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Supplement With hCG To Lose Weight?
Have you been tempted to try the hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) weight loss program?
When you see a website that promotes a silver-bullet type of solution to your health problems, do you stop and think? Is this really true that I can painlessly undo 20 years of bad habits in just two weeks without any trouble?
There’s a lot of persuasive advertising about it out there. Let me quote from a scammy website that I came across just the other day. Even though they used the name and logo of Fox News, they were not at all endorsed or affiliated:
Dietary options today can cost a health-conscious American thousands of dollars each year, and the results may be short-lived. And like you have probably already seen, they are all over the internet in blogs and success stories of people who have apparently used diet aids and lost a ton of weight. But we here at Fox News are a little skeptical and aren’t sure that we’ve seen any real proof that these diet aids work for weight loss.
Such a persuasive statement from a Fox News site that isn’t a Fox news site.
We used to have research funded by the government, but that has nearly disappeared. There is hardly any public domain research done because the funding has been pulled or diverted to such useful things as price support for corn for ethanol and other hare-brained government schemes. Logically, the private corporations that are funding the research need to get a return on their investment. Present regulations further compound the problem by forcing the manufacturer to provide a narrowly defined proof that a drug is able to cure a specific diagnosis.
Back the point:
hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone that will have your brain ignore, or delete the signaling that tells you that you are hungry. You will feel fine even on a 500 calories per day diet, which is below starvation level. You will lose weight fast. The problem is that you have not done anything about the reason you became fat in the first place. At the end of the procedure you will be back at doing what you have always done, and therefore getting the results you already got. You will be gaining back all of the weight you dropped, until you decide to change the set-point. For that you will need to eat the foods mix that is right for your genetic heritage, that is a match for your Biological Individuality.