Plants: Fruits and Berries

Scientific References: Bee Products

Listed Alphabetically for Your Convenience Read More

Juniper Berry

Benefits include reducing congestion, inflammation, toxicity and infections, especially in urinary tract (bladder, kidneys) and prostate… Read More

Acerola Cherry

Acerola Cherry is a concentrated source of natural, effective antioxidant vitamin C and bioflavonoids, used to treat colds and flus… Read More


Noni is enzymatically catalytic in its activity, so even seemingly small amounts impact much more massive biochemical activities… Read More

Apple Nutritional Information

Apple Pectin is a soluble fiber which is known to lower blood cholesterol and reduces the amount of LDL cholesterol produced in the liver… Read More


Benefits include antioxidant and anticancer properties, protection from macular degeneration and good for your joints… Read More

Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn Berries help protect against heart disease, and help control high blood pressure and high cholesterol… Read More

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit Seed Extract has strong antibacterial, antifungal, anti-parasitic and anti-candida properties. Also good for lymph and nervous systems… Read More

Goji Berry

Goji Berry improved their immune functions, raised the serum levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and hemoglobin but lowered the level of lipid peroxides as well as reduced senility symptoms. Read More


Rich in Vitamin C, flavonoids and rutin, all known to improve immune function. Juice and flower tea as a cold remedy… Read More


A powerful antioxidant and may inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, as well as reduce the risk of gum disease… Read More

Citrus Fruits Benefits

Aromatherapists use the outer peel (zest) of citrus fruits to stimulate healthy lymphatic activity, and reduce hangovers, jet lag and PMS… Read More