Tag: gut health

Podcast 477: Phylamet

With Spencer Feldman from Remedy Link. Supplementing with Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) supports a healthy microbiome, digestion and immunity… Read More

Podcast 475: Healthy Gut

With Steven Wright. Gut health plays a crucial role in digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, mental well-being, and overall systemic health… Read More

Podcast 440: Panaceum for Healthy Microbiome – Part 2

With Spencer Feldman. Prebiotics create healthy internal environment, increased longevity and vitality… Read More

Podcast 439: Panaceum for Healthy Microbiome – Part 1

With Spencer Feldman. Prebiotics create healthy internal environment, increased longevity and vitality… Read More

Podcast 433: Cirsten W Health Talks – Part 6

With Cirsten Weldon. Answering your most asked health questions about heavy metal detox, immunity, digestive health, and more… Read More

Podcast 372: Your Microbiome and Immune Health

With Miri Okocha. Your micorbiome includes trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi that live in and on your body. Some are healthy, others are are not. Balance is essential… Read More

Step Up Your Smoothie Game

A popular meal replacement, make yours the best with a nutrient-dense Protein Concentrate and a Superfood Blend… Read More

Fermented Foods

Fermentation results in a sour taste and easier digestibility and a stronger immune system… Read More

Gelatin and Collagen

Gelatin is the cooked form of collagen that makes up most of our connective tissues, skin, hair and bones… Read More

FODMAPs Diet for Better Gut Health

FODMAPs are different types of fermentable carbohydrates in fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy… Read More

Chia Seeds

Versatile in cooking, neutral flavor and rich food source of Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids, fiber, protein and more… Read More

Allergy Season Advice

When your immune system mistakenly identifies a harmless substance as a threat, it fires up an allergic response… Read More