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Podcast 125: How To Get Sick – Part 1
The first of this 3 part series about 27 ways to get sick.
In order to balance all the health advise that Martin and Scott dish-out, they decide to give explicit instructions on how to get sick.
Here’s just a few…
- Stay out of the sun.
- Go to bed after midnight.
- Never let them see you sweat.
- Take megavitamins.
- Use fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash, and drink fluoridated water.
The full article “How to Get Sick: A Modern Prescription for Illness” is from Jordan Rubin’s book called “The Maker’s Diet“.
The 40-day health experience that will change your life forever.
Podcast 125: How To Get Sick – Part 1
Scott: Welcome back everyone you are listening to the Life Enthusiast co-op online radio network restoring vitality to you, the planet and the stratosphere I am you co-host Scott Paton along with high flying Martin Pytela. Hey Martin how are you doing today?
Martin: Oh back on the ground thank you Scott.
Scott: You just got back from a half way around the world trip because you just flew from Eastern Europe all the way to western Canada.
Martin: Yes that’s what I did.
Scott: So how did it feel to be so high up in the air?
Martin: Well you know I am not rich enough to buy business class so the first thing that happens is you are sitting in a fairly small seat without a lot of room to move or any exercise room so by the end of the flight I was actually experiencing what I’d like to call lymphatic congestion you know like all of a sudden I was feeling swollen and I was feeling puffy and I was feeling tired and sluggish and cranky and you name it.
Scott: Well I can vouch for the crankiness because I picked you up at the stopover in Vancouver and I took you out for a walk along the dike in Richmond along this nice path for a walk and there was an area that was looking at the ocean on one side and beautiful trees and forests on the other side and mountains in the distance and I noticed an immediate improvement in your mood.
Martin: Yes it definitely improved.
Scott: And I know that the company was a big part of it but I don’t think it was a hundred percent me.
Martin: I was just going to say that.
Scott: Okay so you are sitting for eight hours and you don’t have much opportunity to move and you can feel that lymphatic congestion occurring was there any other things that you noticed when you were up there?
Martin: Well there is this sort of an ungrounded thing going on up there you know it is like the creativity goes away you know there is something to be said about being able to connect with the real ground.
Scott: Well you are definitely not grounded when you are five or six miles up in the air.
Martin: No kidding but you know, in a tin can with five hundred people I don’t know what the number was but it was a big airplane.
Scott: Yeah and you are recycling the air as opposed to getting fresh air I guess there isn’t any fresh air outside right.
Martin: Well I think they are trying to keep it warm because as they showed on the monitor the external temperature was at minus forty five or something like that so you can’t just open the window.
Scott: I guess that is why they don’t have screen windows right minus forty five oh and I suppose too when you are up that high most people don’t get the natural protection from the earth’s atmosphere from cosmic radiation and all that sort of good stuff.
Martin: Well I suppose but you are inside an aluminum tube I don’t think that is an issue you know I don’t think the UV radiation up there is any worse but maybe cosmic radiation might reach us a little more there must be something to it but I don’t know you know I don’t dare to predict whether the aluminum body of the aircraft is protecting us better or not better and you know eleven kilometers of air or eight miles of air but that is something when we are up there but that is a good reminder that we are supposed to be taking sun rays right except directly. Well the UV is blocked certainly by the atmosphere that is why you need to be worried if you go skiing in the mountains because if you are at ten thousand feet up there skiing on some glaciers you are going to get burnt in a fraction of the time that you would somewhere down in the low lands.
Scott: Well I am glad you are back safe and sound and feeling healthy and chipper one of the things we wanted to do today was start a three part series because we didn’t feel we could get it all into one and we didn’t want to rush on “how to get sick” because you know we have been talking a lot about things that make people healthy and all that sort of good stuff and I think that we should balance our conversation and talk about how to get sick.
Martin: Give people explicit instructions on really to head down the aisle quickly so to speak.
Scott: That’s right no more of this pussy footing around if we are going to get sick let’s do it right.
Martin: Let’s go all out.
Scott: Yeah and I think we have like 27 or 28 topics that we are going to be covering over the next three podcasts.
Martin: I think we should give credit where credit is due because this thing was written up by our earlier quoted author Jordan Rubin who is a real nice guy and this comes from his book Makers Diet so let’s give him credit because he deserves it.
Scott: Okay you just did.
Martin: Yeah Jordan thank you because you’re a good guy.
Scott: So number one he says stay out of the sun.
Martin: Classic well who has the most melanoma beach what do they call those swim guards life guards on the beach or office workers.
Scott: I would say life guards on a beach.
Martin: Wrong honestly statistics prove it people who spend their time in the sun do not get melanomas.
Scott: Really? Wow!
Martin: Yep like who would have thought.
Scott: Well when you think about it to and you talk about skin cancer and stuff it is rare that you hear of an African that has it but us guys from Scotland get it all the time.
Martin: Yes the pale face gets it but you know the strangest thing is this vitamin D is protecting us against cancer it was one of the biggest well you probably see it in the press if you are not blind and even the mainstream is writing about it how the vitamin D is important to protect us from all kinds of illness including cancers and the way your body produces vitamin D is by exposure to sunlight in fact when I was a kid long ago in the 1950’s back in the Czech Republic my mother used to take me to the doctor where we were exposed to the mountain sun which was really just a full spectrum UV included lamp and I remember us as little kids we were issued these goggles and sat in front of this thing and stripped off of our clothes. I actually have a picture I don’t know if it was me or some of my play mates but there we were. Not in your childhood huh?
Scott: No.
Martin: I guess that is my good communist publicly funded healthcare that did it for me.
Scott: Well also there are a lot of things in Russia and Europe they are way farther ahead of North America on and that was probably one of them.
Martin: And of course in their efforts to be modern they discarded these old wives policies and exchanged it for watching Hollywood movies and eating McDonald’s hamburgers. They have totally modernized man they are so modern they even have things like Prilosec and other modern drugs that are very popular out in the west here.
Scott: So if you want to get sick stay out of the sun.
Martin: Okay so to flip it everybody should spend about fifteen to twenty minutes every day in direct sunlight with the face and arms at least exposed like I wish we all could live in Florida or something like that.
Scott: Oh yeah wouldn’t that be nice. Okay so number two is go to bed after midnight.
Martin: Yeah I am really suffering from that this jet leg that hit me it hit me pretty bad.
Scott: So your biological clock is still off.
Martin: Oh it is all over the place and my thinking is fuzzy, my bodily functions are funny you know like when I got there my local morning is at their evening right so if I normally went to the toilet in the morning well nothing happens in the morning there because that is the middle of the night so I have to kind of get adjusted to this old rhythm and try and fit it into the new rhythm.
Scott: So Dr Joseph Mercola talks about the timing of your sleep effects it’s quality and so if I am going to bed at two in the morning and getting up at noon I am not getting the same quality of sleep that I would if I went to bed at nine in the evening and got up at seven.
Martin: Yeah you know when we evolved think back to the cave times right the sun set at six o’clock and came up at six o’clock it was dark from seven till five.
Scott: Dark as in you couldn’t do anything.
Martin: Well you could do stuff that is why the population remained pretty strong, you could grope in the dark but you certainly couldn’t be reading a book.
Scott: Yeah or hunting for food.
Martin: Yeah probably not you would probably kill yourself trying.
Scott: Plus I understand that saber tooth tigers their vision is like ten times better than ours at night so they would be ideal for coming after you.
Martin: Yeah absolutely yes so there we were we evolved in a situation where we were supposed to go to bed early and get up reasonably early too.
Scott: Yeah that is interesting because we hear that one hour of sleep before midnight is equivalent to four hours afterwards which is just amazing and there is also studies published that say if you have chronic sleep loss you are going to have some serious symptoms like and it is going to mimic the effects of aging and diabetes and those sort of things so I guess if you want to be young go to bed early.
Martin: That’s right and before I learned all this I would abuse myself all the time.
Scott: I was just thinking when I was in my twenties and other people that I saw in their twenties and thirties and you know you look at them in the morning and well what did you do last night and oh yeah I was partying till two or three in the morning and you know they look old, totally drained and everything else it is not like you can’t see it around you every time someone abuses themselves.
Martin: Yeah well the oxidative damage kicks in, I mean I remember that in my own face because sometimes I put work ahead of my own health and sometimes I make commitments that I am going to get something done and I stay up late to do it. Does that ever happen to you?
Scott: Yep it happens to me lots.
Martin: And it is ugly like I look at myself in the mirror in the morning and I am thinking I look sixty five and I am not supposed to look like that. I would like to mention this it is called the circadian rhythms based on the Latin word I don’t know what probably circular and what that is based on is that every organ or every meridian or every energy center on your body has a particular time of day when it is most active for instance your liver is most active between one am and three am so that is when the majority of the cleansing and so on that your liver is responsible for is taking place so if you are still awake at that time you are probably short changing yourself or your time when you are going to detox. So the next day staying up till two or three o’clock you are going to be challenged with toxicity.
Scott: That is interesting that you bring that up because not ten miles from where I live a new bridge has been built and of course this new bridge has massive lights all along it so at night when people are crossing they don’t hit the side of the bridge and fall off sort of thing and it comes across the river in a place where it is basically a farm land and there was all these crops being grown previous to this bridge being there and the farmers had a massive complaint and part of it was not in my backyard was the original impression that I had and they said well, listen when you have these lights on twenty four hours a day or they are on while it is dark so you have light twenty four hours a day it confuses our plants and it impacts their growing cycles and all these sort of things and it stresses them out and they don’t produce the fruit or the quality of the fruit nor the amount of fruit that they normally do because I believe they were like blueberries and strawberries and that sort of stuff that they are talking about and I never thought of this before right.
Martin: Yeah you are supposed to have them on for a bit and then off for a bit you cannot have them always on.
Scott: That’s right we don’t think of that for ourselves either, I have to be on all the time except when I sleep and I don’t need a lot of sleep and that is a sure way to get sick.
Martin: Yep absolutely, it is really bad news to to abuse the natural cycle.
Scott: Okay well you have motivated me; I usually go to bed later so I am going to be going to bed earlier and getting on that proper life cycle.
Martin: And getting up at six in the morning.
Scott: Well I will set mu alarm for quarter to seven in the morning and I will do that for a few weeks and then set my alarm back fifteen minutes and then another fifteen minutes. I don’t want to shock my system.
Martin: Yeah you would cause yourself jetlag.
Scott: Well I could see myself going to sleep at nine and waking up at one and not being able to go back to sleep till four.
Martin: Well you know I respect that you know I remember when I was a young guy working in a saw mill that was running a swing shift. Swing shift for those who have never experienced it is one shift for two weeks starting at seven in the morning to three in the afternoon and the other two weeks running from three in the afternoon till one in the morning now when you get off work at one in the morning and get home about one thirty or something like that I mean this is physical work, I was pumped and fully activated there was no way that I could go straight to sleep so I would go to sleep at three or something like that. Anyway this swing shift was just awful I mean I would suffer, it would take me two to three days out of the first shift to get adjusted to it but I have learned something even more interesting people in the health industry like nurses they work something even more awful. You know what they do?
Scott: Well I know when I was young I was working twelve midnight till eight in the morning stocking shelves.
Martin: Okay but that was a steady job right?
Scott: Yep. It would be three months.
Martin: So you just had to get adjusted to it and stay on it but contemplate this one. This is the fate of a lot of people in the health industry. Two twelve hour shifts in the morning, seven am till seven pm and then two night shifts seven pm till seven am in the morning and then four days off. It’s insane and this is the norm for the health industry I mean.
Scott: No wonder, people in the health industry don’t live very long.
Martin: That’s one thing but the second thing is that they make mistakes, they make horrendous mistakes. One of the biggest causes of death in America is medical mistakes. I mean when a guy in a bakery picks sugar instead of salt okay you are just going to spoil a batch of something.
Scott: Yeah throw it out and start over again.
Martin: But when the gal in whatever picks the wrong bottle your heart is slowing down instead of speeding up.
Scott: And it is weird that they don’t think why not have four, seven am to seven pm shifts for day time and then have four days off and then have four seven pm to seven am shifts that would just make sense.
Martin: That would be somewhat workable and most people that I have talked to just totally hate it and yet they have not staged a revolution. They have not stepped up and said we are not standing for this and we are changing it.
Scott: Because we know that is one way to get sick.
Martin: Absolutely when you mess around with your circadian rhythms.
Scott: Okay so the fourth way to get sick is taking mega vitamins.
Martin: Strange huh?
Scott: Use massive amounts of vitamins and minerals in a very unnatural way and for some reason the body does not like consuming so many artificial products in excessive amounts.
Martin: Oh you mean like taking three hundred oranges in one sitting kind of thing.
Scott: Yeah except it is just in two pills.
Martin: Well this gets complicated because once your body is sick getting a mega dose of vitamin C might be one of the things that is going to save you but in general doing mega vitamin therapy that has proved to be not a great thing. I don’t know if you remember back to the 1980’s there was a book out, a big fat thing, nine hundred pages about mega vitamin and it was by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw. I actually read that book and tried it for something like six months because I was really curious. It was called Life Extension and it was by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw and if you try to look those people up they look old, they did not do to well with Life Extension and mega vitamins. So what is supposed to happen of course let’s go back to the cave men is we were not designed to be eating in a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. The design is to find things in nature and eat it that way, so vitamin C, one apple, one orange or a handful of berries.
Scott: Yeah and that is the way we are supposed to get these things. What you are basically saying is good organic food or beverages, using living food as opposed to I mean we get into this all the time to you know is it the vitamin C that is really good in oranges or is it the vitamin C plus all these other bioflavonoids that are in an orange that helps right.
Martin: All of the compounds that are blended in there yeah and this was the classic joke if I handed you the pile of stuff that the orange is composed of could you make me an orange out of it? You know like a cup of water, three vitamin C pills, whatever else you analyze that is in there but if I gave it to you in cute little piles all alphabetically would you be able to pull it all together and make me an orange out of it.
Scott: Not likely.
Martin: Not very likely, exactly.
Scott: We are getting back into the fake stuff versus the real stuff.
Martin: Right this is the same riff that you have heard me play so many times.
Scott: Right so take mega mighty vitamins if you want to get sick fast. Number five on our list, oh did you want to say something more.
Martin: Well you skipped number three, you know that right?
Scott: Oh I did! Okay so we just did one, two and four so I must not have got any sleep last night. Let’s go to number three now which is never let them see you sweat. Oh yes perspiration, oh my goodness that’s just a big sigh.
Martin: Yeah, yeah, yeah I need to use not only a deodorant I actually have to use an antiperspirant to be socially acceptable. By the way visualize this one of the major lymphatic clearing centers are in the lymph nodes in your armpits just under the breast muscle sort of thing in the armpit.
Scott: Okay so it is a major way of detoxing.
Martin: Major you know how the lymphatic system has this major highway which starts just over your collar bones right like all of your lymph has to get pumped right into that area and then back down again so that is really near the major clearing centers for all of the lymphatic system. So let me illustrate a fast way to lymphoma block your auxiliary lymphatic nodes.
Scott: Let’s just keep all the toxins in our body.
Martin: Yep keep them in there. Never mind just keep them in their blow them up with some zinc oxide or whatever it is you need to load it up with to stop your sweat glands from opening.
Scott: So the perfect way to get sick.
Martin: That’s right block your sweating. Number one, don’t exercise, number two, never go into a sauna, number three, use an excessive amount of antiperspirants.
Scott: Yeah cause the stuff that is in the antiperspirants like aluminum is really good for helping you get sick, giving you things like Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological problems.
Martin: Or the famous zirconium based underarm granule right.
Scott: Wow so awesome so we have to make sure we are sweet smelling and dry.
Martin: Okay let’s dwell on this a bit longer if your sweat stinks, why is that?
Scott: Oh probably because you are exuding toxins.
Martin: That’s right you are full of s-h-i-t.
Scott: Yeah in the wrong place.
Martin: Well essentially the dam is full and you are overflowing and backing up into the lymphatic system and there are two areas where this stuff naturally gathers it is in the low gravity places, one is in your feet and the other one is in your pelvis.
Scott: Yeah okay because we sit.
Martin: And of course the elimination places, most people sweat in their armpits or either on your bum or your sex organs or there abouts that is a major sweat area and we are not supposed to talk about it and all of that. Gosh if you are with some people it’s pretty interesting.
Scott: So the idea is to detox and then your sweat is sweet smelling.
Martin: So if you are afraid to sweat, you must.
Scott: Well you have to sweat, we need to exercise to get our blood pumping and everything else and that is one reason to sweat to cool down the body and another reason is to get rid of toxins I mean you look at the Scandinavians and that’s why they are always in their saunas and it’s great. I mean I do hot yoga and that is hot and we are sweating like crazy but I tell you, you feel amazing afterwards. So we had kind of planned that we would get through 27 things in three sessions and I think that we were very optimistic because we are coming up to the end of this particular episode and we have only made it through four so this might end up being four or five or six.
Martin: Or maybe I will learn to talk quicker or say less.
Scott: No everything that you said is really important and I think it’s about time that we stood up for those people that want to get sick and we told them how to do it too. We have been telling people how to get well for so long and there is some people that just don’t want to so I think that if we do three or four more sessions on this considering we have done over a hundred for the other people this is good.
Martin: Sure hopefully we won’t get any hate mail.
Scott: So everybody you have been listening to Life Enthusiast online radio network and Martin if somebody wanted to get a hold of you and talk a little bit more about what we are talking about mega vitamins and how to not sweat and stuff like that how would they get a hold of you?
Martin: Well the website we are entertaining you with the health education section and of course you can find the phone numbers right there 1-866-543-3388 or international calls 775-299-2461 and right at the same place you can find a link to all of the our previous podcasts so thank-you very much for listening I am Martin from Life Enthusiast co-op restoring vitality to you and to the planet.