutical drugs merely suppress symptoms. And have many undesirable side effects
I will venture this bold claim…
I bet you or someone very close to you is already suffering from a degenerative condition, and their doctor’s treatment is not making it any better. They were given pills and told to come back if they’re not working.
Prevention and natural solutions would be much better, but most people are not ready to make the required changes. It’s too much work to change your diet (add exercise and supplements), and far easier to take pharmaceuticals. You probably know what I mean.
Your life CAN be rejuvenated with holistic methods.
We can help solve your health challenges with a natural approach.
Restore optimal function to all aspects of your body, mind and spirit.
YOU are in Charge of Your Own Health Choices
Statistically, the three most significant ways to improve your health are common sense…
- Stop Smoking
- Eat Healthy Food
- Exercise
If you are not vigorously healthy, you need to change a few things. If you continue doing what you’ve always done, you will see the results you already have, just more of the same.
Insanity: expecting different outcomes from identical inputs.
Please understand that to get back your pain-free life, you need a strong commitment. A solid investment of your time and money for learning, with better food and supplements.
A couple quick, easy questions for you…
- How do you know if someone is qualified to speak on a topic?
- Do you base it on word of mouth, from someone you trust?
On university degrees? - Do you prefer to buy from a beginner… or from someone with lots of experience?
Well… we have all of the above to deliver the goods.
Make us your Natural Health Solutions resource and partner, and we’ll empower you to build your own best self!
The solutions we offer work. We’ve tested them on our own bodies, and also see their positive effects on our families. And our many members confirm that the methods we use are sound, and working well. Please feel free to read their testimonials.
Holistic Health Repair Is Our Life!
We have repaired ourselves, our members and and many friends from chronic degenerative conditions that modern medicine still does not know how to handle. Our personal experiences and decades of service make us very qualified to speak about natural health repair.
Are you in excellent health? Could it be improved?
Are you new to holistic methods and concepts?
Do you consult multiple health care providers? And did they…
- Take time to explain how your body works?
- Search for the underlying cause of your problem?
- Suggest that poor nutritional choices are a possible cause of your problem?
- Know that cleansing is something you should consider?
If your healthcare provider is not addressing these issues, or giving you this type of information, allow me to suggest an alternative…
Take a look at our store…
the Health Concerns we address and Products we offer.
Life Enthusiast is an organic movement that started as a co-operative in 1989, and has grown to a family of thousands. In 2001 we incorporated with a mission to distribute natural healthcare products and education, directly from our on-line store.
We know about tools that replace illness with wellness, reversing chronic degenerative conditions that plague so many. Our focus is on empowering you, through education about your health. We explain the tools we’ve created for you – the services and products we offer.
The Whole-body Approach
Your body is a magnificent creation which naturally gravitates towards optimum health and vitality, when given proper:
- Nutrition and detoxification
- Water (for nutrient absorption and toxin elimination)
- Air (oxygenation)
- Exercise and Rest
- Subtle Energies (spiritual, vibrational, electrical)
Everything We Do Is For Your Health and Vitality
I know what I am talking about. I spent 20 years reversing the autoimmune health disaster that started with a few visits to dentist’s office. My own descent into the agonizing world of pain motivated me to learn how to repair and maintain health.
Over the last 20+ years I read at least as much – probably more – than a typical naturopath needs to get a degree. I had to because I was sick – really sick. No doctors were helping me – and I saw many! If you’d like to read my personal experience, here’s the link…
“Founder’s Story“… an excerpt:
“True to the indoctrination I received as a regular member of this society and culture, instead of looking for the cause I was trying to fix the problem – my symptoms. In my search for a solution I was seeing medical doctors, orthopedic surgeons, chiropractors, naturopaths, physiotherapists, and a good range of more esoteric therapists, including Rolfing, Bowen, Feldenkreis, cranio-sacral, McKenzie, Alexander, and more. Each of them worked on me and produced some relief, although I was still suffering a relapse several times a year, during which I would be unable to sit in a chair, sleep in a bed, drive a car, or do many other activities we take for granted.
The decline continued. I was still eating the Standard American Diet, and I was beginning to put on some weight. In year ten I came down with severe allergies, debilitating me for several weeks each spring. I went to my doctor for help. He offered me Sudafed. I asked if that was going to fix me, and he said no, I would have to take it for the rest of my life. Not one of these well-trained people suggested mercury poisoning (my dental fillings), and yet, that’s what I was suffering from. Not one of them tried to find the cause, they were all just treating the symptoms.”
At Life-Enthusiast, we promise to give our best, give you a chance at winning the ultimate prize – your life lived to its fullest potential.
Time to STOP and hit the RESET button!
Try something different!
Life Enthusiast represents over 50 companies, each of them carefully selected for their dedication to life-supporting tools and commitment to customer value. The products we offer are tested on ourselves, our family and closest friends and specialize in reversing the effects of chronic inflammatory conditions.