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ZEO Health
ZEO Health Ltd. is the original manufacturer of Zeolite supplements in the United States and one of the most knowledgeable about Zeolite supplements in the world. Their products are specifically formulated, using the form of Zeolite shown effective in scientific studies, and produced to get the highest quality and most effective health benefits. All the products are manufactured in a licensed pharmaceutical facility under strict quality control.
Zeolite Research
Studies have shown that the natural mineral Zeolite has very beneficial uses to live healthy. The mineral has a honeycomb shape that is optimum for filtering toxins. It is also one of the very few minerals that have been negatively charged by nature. This means that in addition to having an excellent shape for filtering toxins, it actually acts like a magnet to attract them.
The following is a study that shows how effective Zeolite can be as an antiviral:
This report presents the results of toxicology, cell proliferation, and efficacy testing work carried out on humate and synthetic humate in 2001 -2002 by contract laboratories of the Virology Branch of the Antiviral Research and Antimicrobial Chemistry Program (Dr. Christopher Tseng, Program Officer), Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID) Screening and Testing Program for Antiviral, Immunomodulatory, Antitumor and/or Drug Delivery Activities, National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIA under the auspices of the National Institutes of Health (NIH, Bethesda, Maryland).
Samples of humate (HA) and synthetic humates (CA, CGA and HGA) were submitted directly to the contract laboratories for evaluation. Efficacy data are presented for five herpes viruses, three influenza viruses, and two hemorrhagic fever viruses. CA and HGA were found to be effective against HSV-1 and HSV-2, and their efficacy approached that of Acyclovir. CA was somewhat effective against cytomegalovirus, while HGA was equally so against VZV. CA was very highly effective against EBV. It is interesting to note natural humate (HA) had effectiveness in all cases at varying degrees.
Research Brief:
Sorption characteristics of natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) in biological material in vitro (Article in Czech).
Vrzgula L., Seidel H.
The zeolite (clinoptilolite) sorption of arsenic, cadmium, and lead ions from rumen fluid and abomasum juice was investigated in laboratory conditions. Zeolite was found to sorb 91% of lead and 45% of cadmium from rumen fluid in 24 hours. The sorption effectiveness was even higher from abomasum juice where zeolite absorbed 98% lead in 24 hours.
PMID: 2554555 (PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE)