Tag: autism

Chronic Disease Assumptions

Chemicals and environmental toxins interact with our DNA and make us susceptible to disease… Read More

Clinical Studies for EMPowerplus Advanced

New micronutrient formula offers hope for those who suffer with mental and mood disorders… Read More

MMR Vaccines DO Cause Autism

We must publicize widely that there are solutions to the damage that has been already done… Read More

Autism, Malnutrition and Milk

Treatment should begin with a nutrient dense diet full of foods that one can easily digest… Read More

Amino Acid Reviews

Read many experiences people have had with speedy body repairs taking Doc’s Nutrients & Goods, Doc’s Aminos… Read More

Autism Solutions

Eliminate toxins anywhere possible: air, water, food, dishes and pots, clothing, furniture, cars, offices… Read More

Autism in Minority Children

Studies show that white kids may be diagnosed with autism as much as a year and a half earlier than black and other minority children… Read More

Zeolite for Autism

There is a level of toxicity involved in their conditions for which more physical methods of treatment were required… Read More

Book: Unraveling the Mystery of Autism

When the doctors said our son would be severely disabled for life, we set out to prove them wrong… Read More

Compulsory Vaccinations

Death by injection happens to those on death row and now to everyone, and the government keeps records… Read More

Autism Linked to EFA Deficiency

Parents reported EFA supplements given to their children produced better sleeping patterns, cognition, eye contact and sociability… Read More

Autism from Vaccination

Mainstream medicine tries to convince parents that their children were born with autism, so they don’t investigate the possibility that their vaccine programs might be the real culprits… Read More