Tag: ormus

Podcast 469: Exsula Superfoods Success Story

With Bob Peterson. These Superfood blends are crafted exclusively from whole foods, offering a comprehensive array of nutrients… Read More

Podcast 468: Master Peace

With Matt Hazen. Powerful combination of Zeolite and Marine Plasma, supports vibrational and physical cellular cleansing… Read More

Podcast 457: Shift and Empath

With Rehmannia from Super Tonic Herbs. Shift empowers the body mind and spirit. Empath replenishes yin and strengthens one’s auric field… Read More

ORMUS Movie: All The Gold You Can Eat

Watch it for entertainment and education about this ancient process that’s being rediscovered… Read More

ORMUS Oils and Lotions

Clear and balance the seven chakras within you. Everything is energy and energy is transformable… Read More

What Is ORMUS by Martin Pytela

Enhanced body and mind intelligence, enabling a more integrated, holistic state of functioning… Read More

ORMUS and SubStratum Chemistry

The relationship between chemistry and ORMUS deserves attention because it affects all aspects of our lives… Read More

Star Fire: Gold of the Gods

The true Grail bloodline was sustained by ingesting an alchemical substance called Star Fire… Read More

ORMUS Scientific Evidence

These unusual elements are not well known or well studied, and terminology has not been agreed upon in a wide scientific community… Read More

Philosophers Stone

Sought by alchemists for its supposed ability to transform base metals into precious ones, especially gold and silver… Read More

ORMUS User Reports

Please remember that we’re all individual and very different. These products are experimental… Read More

ORMUS Recipes with Base Materials

Make your own ORMUS to boost your health in every way. Nourish your body, mind and soul. General body repair, rejuvenation and enlightenment… Read More