Tag: humic acid

Podcast 476: Chinese Tonic Herbs & Specialty Teas​

With Rehmannia Dean Thomas. Discover herbal remedies, medicinal teas and adaptogens used for healing in TCM and Ayurvedic medicine… Read More

Podcast 473: Watch Your Water

Research shows toxins infiltrate our water, affecting organs including the kidneys, bowels, brain, heart, ovaries and testes… Read More

Podcast 451: Soil Secrets

With Michael Melendrez. Soil Secrets is a soil amendment technology company who’s mission is to create healthy soil, food security and independence for people and their families… Read More

Podcast 423: Humic Acid and Zeolite

With Dr. Howard Peiper, Humic Acid to fight viruses and Zeolite to detoxify… Read More

Podcast 409: Detoxify with Zeolite

Wtih Micah Portney. All about Zeolite with the CEO of Zeo Health… Read More

Humic and Fulvic Acids Research

Both are present in all living soils, with fulvic being more prevalent in forest soils and humic more prevalent in grassland soils… Read More

Humic Acid from Journal of Applied Biomedicine (pdf)

Contains compounds with important properties for agricultural, industrial, environmental and biomedical (pharmaceutical/medical) applications… Read More

Humic and Fulvic Acids Benefits – Part 2 of 2

Research from the National Institutes of Health… Read More

Humic and Fulvic Acids Benefits – Part 1 of 2

Research from the National Institutes of Health… Read More

Podcast 296: Humic and Fulvic Acid

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Humic and Fulvic acids can beat the next civilization-ending epidemic. Humic Acid boosts your immune system. Fulvic Acid is a powerful detoxifier. Together they help you beat disease and slow aging… Read More

Podcast 295: Fukushima 2011 – Part 2

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Detoxify your system of toxic heavy metals, mercury, pesticides, herbicides, volatile organic compounds, radioactive elements and others… Read More

Podcast 294: Fukushima 2011 – Part 1

With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. How to protect yourself against excess radiation and other toxic elements in our environment… Read More