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Podcast 449: Albedextrin
On today’s episode, one of our favorite researchers Spencer Feldman returns to tell us all about his new product Albedextrin. Cyclodextrins may support the body in dealing with rancid fats, toxic waxes and prions. Primary toxins such as heavy metals and organophosphates create secondary toxins. These secondary toxins accumulate in the body as rancid fat, toxic waxes, and prions. Which in turn may create much of what we consider aging as well as cardiovascular and neurological issues.
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MARTIN: Here. Hello everyone. This is Martin Pytela, Life Enthusiast podcast, and with me Spencer Feldman. I must tell you, Spencer is probably the most favorite researcher that I’ve done interviews with, and I thought that we had it all figured out. We talked about toxicity, and we talked about protection from all kinds of infectious things, and I thought we had it all down. And Spencer shows up with secondary toxins, and it’s really important to understand that I have talked for ages about the industrial toxins that come from outside, the heavy metals, the lead, arsenic, the cadmium and mercury and the likes, and they cause horrendous amount of damage. But there is this thing called secondary toxins. And I would like Spencer to jump in and start explaining where this research has led him, And let me tell you, this is a bunch of rabbit holes that we did not know that were there. Spencer.
SPENCER: Hey Martin, nice to see you again. So there’s a whole new world of stuff that we have to learn how to deal with, Okay? Not a big deal. So in previous podcasts, we talked about how if a toxin is water-soluble, it gets urinated out and it’s the fat soluble toxins that cause the real problems. They get into the lipid membranes and the body has a very hard time getting rid of them. So one way to think about detoxification is it’s finding the right kind of soaps, as it were, that can make these fat soluble toxins water-soluble, so you can urinate them out.
MARTIN: Yeah. Binders, emulsifiers, detergent.
SPENCER: Right. So yeah the soaps, the detergents, they make them water-soluble. And then the binders would be something that grabs onto them now that they’ve been mobilized and then helps them go out. Because even a water soluble toxin, like a water soluble mercury is still poisonous. It’s still trouble. So yeah, that’s the whole binder’s angle. We talked about heavy metals and toxic chemicals, and I call these, for lack of a better term, first generation toxins. And in this podcast, I want to talk about another class of toxins that are called second generation or secondary, or second generation toxins. And these are toxins that are created inside the body as a result of the first generation toxins. I want to talk about what they are and what problems they cause and how we can get rid of them.
SPENCER: And if you want an analogy, first generation toxins would be like a hole in the ship. And the second generation of toxins would be the three feet of water at the bottom of the boat. Now, of course, you have to fix the hole in the ship because until you fix the hole, it’s going to keep leaking water. But even if you get rid of the hole or are able to patch it up to a degree, it’s not enough. You’ve also got three feet of water in the bottom of your ship causing trouble. That’s the second generation toxins. So.
MARTIN: You have to bail it out, you have to mop it up, you have to paint over it because it’s already rusted your hull.
SPENCER: So we’re going to talk about how we can bail our bodies out of these second generational toxins. So what are first generation toxins? I would say that these are things like toxic metals like mercury and lead and oxidized iron, as well as chemicals like the pesticide glyphosate. So what makes these toxins so damaging is their degree of reactivity with fats and proteins. Now, if they were less reactive, Martin, they wouldn’t cause that much damage. And if they were more reactive, they would bind irreversibly with our tissue and then stop reacting, right? Because now they’re completely bound up. Instead, these first generational toxins, they’re right in the middle. They’re just reactive enough to cause a lot of trouble, but not so much is to get permanently bound to the fats and proteins they’re reacting with. They’re catalytic. In other words, they don’t get used up while they’re doing their damage. They’re going to continue to do their damage for as long as they’re in their body. And that can be a really long time because our body has a very limited capacity to remove them.
MARTIN: In fact, my personal experience, mercury, right? And I’ve had plenty of that, and it just keeps on generating the tendency toward fungal growth, because I think the body intentionally grows some kind of a mold in its attempt to try and just rot that thing out.
SPENCER: So the human body has, I don’t want to say it has design flaws, but there are certain blind spots biologically where it just doesn’t know how to deal with certain things. Specifically things that we’ve invented in the 20th and 21st century. It’s just has not had the time to figure out what to do. Okay, and so then we end up with second generation toxins. These are the oxidized and rancid fats and the damaged proteins that the first generation toxins create. And, we have some capacity of dealing with some of them. They can be recycled by our lysosomes.
MARTIN: We need to explain lysosome. That’s L-Y-S-O. As in lysis as in cleave and rip apart. and zome as in stuff that does something, machinery
SPENCER: Or body.
MARTIN: These are the little bits in our body that are in fact capable of ripping up these things. It’s sort of like little dogs tearing at stuff until it’s no longer harmful. But anyway, lysosome in a cell capable of taking apart things that are harmful.
SPENCER: Right? And we’ve got them in all the cells, well not red blood cells, they don’t have anything in them. But every other cell in the body has lysosomes and they’re the recycling centers. When something gets worn out and needs to be recycled or something is toxic, or if a cell has to commit suicide because it’s becoming damaged or virally infected, it’s the lysosomes that do it. Very important part, the lysosomes. If you’re into detox, lysosomes are the detox organ of the cell to a large degree.
MARTIN: Now, I guess the amateur way of getting there would be fasting.
SPENCER: Yeah. And we’re going to talk about that. Fasting will shrink, swollen enlarged lysosomes, but to a point. And there are some things it can’t get rid of. And that’s coming from someone who’s done lots of very long water fasts and has a tremendous respect for the power of fasting. There’s some things that fasting can’t get to, cause there’s some things the body just can’t deal with. So some of these damaged fats and proteins, the body just has no mechanism of handling them. Sometimes it’s because of what they are, and sometimes it’s when they crystallize to a certain size, when they get to a certain size, the body just can’t do anything with them, they’re just too big and the lysosomes can’t recycle them. So these are the second generation toxins. And like the first generation toxins that created them, they are also catalytic.
MARTIN: That means, again, they will keep causing problems as long as they’re there. They don’t get used up. And you know, what are the problems? Well, these are the things that we tend to get if we live long enough. Heart disease, neurological issues, senility, cancer, these are all associated with these class of toxins. So in these second generation toxins, there’s three classes we could say. There’s toxic fats, there’s toxic waxes and toxic proteins. So let’s start with the toxic fats first. We make a product to support the body to detoxify fat soluble toxins. That’s our Xeneplex product. But what do you do when the toxin is the fat itself? It’s not that the toxin is in the fat, the fat itself is the toxin. So let’s talk about that.
SPENCER: And the role of fats. Now, the body, you could consider a collection of trillions of cells, a superorganism of trillions of cells, and every cell has a membrane around it. And with the exception of red blood cells, every cell also has hundreds to thousands of smaller cells inside called organelles. And each of these organelles also have some membrane. One of the organelles as we just discussed, are lysosomes, but membranes are more than just the skin of the cells, and the organelles. Membranes decide what compounds go in and out of the cell. And the organelles, this controls how the cell behaves. It controls what the DNA does, what kind of proteins and fats are made. Membranes are the brains of the cell, and damaging membranes is a kind of cellular lobotomy.
MARTIN: Yeah, if you could visualize it, these are like doors and each of the doors has a lock, and you need to have the proper key. And if you’re arriving from the outside, you have to have the key knock, knock, let me in. And the inside has to unlock, open the door and let this thing in. It’s actually amazingly complex.
SPENCER: Have you studied the work at Bruce Lipton at all?
MARTIN: Oh, yeah.
MARTIN: Okay. So he’s all about how membranes are really running the show.
MARTIN: That’s right. Yeah, I remember when he did his research, he said that the membrane is the brain, and the nucleus is the gonads of the cell. And the mainstream medical people have been acting as if the gonads were running the cellular mechanism, but they’re not. It’s the membrane that’s running the show.
SPENCER: The membranes are made up about 50/50 fats and proteins, and let’s start with the fats. Over time, these fats oxidize, they become rancid, and they need to get replaced. That’s just part of life. And it’s the job of the lysosomes, the organelles inside the cells to recycle oxidized fat. Unfortunately over time, lysosomes can get damaged by toxic metals, right? So one of the things that the lysosomes do is they’re destroying toxins, and they’ll see a metal and they say, oh that’s a toxin, and they bring it in to destroy it. But you can’t destroy a metal, unless you are in the furnace of a sun, because the metals are elements. And they’re already as destroyed as they’re going. They’re as simple as they’re going to get. So in that case..
MARTIN: It reminds me of ping pong balls trying to destroy a brick wall, right?
SPENCER: Yeah. I mean, basically what happens is the lysosomes grab onto these metals and with the hopes of destroying them, and they can’t, and they just sit inside the lysosome damaging the lysosome and stuffing it up until it fails. So over time, the lysosomes get damaged by both the toxic metals and then the sheer volume of oxidized fats that they have to deal with, then these fats start to accumulate. And in the case of cholesterol, they form crystals. And again, once these crystals reach a certain size, then the lysosomes can’t do anything about them at all. Right? They’re insoluble and they’re just way too big now.
MARTIN: Too big to swallow.
SPENCER: It was too big to swallow, right? Yeah. It’s like trying to eat an elephant with one bite, right? <laugh> So what happens is the cell then sends out an emergency signal to macrophages, and they come in to help. And that’s the white blood cells that move along, and they are mobile lysosomes. And what that means is they’re a combination between police officers and garbagemen. And in this case, they’re being called from their garbagemen perspective. The cells say, please help deal with these cholesterol crystals and oxidized fats. I’ve got more than I can handle. So the microphages come on up, but they’re no match for the cholesterol crystals either, and they die also trying to digest them. So then the dying macrophages send out a signal to attract other macrophages to come and help <Laugh>. And then the process continues, and you get more and more of these macrophages dying, trying to go clear this cholesterol. And this is how our arterial plaque forms, the dead blood cells, white blood cells are called foam cells. And this is why they almost always continue to grow. Plaque is literally made from the accumulation of oxidized toxic fats and cholesterol crystals and the bodies of the dead macrophages that tried to eat them.
MARTIN: That’s a terrible picture. <Laugh> Essentially, we’re piling these corpses on the moat trying to get across and we’re not getting there. The moat’s too big and the wall’s too high.
SPENCER: It’s a little gruesome yes. And you know, it’s like I said, this is a blind spot in human biology because…
MARTIN: Well you know why? We’re not constructed for industrial lifestyle.
SPENCER: <laugh>. No we’re not. Okay, so that’s sort of an introduction to toxic fats. Let’s talk about something called toxic waxes. Now, another toxin that fats can turn into are toxic waxes. Waxes are like fats, think of like a candle wax, right? But the chemistry is slightly different. And when we’re born, we’re covered head to toe in a healthy wax called the Vernix caseosa. If I’m pronouncing that right, caseosa. And it’s made up of a waxy substance called ceramides, which actually, people take as a supplement to try to get looking young again. Now, what happens is saturated fats, can combine with metals to form these toxic waxes called metal soaps. That’s things like mercury, lead, barium, nickel, iron, cadmium, even calcium can form toxic soaps, toxic waxes and metal soaps. And this is one of the ways that toxic metals can lodge in fatty tissue indefinitely, is in this waxy material. And what happens is as we get older, the healthy ceramide waxes that we should have to keep us young and flexible and make our skin look youthful, keep everything healthy, that gets replaced by the toxic metal soap waxes. One example that you can often see as you get older are age spots. So if you look on the back of your hand and you see those brown spots, which is called an age spot or lipofuscin, that’s actually the metal soap, the toxic wax accumulating.
MARTIN: Yeah. And we get a lot of calls about, can you find a way to make my skin even tone again? Because I look now like somebody splatted a whole bunch of brown paint on my face or my hands.
SPENCER: Yeah. So there’s the cosmetic angle, but there’s also the biologic angle because that’s really a sign that toxic waxes are throughout the whole body, not just where you can see them. And then the third class would be toxic proteins. Now, proteins are long chains of amino acid that the DNA instructs the ribosomes, another cellular organelle, to make. And these long chains of proteins are then folded into their shape in the endoplasmic reticulum and they form the shape of the proteins that we use. And it’s the shape of the protein that gives its ability to do its job, like you said, the key and lock. That’s because different things have different shapes, and if you alter the shape of the protein, it’s not going to do its job.
MARTIN: Right. And they’re activating and inactivating when you attach, for example, a methylation CH3 at the end of something, it’ll turn it from this to that, from usable to non-usable or active or inactive, all of that, right? Mm-hmm.
SPENCER: Yeah. I mean, whether it’s insulin or antibodies or growth hormone, if it doesn’t have the right shape, it’s not going to work. Now you could think of proteins as those long balloons. And the endoplasmic reticulum is the friendly uncle that twists and folds the balloons into things like a hat or a dog for a small child. Right? Now unfortunately, first generation toxins, especially the toxic metals cause these proteins to misfold. Now, there is a quality control system in the endoplasmic reticulum that will either try to repair these misfolded proteins, or send them to be recycled in the lysosome. But over time, again, the lysosome gets overwhelmed, and these misfolded proteins, they enter the cell cytoplasm and they accumulate. And not only do these proteins not function the way they should, they also jam up the works. They could also be further converged into something called prions, which I know you’ve heard of.
MARTIN: Oh man, that word should send a cold chill into everyone’s heart. Prion, the first thing that comes to me was mad cow, Kreutzfeldt–Jakob.
MARTIN: That thing. And we thought that this was caused by feeding offal to animals. As in when chicken and cow or whatever die, we process them into this protein mix. And then we throw that into the feed, into the livestock thinking that we’re going to make the feed richer because protein makes them grow bigger, stronger. Anyway, that was the pathway by which we thought that this prion would arrive. And if it gets in your brain, especially because it’s the fat and so on, well you pick it up from here.
SPENCER: Yeah. So prions are a challenge. And yes, prions are transmissible by food. So if you feed an animal that has prions to another animal that doesn’t, the second animal that ate it will get prions. But that’s not the main way in which prions are affecting humans. So indeed it does cause mad cow disease, but that’s just one kind of prion. There’s actually many types of prions. And we now know there’s over 50 diseases that we now know are caused by prions. That’s Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, ALS, cystic fibrosis, cataracts type two diabetes. And as far as I’m concerned, most forms of senility. Now, like toxic fats and waxes, prions are extremely stable and virtually impossible for the body to get rid of on its own. Prions even though they’re protein, they resist digestion by protease, by proteolytic enzymes and the lysosome. And now what’s worse is once you get a single prion, if it bumps into another similar kind of protein, you know, it BOOM. And now you’ve got two prions and they bump into two more, and then you have four, then eight and 16.
MARTIN: Chain Reaction.
SPENCER: Yeah. And you can see that this is exponential growth. So, you really want to catch..
MARTIN: Is this kind of related to the beta amyloid plaque that the doctors talk about?
SPENCER: Absolutely. Absolutely. So you can see that this exponential growth is a problem. While we might never be exposed to prions in our food supply, we can make them internally. Certain chemical toxins like organo phosphate, pesticides, like glyphosates can take a misfolded protein and turn it into a prion. This is one way that first and second generation toxins can interact. Metals get into the cells, proteins get misfolded, then these misfolded proteins bump into a pesticide and boom, you’ve got a prion. And then from there, the replication of the prions becomes exponential. Now, also prions are transmissible. This explains why the spouses of people with Alzheimer’s are 600% more likely to get Alzheimer’s themselves. So for this reason, if one person has any protein folding disorder, it would be wise for their spouse to also consider the protocol I’m going to share at the end of this podcast.
MARTIN: Are you suggesting that body fluids are a pathway for transmission?
SPENCER: Of prions? Absolutely.
MARTIN: Yeah. Because we are talking about eating it. Well, yep. That’s body fluids alright.
SPENCER: Now this may also explain the shedding phenomena of proteins that vaxxed people. Do we want to talk about this?
MARTIN: Yes. Let’s talk about it. So when you insert artificial proteins or just the amino acid coating, that should be in the nucleus of that protein, when you insert it back and forth through a needle. You end up with a reaction. Your body, your immune system will start reacting with whatever you insert in there. And now the response is creating this process.
SPENCER: So there’s a signature in the spike protein that is very similar to that of prions. And so there are some scientists that are saying that the vaccines may be a prion delivery mechanism. So I’ll leave it at that.
MARTIN: Yeah. Intentional or not, we don’t know.
MARTIN: So, as a side note, I believe that it is the accumulation of toxic fats, waxes and proteins and the damage they do. That’s actually the main cause of aging. Now we can heal a cut in our skin, but we can’t heal aging. Right? Why not? Because until now we didn’t know how to get rid of these second generational toxins. So what is the answer? Sugar donuts. Yes. And by sugar donuts, I mean of course cyclodextrins.
MARTIN: Right? So let’s unpack the name. So cyclo means that it’s something that’s formed in a round thing. Something that is round. And cyclo in organic chemistry is the benzene ring with six carbons in a circle. Mm-hmm. And dextrin, if I remember right. Dextrose is the other name for glucose, right? Sugar.
SPENCER: Dextrins or sugars. So exactly a cyclodextrin is a ring of sugar, or a sugar donut. So cyclodextrins are microscopic sugar donuts. That is tiny rings of sugar, 10,000 times smaller than a red blood cell. And while there are many cyclodextrins out there, the two of them in particular that I am most fascinated with for our health are alpha and beta hydroxypropyl cyclodextrin. Alpha-cyclodextrin is a six sugar ring, and beta-cyclodextrin is a seven sugar ring. And what this means is that the hole in the middle of the alpha-cyclodextrin ring is just a little bit smaller than the hole in the middle of the beta-cyclodextrin ring. Now the outside of the cyclodextrins are water-soluble and the insides are fat soluble. And so what this means is, fat soluble things can get trapped inside the holes of the cyclodextrin and become water soluble. And then you can pee them out. And it’s the slight difference in the size between the alpha and the beta-cyclodextrins that allow you to trap different size rancid fats and toxic proteins. And once you make them water-soluble, now you can urinate them out. So this allows us to rid the body of things that otherwise the body has no way of getting rid of on its own.
MARTIN: Yeah. This is the ultimate pac-man. Really.
SPENCER: Yeah. There you go. So for instance, the holes in alpha-cyclodextrins rings are just the right size to trap saturated fats and toxic proteins. While the holes in the beta cyclodextrin rings are the perfect size to trap cholesterol. So let’s unpack, let’s talk about these two in some more detail. Alpha-cyclodextrins can trap and remove trans fatty acids and saturated fats and toxic waxes. And that allows the metals to eventually be removed. Now, one of the interesting things is when it breaks the toxic waxes down, it also converts those same toxic waxes to turn back into the ceramides, the waxy substances found in youthful skin and membranes. So it’s not just that you’re removing the bad stuff, you’re actually turning it back into what it should have been when you were young. Which is even more impressive. And then also alpha-cyclodextrins also trap prions and also make them water-soluble. So alpha-cyclodextrins are amazing just on their own.
MARTIN: So how do we acquire it and how fast can we make it work?
SPENCER: Work? Well, let me tell you about the beta-cyclodextrins, but wait, there’s more. Okay. So beta-cyclodextrins.
MARTIN: Help me, I want this now! <Laugh>
SPENCER: Beta cyclodextrins are slightly larger and they grab onto different things, and they’re best at removing the lipoproteins and the polyunsaturated fats that have gone rancid. And then also the kind of toxins like the aromatic and heterocyclic compounds that are created by cooking meat at high temperature and making it taste really good. So beta-cyclodextrins, like I said are better at cholesterol, and it can deal with those large cholesterol crystals that the body can’t. And the way they do this is they increase the solubility of cholesterol 150,000 times. So remember how we’re talking about, we need some kind of soap to dissolve these things so we can break them down. Beta cyclodextrin is the soap for cholesterol crystals. In fact, it’s 50 times more efficient at removing seven keto cholesterol, which is the main toxic form of cholesterol than Apolipoprotein A1, which is the good lipoprotein that our body uses to do it.
SPENCER: Not only that. In a lot of people, their apolipoprotein A1 isn’t even working anymore. So one of the things, and this is probably why beta-cyclodextrins is associated with decreasing plaque size. It can regenerate the apolipoprotein A1 and allow it to do its work, but it also does it better than it does it itself. It’s rare that you can improve on nature, but this may be one of those cases. Beta-cyclodextrin also works in the liver, and has been shown to decrease cholesterol crystal in the Cooper cells, which is an issue for people that have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Now, beta-cyclodextrin also reduces lipofuscin. So again, if you’re old enough to start seeing brown spots on your skin, that’s those waxes accumulating.
SPENCER: Let’s see. What else did cyclodextrins do? Right. So I’ve been focusing mostly on the heart and the brain, but cyclodextrins do a lot more. Cyclodextrins have been known to encapsulate and render non-toxic over 20 different mercury compounds. They can break down immune complexes and neutrophil extracellular traps. So reactions, allergic reactions don’t become chronic. And what that means is, you have an allergic reaction to something like, let’s say poison ivy or a mosquito bite, you start getting itchy. You want that reaction to stop, right? You don’t want to be scratching at that for the next 20, 30 years. But that’s what can happen. These immune complexes can get in cells and they can just get stuck there, leaving the body at this low level of chronic allergic reaction. So cyclodextrins can break those things down.
SPENCER: They can remove allergens, carcinogens, aflatoxins. That along with some of the things that we have talked about in our other podcasts, or one of the few things you can do with alfatoxins. They also lower tumor necrosis alpha and Interleukin 6 and other inflammatory markers, improved liver function, increased bile output. Oh, here’s a fun one, they reactivate paralyzed white blood cells. So 30 years ago, that’s a long time. When I used to do live cell analysis, I used to look at people’s blood and my own, and one of the things I would look for would be how active the white blood cells are, the macrophages, the neutrophils. There was a continuum between those that were really mobile and aggressive and moving around the slide and looking for trouble to go after or toxins to eat.
SPENCER: And then the average neutrophil it would move a little, but kind of sluggish. And then the ones that were just stuffed to the gills and weren’t going anywhere. And I always wondered like, why does this person have neutrophils that are moving and this one have neutrophils that just are completely stuffed to the gills and paralyzed? Well, now I understand the partial of what’s going on is that, the neutrophils have, and the macro phages have gobbled up toxins, and can’t do anything with them. And they get so big that they just, eventually, they actually burst, you’ll find exploded white blood cells on the screen. So they’re not moving because there’s so stuffed with toxins and toxic waxes and fats and proteins that they can’t digest, that they just can’t move anymore. And then eventually they blow up.
MARTIN: Max capacity. Nowhere to go.
SPENCER: Right. So reactivating paralyzed white blood cells, what that’s telling you is it’s helping them deal with the crystals and the folded proteins that they’re stuffed with that they couldn’t deal with on their own. And as you asked before about lysosomes, yes, cyclodextrins will shrink large lysosomes. Now usually a person has to do a water fast to do this. And even then it can only go so far because a lot of those toxic fats, waxes of proteins, even a fasting person can’t get rid of them. They’re just indigestible from the lysosomes.
SPENCER: So, by interacting with these toxic fats and waxes, and proteins, cyclodextrins can shrink in large lysosomes in ways that nothing else seems to be able to accomplish, and that’s quite amazing. Shrinking in large lysosomes is a fundamental requirement for those, not just those who want to be healthy, but those who want to push the envelope out on just how long they can live in a youthful and vital state. And until now, there’s really been no way to do that. Cyclodextrins are a really amazing class of ingredients. They are generally recognized as safe. They’re already in the food supply. You get them just by, they’re in beer. <Laugh> Anyway, I think in corn. So it’s not a harmful ingredient and you just need to take enough of it. And when you get enough of it into the system, all sorts of amazing things start to happen.
MARTIN: Yes, the concentration. The classic tale of the house fire and I say, well when you show up with a garden hose, you’re doing the right thing. You just don’t have the volume. Right? So drinking five beers, you’re going to be too drunk before you get enough cyclodextrins to make a difference.
SPENCER: So you asked what could be done. When I started researching cyclodextrins and I saw how powerful they were at dealing with these seemingly unsolvable problems of aging, I started experimenting with how to take them. Now they’re usually done by IV. But after a few months of research, I found a way to make them orally absorbable. So what I did is I came up with a product and let’s see if I can, there it is, Albedextrin. (Holds up bottle to camera) And if you want to experiment, the word is short for alpha-beta-cyclodextrin. So if you want to experiment with what cyclodextrins can do for you, go to and I’m sure you’ll have them available there. There is a caveat, you should not use them if you have low cholesterol or if you’re on cholesterol lowering drugs, it is possible to have your cholesterol go too low, and that’s not good for the body or the membranes.
SPENCER: Also, you want to take a phosphatidyl choline supplement three hours afterwards. Alpha-cyclodextrin can remove rancid phospholipids from cell membranes. Now, most of us are already deficient with phospholipids. We go from 90% phospholipids in our membranes to 10% by the time we’re old. So yes, we want to remove rancid phospholipids, but we don’t want to leave the person with none. And since we can’t make them as rapidly as we make cholesterol, that’s something that you want to supplement with. So three hours after you take Albedextrin and you’re flushing, you’re supporting the body and dealing with these toxic second generation toxin. Take a tablespoon of phosphatidyl choline afterwards to support the membranes in rebuilding themselves in a healthy manner.
MARTIN: So do you need pure PC, phosphatidyl choline or can you take it as Lecithin and be okay?
SPENCER: You know, I get the 90%, but if you want to get the 40%, just take twice as much. The other things, the ethanolamine and the serine, they’re also useful. So you could argue, that the less pure phosphatidyl choline are actually better for you. Right. There’s an argument for that.
MARTIN: I’m just thinking that the Lecithin is so much more affordable than pure PC.
SPENCER: So, do you have any questions about the product so far?
MARTIN: Okay, well let’s just try and talk about how fast can a person progress, right? Because once you get on it, you’ll probably, or once you get the message that this can indeed reverse your internal rancidity, you would not want to wait, You would want to get on with it, right?
SPENCER: There’s the more aggressive protocol, which is what I was on, which is two tablespoons a day for 30 days. And then a washout phase where you want to rebuild. And then there is a less aggressive protocol, which might be a tablespoon a day for 30 days for people that aren’t quite as advanced in the buildup of toxins.
SPENCER: And then there’s sort of like the long term, hey, I’ve got it all cleaned out, but I don’t really want to age the way I see my contemporaries aging. Like I’m 53 and you start to see your parents get senile. And you think, wow is that what seventies and eighties are going to be like? Am I not going to be able to focus and not remember things and just not have the mental energy? I don’t want that. I want to keep going in full function until the day I die. So now that I’ve gone through that initial phase of getting all the junk that has built up out of me, I’ll probably stay with something like a teaspoon to a tablespoon every day or every other day just as maintenance. Because until I can get a body that is completely free of first generational toxins, which I may never be able to accomplish, there’s always going to be the second generational toxins being created.
SPENCER: And I’m always going to want to stay on top of that and keep them flushing out of the body, so I can have the body as strong and as vital as possible. In terms of issues about taking too much, they gave them to animals and they found that at 5% of the diet for two years they were non-toxic. And we’re at orders of magnitude less than that. So again, it’s a generally recognized as safe ingredient. It’s just we’ve only been getting them in small amounts because they’re using them as stabilizers for flavors, and we’re using them for an entirely different reason. They’re made by mixing starch with certain enzymes. What about the stuff you don’t absorb? Okay, so when you take it orally, there’ll be a percentage that doesn’t get absorbed in the gut, and it’s not a big deal.
SPENCER: Actually, it’s kind of good for you because the cyclodextrins that aren’t absorbed that go through the gut, actually are prebiotics and they raise the bacteriodes and the bifidus and the lactobacillus, and they can also absorb lipopolysaccharides, the LPS the really inflammatory markers that can get created by bad bacteria inside the gut. And in terms of the half life, it has a 1.7 hour half life, which means in 12 hours it’s 99% gone. It gets metabolized, basically down to water and carbon dioxide, so there’s nothing left. And as long as you’re not overdoing it and very low on cholesterol to start with, these things are very safe. Given the vast number of things that they can do for us, I think that it’d be wise to consider it in part of your health protocols.
MARTIN: Alright. So this eight ounce bottle that you showed me, that’s 16 tablespoons. So if I take two tablespoons, that’s a bottle a week.
SPENCER: If you do, well, hang on a second. Is that 16 tablespoons?
SPENCER: Right. So if you are going to be on an aggressive protocol, yeah. You would go through a couple of bottles. Once you get to the point where you are doing one teaspoon, I think what that’s uh..
MARTIN: That’s 48.
SPENCER: 48. So you’re going to get about a month and a half, if you take it every day, one teaspoon or about three months if you take it every other day. So yeah, there is an initial loading phase where you may go through quite a bit of it, and then you get to the point where it’s mostly flushed, and then you can kind of go at a cruising altitude and just take a teaspoon every day or every other day.
MARTIN: All right. So first start three bottles, go big.
SPENCER: It would depend, right? I mean, I knew that I had a familial issue with lipid accumulation.
MARTIN: So many of us.
SPENCER: Right. So I would say, the two classes of people that could do this, right? They’re the people who say, I have no problems, but I don’t ever want to have problems. Maybe someone in my family tree got some issues, it hasn’t shown up in me and I don’t want it to. Okay. Do a teaspoon every day or every other day, or maybe do a loading phase for a week and then just go to cruising altitude. Then you’ve got the people who are like, oh no I know I’ve got some issues, right? Like, I was one of those people, I could see that there was some plaque on my arteries. I could see that there was some fatty deposits in the liver. I knew that no matter how much I did from everything else I tried, I couldn’t budge them because the body has no way of getting to them. Right? And so for me, it made sense to do a one month at two tablespoons a day. But now that I’ve gotten most of the way there and I can see, and I’m looking at the carotid artery and I’m seeing the change and the texture of the plaque, and the thickness of it and the reflectivity of it. And I’m seeing what the liver looks like. I’m ready to start going and backing off and getting to more of a maintenance dose.
MARTIN: Right. So you’re an ultrasound specialist, right?
SPENCER: Oh, I wouldn’t say specialist. I have an ultrasound machine and I know how to use it, but…
MARTIN: Okay. Well the point is that you’re actually demonstrating to yourself using your own ultrasound that you can actually have a visual of what you’re talking about.
SPENCER: Yeah. Yeah. So it’s nice to be able to look at these things in live time and watch their effect and see what’s going on. Absolutely.
MARTIN: Right. So it’s not that you’re just smoking some bad weed and imagining things. This is actually ultrasound and you’ve got a picture of it.
SPENCER: I’ve got pre and post ultrasound photographs of the exact same angle, the exact same location, the carotid artery and the computer measurements showing the size of the plaque shrinking down. And I’ll keep taking pictures every month, and my hope is that it’ll keep getting smaller and smaller until it reaches the size where all that’s left is just the scar tissue. And all the inflammation and all the calcification and all the toxic fats and waxes and the macrophages have been removed. Yeah.
MARTIN: Awesome. Well, can’t wait to start.
SPENCER: All right.
MARTIN: I don’t think I have much more to say other than kudos to you, Spencer for just finding a hole that the mainstream is not talking about. Probably because they don’t actually know that they could do something about it. Right?
SPENCER: Who would’ve thought that we could save the world with sugar donuts, Martin?
MARTIN: Well, we’re not saving the world, we’re just giving ourselves two extra years at full speed, right?
SPENCER: There you go. Sure.
MARTIN: Or maybe two extra decades. I would like to hope that.
SPENCER: I have a friend who I’m helping with this who just had a stent put in. And of course I’m grateful for the opportunity to help anybody who wants to improve their heart condition. But there’s also a really special place in my heart for helping people who are dealing with potentials of senility. It’s one thing to have a heart attack and then boom, you’re dead, right? But senility is this slow tragic loss of one’s self, or of your partner or of your parents. And if we can help people bypass that and age neurologically in a graceful way, I’d be really grateful to be part of that.
MARTIN: Yeah. This is wonderful. All right. Spencer Feldman at You can get his products at Life Enthusiast. This is Martin Pytela, Call me at (866) 543-3388. Albedextrin. See you there!