
Podcast 444: Thyrodine

With Phil Thomas. Thyrodine supports and protects your thyroid gland from radiation, balances hormones, reduces joint pain, strengthens immunity and more… Read More


A vegetable you need, it’s packed with nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and many health benefits… Read More

Potassium Iodide (SSKI)

Helps eliminate fibrocystic breast disease and ovarian cysts, in part by interaction with estrogens… Read More

Iodine Health Benefits

Decreased iodine intake intake with more competing halogens (fluoride, bromide) created epidemic iodine deficiency in America… Read More

Iodine Skin Test by Dr. David Derry

The iodine disappearance rate is unrelated to thyroid disease or even iodine content of the body… Read More

Iodine Deficiency Effects

All glands need it to produce hormones. Deficiency increases cancer risk of prostate, ovaries and/and breasts… Read More

Iodine Deficiency Causes

All glands (thyroid, adrenal, etc.) especially need iodine for the production of hormones… Read More

Iodine Dosage

based on numerous studies, optimum supplementation of Iodine is highly recommended for thyroid functions… Read More

Iodine: Universal Nutrient

We’re just beginning to rediscover the amazing curative powers of iodine… Read More

Iodine Basics

Iodine Basics. Iodine deficiency may lead to hypothyroidism. Plants from the sea are a great source for supplementation… Read More

Iodine Therapy for Influenza and More

The sicker the patient the more iodine they need, varies with the quality of ones diet and with ones location… Read More

Iodine Insufficiency FAQs

Research shows that iodine deficiency in the thyroid presents as a thyroid goiter (enlargement of the thyroid)… Read More