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Podcast 104: Minerals and Deficiency Symptoms
Minerals have such a massive impact on your health. So what are symptoms of mineral deficiencies? Road rage is usually a symptom of magnesium deficiency. Bad behavior is often from bad nutrition, seen from kids in candy stores, and adults laying on the couch after a feast.
People think they get energy from sugar, but we need is electrolytes. When we eat plants (fruits and veggies) that have pulled the minerals out of the earth, that’s how we get them into our bodies – this is the best pathway to get minerals into our bodies.
Life Enthusiast has a wonderful partnership with Adya Minerals – primordial minerals from volcanic sources. Black mica is processed much like in a natural volcano, turning the minerals into a very absorbable form.
We regret to inform you Adya Minerals is no longer available. Please take a look at Black Mica Water from Blue Star Organics.
Podcast 104: Minerals and Deficiency Symptoms
Scott: Welcome back everybody you are listening to the Life Enthusiast co-op podcast restoring vitality to you and to the planet I am your co-host Scott Paton along with master of minerals Martin Pytela, hi Martin how are you doing this fine day?
Martin: I am doing good I am the man of clay feet and stony hands.
Scott: So for the last couple of podcasts we have been talking about minerals because they are such a huge group and have such a massive impact on your health and one of the things that I thought would be a huge interest certainly for me is going through what we act like or feel like or look like if we are deficient in minerals and I know upon occasion we have talked a little bit about this for example road rage and you see someone just mad and you think what a jerk or whatever and you had mentioned that usually is a symptom of magnesium deficiency so now all of a sudden when I see somebody with road rage and I think poor guy he is deficient in magnesium and not what a jack ass. It makes me a little more compassionate and more loving of my fellow man because we don’t always make that connection and I don’t know why in our society the connection between bad behavior and bad nutrition. I mean like you see it all the time when my kids were young and I took them into the candy store and they were just happy as happy could be until five minutes after we left the candy store because they have been eating a whole bunch of candy and all of a sudden they are bouncing off the walls and they are fighting and doing all these things and I never realized and related that dramatic change in behavior to what they were putting into their mouths which is basically refined sugar and then of course the other behavior that always struck me was after we ate a big hug turkey Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner how we would go into the living room and lay down and went to asleep.
Martin: The social equivalent of sleeping pills.
Scott: Yeah so it is obvious when you look around that what we stick in our mouths has an impact on our behaviors and energy levels and how we feel about ourselves and with all the different minerals that we have been talking about for the last couple of weeks it would be good exercise for our listeners to go oh this tiredness that I have been feeling is because I am missing some of these minerals rather than I am such a lazy SOB or something like that.
Martin: Right I would like to make a point of saying this: people think they are getting energy from things like sugar that is what you are hearing out there in the media that if you have sugar you have energy and you just explained it when you fed your kids excess sugar they are trying to burn it off somehow as a life form we are not seeking sugar we are seeking is electrolytes because that is actually what makes us work so when we eat plants like broccoli or blueberries or cucumbers or I don’t know what.
Scott: Carrots.
Martin: Yeah that’s it alliteration hanging.
Scott: I didn’t even do that deliberately you know.
Martin: Oh yes you did you poet, you pocket poet.
Scott: You said alliteration and I had to think about what you said and then what I said and I thought oh that is so funny. Yeah I don’t know why I didn’t say onions but carrots just kind of came to mind.
Martin: Anyway the point is that you are eating the carrots not because of the sweetness of them even though that is what seduces you into eating them you are actually eating them because of all the alkaloids and the minerals and the astringent stuff that is in them and it is the plants that pull the minerals out of the soils into themselves and that is how we get them into our bodies. The most important pathway to get the minerals is through the roots of the plants actually it is the bacteria at the root of the plants that is producing this little areas of acidity that takes apart the minerals so it is actually the bacteria in the roots of these plants that are responsible for our mineral nutrition. Anyway we have this wonderful partnership going with this company called Adya Minerals stands for an old Sanskrit word meaning old, ancient so it is primordial minerals and what they do is they actually go after volcanic sources and use black Mica and they process the Mica with sulphuric acid which is a process that is very much like what would happen in a volcanic eruption because when a volcano goes off there is usually large quantities of this sulphur either vaporized or as liquid and that liquid then reacts with the rocks and turns them into these absorbable minerals like sulphates for instance and magnesium sulphate to us is Epsom salt. So anyway Sulphur for instance which is the key for here in the sulphate is not commonly known as a major mineral but it is probably about number six or seven on how most common they are. Well maybe it is eight or nine as I am reading in these notes and here is what it is involved in if you don’t have enough sulphur your protein assembly in your body is impaired and so it is slow wound healing, rashes, immune dysfunction, brittle nails, brittle hair, acne and arthritis and on the mental side depression so not funny right.
We have this wonderful article on the website if you to the health education minerals it is called symptoms of mineral deficiencies. Actually a story comes to mind that I would like to share with you this goes back into the 1980’s I was working in the computer field and one of the people I was working for was always crabby, he was a kind man but he was moody as heck just really hard to deal with and often times I noticed he would get this glazed eyes look on his face and red blotches on his face and I registered it and I wondered why this happens to him but back then I wasn’t in the health field I was in the computer business anyway so fast forward it to 2006 and the announcement came that he died of prostate cancer so we have a twenty five year delay but he was way too young to be dying he was like sixty years old and he was a genius of a man, absolutely brilliant, but he was moody and hard to live with and dying a miserable death. So what does that tell us oh I was listening to a lecture last night and the fellow was explaining that one of the symptoms of acidosis or pH balance disorder that you get glassy eyes and that you get flushed skin and red spots on your face.
Scott: So here was someone who was obviously very acidic and that made him miserable.
Martin: So he showed the symptoms so if I had known it then I could have said you are showing signs of pH imbalance you are too acidic and if you don’t correct it you are going to develop one of the very unpleasant chronic diseases that is going to slay you which is going to be low levels of oxygen leading to one of the cancers would you like to deal with it now so that it does not come to bite you later. Well I didn’t know it then and I don’t know if he would have heard me then, would he have listened if I had told him? So here for our listeners I would just like to say we have this well organized page which discusses all these different deficiencies and so you can go back to these different symptoms and see what you get. For instance I want to tell you about potassium deficiency and what happens you get insomnia, mental apathy, nervousness, fatigue, depression and acne and cognitive impairment and constipation what this sounds like is a typical teenage boy about seventeen years old and you start suspecting that something wrong and he is always sleeping and he is always slothful and lazy and his skin was bad and all of that and you are think oh that is just a teenager.
Scott: Could be the potassium deficiency.
Martin: Exactly it could be as simple as that.
Scott: So Martin what would be the easiest way for someone to get more potassium into your system?
Martin: Well you could walk over to the health food store and buy yourself a bottle of potassium gluconate and it will cost you about five dollars for about 120 tablets that is going to be about a sixty day supply or you can go to the grocery store and buy a twenty pound bag of KCl potassium chloride which is used for water softeners you know the non sodium water softener salt that is KCl potassium chloride and it will probably cost you about 10 dollars for twenty pounds and that should be a life time supply for a family of four.
Scott: And how do I obviously I don’t eat it.
Martin: No it is a salt you know you know how we do the Himalayan salt brine therapy where we take a teaspoon of the saturated brine well you can do the same thing you can dissolve a few of this KCl crystals and add it to your Smoothie in the morning of course you could get it naturally from bananas, nuts, green peppers or you can get from us this Adya mineral salt drops they are wonderful because they are properly mixed in the right ratios with high grade ingredients and they are guaranteed to be complete as opposed to just hit and miss what you need. Have you ever heard of dirt, hair or ice eating and stuff like that?
Scott: Yeah that’s a good one.
Martin: Like dirt eating and ice eating is caused by iron deficiency I remember so many kids in my young days just watching the kids eat ice cubes and just crushing the ice with their teeth and I kept wondering why are they doing that you know icicles and breaking ice off the lake and all that it never appealed to me but there were a few kids that were into it so what do you know they were probably iron deficient and if you investigated further they would probably have brittle nails and confusion, constipation, headaches and irritability I mean who isn’t irritable as a kid but I guess if you are a parent watching your child and I wonder why my kid is this way you could probably read this list and see oh look at that these are the symptoms I need to correct this.
Scott: I was just looking at this page at zinc and anorexia and bulimia and if that is something that is not a concern like a mental problem only I don’t know what is but to see that maybe if you are anorexic why wouldn’t you just check your zinc levels or add some zinc to your diet if you are anorexic or bulimic and that would kind of stop that. Similarly depression and fatigue are in there and paranoia, lethargic, impotent.
Martin: You know what is really interesting is that the slow healing of wounds you know if you get a mosquito bite and it stays on your skin for weeks or if you nick yourself and there is a red spot that stays on your skin for a long time it is a sign of slow healing and that is also associated with zinc deficiency.
Scott: Well there is a couple others in here that I have never heard of like germanium or vanadium and I think it would be interesting to chat a bit about those because there are a lot of minerals that we have heard about like the magnesium and calcium and let’s delve into some of these things that are not so well known.
Martin: Well vanadium and chromium are the two involved in sugar metabolism you know people who have swings of hypoglycemia to hyperglycemia, high blood sugar, low blood sugar that sort of swings they are probably suffering from chromium and vanadium deficiency. Here is an interesting point in the Exsula line we are using a very special technique and there is only one company that uses this special process and we are using that what we do is we send a specific request for them to feed specific vitamins, minerals and specific trade minerals and they feed it to an edible yeast and the yeast actually eats all this mineral material and turns it into an absorbable GTF as opposed to metallic and it is the Iridesca that we use it for at the biggest ratio and with that we are able to supplement very good levels of these trace minerals.
Scott: Yes because it is difficult to get these trace minerals even if you do get fresh produce and everything else depending on how the farmer has looked after his land because most of these trace minerals are gone now right.
Martin: Yeah they possibly were never there you know like good volcanic soil has it you know in Hawaii or Tahiti or Mount St Helen’s. Did you know what happened to Mount St Helen’s surroundings?
Scott: No what happened?
Martin: Well after the ashes fell on the fields around there.
Scott: So it looked like a disaster area.
Martin: Yeah in the first year but in the following years things just grew like it was out of style the crop yields went up tremendously for all of the surrounding areas because of the volcanic ash that fell. Yeah so as an example with the Iridesca like if you look at the molybdenum in a regular dose which is about four teaspoons like if you ate a bottle of Iridesca in a month at a rate of four teaspoons a day you would be getting 350 percent of the manganese recommended dose, you would be getting 210 percent of the molybdenum and you would be getting 200 percent of selenium.
Scott: So that brings up a question Martin can you get too much of this stuff?
Martin: I suppose yeah you could over dose on any one thing but you know the RDA’s were set as the absence of chronic symptoms for instance vitamin C was set at 60 mg per day which is the absence of scurvy. It doesn’t say absence of inflammation, it doesn’t say absence of rapid aging or destruction of the circulatory system it says absence of scurvy and to this day they are enforcing that 60 mg of vitamin C is sufficient once a day and yet we know that human tolerance is 25,000 to 50,000 mg a day.
Scott: Also another thing too is that if you are eating it as a food, the Iridesca as a whole food right or you are getting potassium from bananas you will be sick of bananas and full and unable to eat another one long before you got enough potassium that is would be a concern.
Martin: Yes exactly that is the correct statement if you are eating it in food I mean you would have to down the whole bottle of Iridesca and you would probably throw it up or you would have to eat about six pounds of bananas. I can just visualize that I think you would be done with bananas for the year.
Scott: And then you would want to eat them again a year later because by then your potassium levels would be back down where you would need to replenish it because really if you think about it I know some friends who are only eating whole foods that are cooked and all the rest of it and they started listening to their body is quite vocal because sometimes they will and then like oh have a slice of pizza with something right and five minutes later it is why did I do that my stomach is just gross and I feel terrible and all the rest of it. So your body is quite vocal when it starts to get these good foods.
Martin: This happened to me about a year and a half ago I was visiting with my friends and they were cooking wieners I mean childhood memories right I grew up on it and it smells divine well so I said what the heck I will have a wiener and I tell you an hour later I was lying on the sofa with a bloated stomach thinking oh what have I done right. Here is an interesting one a couple years back a woman died at the end of a Boston marathon she drank so much water she was properly hydrated. She hydrated herself so thoroughly and so well that she ended up diluting her electrolytes so much that she got her potassium level down and you cause a heart arrhythmia and you die. Oh yeah I am reminded of another one a 26 or 27 year old woman was in a contest put on by some water company and it was like how much water can you drink before you go pee. So there they were drinking pint after pint of this water whatever that brand was that they were promoting and she nearly won the contest but unfortunately she died. You know bang, you screw up your electrolytes and it is the same thing with the sodium pentothal that they give to the prisoners when they want to kill them right.
Scott: I don’t know anything about sodium pentothal.
Martin: Well not a worry it is a thing that they inject prisoners with when they want to kill them it upsets the sodium potassium balance and sends the heart into an arrhythmia and stops it. You can do it to yourself by drinking too much water because you dilute your minerals too much and you can cause yourself a lot of harm.
Scott: So it all comes back to the moderation thing.
Martin: Yes it does and also it says make sure you have enough minerals because if she had, had enough potassium she wouldn’t have had that trouble but she might have been just marginal and enough water and did it. So anyway that is my story and I am sticking to it.
Scott: You have got to get lots of minerals and you have to get them really through whole food sources because they are like little stones and it’s not like they are absorbed easily in the body.
Martin: Well you can get them in decent ionic solutions you know like the Adya minerals that are processed in ionic form you know they are absorbable so it is either that or plant sources, you know you can’t go eat rocks off the ground.
Scott: My point was that if you went to the grocery store and vitamin section and you saw a container.
Martin: Yeah the most I remember was in the 1970’s it was calcium magnesium supplement dolomite which is essentially ground up dolomite alps because Dolomites are the mountains between Italy and France or maybe it is Italy and Switzerland but any way that is the dolomite alps and that is what they are made of which is essentially marble so anyway they go up there grind up some rocks and give it to you in capsules.
Scott: These are things like iron or chromium and my point being if you process something like okay here is some iron that humans want and need but it is through a manufacturing process chances are you are not going to be able to absorb it the way you would if you had gotten it through a plant based food.
Martin: That is the correct thing. Hey do you know which mineral deficiency causes varicose veins?
Scott: Calcium?
Martin: No it is the same one that causes white and grey hair.
Scott: Oh which one is that because I have white and grey hair?
Martin: It is copper; do you have varicose veins too?
Scott: Not that I am aware of let me just check. Nope I am good. Copper huh? So I could have my youthful head of hair back if I had copper?
Martin: I hope so let’s find out why don’t you start licking some plumbing pipes? Not …
Scott: Even if I could get that copper into me it wouldn’t be absorbed.
Martin: We have a new interesting product line that we have introduced just recently which is called Ormus Oils there is this women who is making well you know we have talked about Ormus and the nano minerals in the past right and so these things are the nano form of the metals and so she makes these in conjunction with oils like grape seed oil or olive oil or something like that and she has this product that she calls infinity and it is the copper Ormus and she is saying this about it, it will help break down damaged collagen, rebuild damaged tissue, smooth out wrinkles, fading scars, stretch marks and increase elasticity and firmness and it has been found to turn grey hair back into its original natural color and it is good for sore muscles, joints and varicose veins.
Scott: So this Ormus oil would you take it like I used to take cod liver oil as a kid?
Martin: No this is an external thing that you would apply I mean you probably could eat it because there is so little difference between putting something inside your cheek and outside your cheek. I think the difference is about four minutes it is just as sure to get through anyway.
Scott: Well plus you are looking at an olive oil which is totally edible.
Martin: Yes and absorbable too so it will get through. So I think I am going to have to buy myself a pint of that.
Scott: You don’t have that much grey hair do you?
Martin: More than I am willing to accept.
Scott: And it would be a lot better for your hair than coloring it.
Martin: Yes for sure.
Scott: So if you want to look youthful and be youthful don’t fake it.
Martin: So I cannot offer a discount on this Ormus oil because it is just not possible for us to do that but I do have the ability to offer people a discount on the minerals. You know you keep forgetting to tell them if they hang on for the rest of the podcast they will get a discount.
Scott: That’s right we have a great deal for you and I should have mentioned it twenty minutes ago but I forgot because I was just so enthralled with everything you were talking about.
Martin: You know we are just bad marketers, aren’t we?
Scott: We are but we want to give people stuff that will make a huge difference in their lives more than just making the dollar sometimes I think. So what is the discount and what is it on?
Martin: It is on all of the minerals and it is ten percent off and the code is MIN42.
Scott: So on all the minerals on the Life Enthusiast co-op website?
Martin: Yes.
Scott: So it is ten percent off and it is MIN42, so any last words on Ormus or minerals?
Martin: Well if you have questions call your friendly health coach at 1-866-543-3388 or go to the website and start reading it is at and these articles are under health education, minerals section and the Ormus minerals are in brands and the brand is Ormus Oil and other than that you can find the other podcasts at or right on the Life Enthusiast website where you can also find the blog and about 2,000 other pages and if you get lost read the FAQ, I have recently started working on the frequently asked questions so one of these days it is going to look almost complete.
Scott: Well thanks Martin for taking time out of your busy day to share this information with myself and all of our listeners I really appreciate it. I learned a lot about minerals that I didn’t know before including that bad mood that I am in may be more because what is not in my body than I am actually in a bad mood and I think that is very important for people to realize. What we put into our body can have a huge impact on how we feel.
Martin: Yes it is quite immediate actually.
Scott: So you have been listening to the life enthusiast podcast thank you everyone for joining us and we look forward to having you join us next time and if you have any questions or comments like Martin said you can head over to the page and leave any questions or comments there and we would be happy to talk about them in upcoming podcasts.
Martin: This is the life enthusiast co-op restoring vitality to you and to the planet till next time. Thank you for listening.