August 26, 2010 by

Podcast 192: Candida Cleanse

Martin tells Scott about his irrational addiction to carbohydrates. This causes some real digestive problems that lead to an excess of toxins that is a common theme running throughout most of the products found at Life Enthusiast – the elimination of toxins.

Most people living today have a toxicity level that is simply too high. Why is the body hanging onto all this garbage that only inhibits health and wellness?

One of the more common types of yeast found in excess throughout the body is called Candida albicans. How can you eliminate this troublesome bother? One of the easiest ways is through the use of probiotics.

A long-standing problem of excess Candida will require some time for this product to take effect. Intestinal cleansing alone is not enough; the product must spread to all tissues of the body. Once it does: it is thorough.

Candida Cleanse offers additional friendly microbes designed to outnumber the problem over time, repopulating their territory. This process is a long one and can be quite drastic. For this reason, many people choose to not go through the die-off stage. However, if you want an ecology that is clean and healthy, this is the product for you!

Podcast 192: Candida Cleanse

SCOTT: Welcome, everybody! This is the Life Enthusiast Podcast, restoring vitality to you, your gut, and the planet. I am your co-host, Scott Paton, and joining me, as usual, is the founder of the Life Enthusiast, Martin Pytela. Hey Martin, how is your stomach today?

MARTIN: I am feeling fine! But you know, I really know myself, and I am the body type that cannot really handle a lot of carbs, and yet I am totally addicted to it. You know, if I show up at a party, and they have some nibbles, like little pieces of cake, or little cookies, or this or that lying around, I pretty much have to tie my hands behind my back, or I will eat it all, it is crazy. Because I am a rational human being, you know, I should be able to resist, but I find myself in an impossible situation, I just go and get more, and another one, and one more…

SCOTT: Right. And it is funny because I think most of us would not associate that behavior as an addiction, but it really is an addiction. Many people are addicted to carbs, it is amazing to watch a group of guys getting together, and put a bunch of taco chips in front of them, some bread, or crackers, and it is gone in minutes!

MARTIN: Right, and then you add some beer to it, of course.

SCOTT: Yeah, and this causes some real major problems when it comes to our digestive system.

MARTIN: Yeah. I really think, Scott, that we are wired that way from our prehistoric days, because in nature, out there, when we were in the wild, carbs were not easy to come by. Only in season, you could get apples or other fruits and vegetables. I am thinking of a bear, who is preparing to hibernate, the bear will just go in, and eat a half of an apple tree worth of apples, and then have a gigantic bowel movement, and move on to the next tree, and just eat and eat and eat, knowing, that for the next six months, there will be nothing like that available.

SCOTT: Yeah, so that is a kind of feast and famine cycle that we go through, isn’t it?

MARTIN: Yeah. Insulin is the hormone that the body releases to store reserves. Its primary function isn’t to control sugar, its primary function is to create future reserves. And only in recent times, the medical establishment has been popularizing the concept that insulin regulates blood sugar. It is true, but it is a side effect of its function. The function is to create stores of energy. So of course when you have lots of sugar, that is when you can and will be putting away lots of energy for future use. Of course, now we are not hunters, now we are heading down the strip mall, and trying to decide which of the 20 restaurants we are going to pull into.

SCOTT: That is right.

MARTIN: So there is never famine, there is never that scarcity of food. There is always a feast.

SCOTT: One of the consequences of the overconsumption of carbs, is candida. My ex-wife had candida, it was really bad. So we would go see this naturopathic doctor, and he would say: “You have got to cut these foods out,” he put her on a strict diet, gave her some concoctions… This was over 20 years ago, and when I first met her, she was anorexic. So we went to the store, but there was nothing in the grocery store we could buy, there were like three items she could get, and she really ate this Spartan diet for five or six months. And I can remember thinking: She is not anorexic, but she sure looks it. And then, once she kind of got rid of the candida, and she started eating other stuff again, she would put her weight back on, and she was fine. But she really went through hell, and I have never really appreciated the withdrawal aspect of it. I mean, I don’t think I could have done it, because I didn’t have the discipline of not eating stuff. It would have just killed me, to eat the diet she was eating. So, she did it the hard way, and I am thinking that knowing what we know now about nutrition and alternative health options, I thought it would be great to talk about maybe a less drastic diet for candida. Because this was really drastic, and I am sure there must be a better way.

MARTIN: Well, here is the challenge: the fungus will start growing in your body from either presence of too many carbs, or from the presence of toxins that are impossible to deal with. So let me step back. If you live in a toxic industrial world with heavy metals and herbicides, pesticides, vaccinations, and all that sort of stuff, you will end up with a lot of chemicals in your body, for which there is no defense. Our bodies are not designed for this, there was no industrial pollution when we evolved, we don’t have filters for those chemicals installed in our bodies. These are all the volatile organic compounds, the artificial smells that are put into the detergents and cosmetic products, heavy metals, and that sort of stuff. These things completely disrupt the functioning of your body, but there is no mechanism in the body to get rid of them.

SCOTT: So, if you have mercury in your body, for example, the body has no way of removing it.

MARTIN: Right. The only thing your body can do with it is trying to sequester it, hide it in places with low circulation, which means your fat cells, and then cartilage and bone. Unfortunately, our brain is mainly made of fats, so it ends up there as well. The other method that the body has is to try and decompose it, and the strongest decomposition there is for living things is a fungus. The fungus can only exist in a terrain that has a low presence of oxygen, and it can only grow where there is a high presence of proper food, and for fungus, the best food is carbohydrates, sugar in any form. So, simple sugars like glucose and fructose, alcohol, and starch. Then there are the complex sugars, basically, three or four or five sugars hooked together into these chains, fructooligosaccharides, that can be easily reduced into single sugars, and turned into quick energy.

SCOTT: So the body uses fungus to clean out the body?


SCOTT: So the body is saying to the fungus: “Clean out this garbage,” the fungus says: “Okay.” And then it looks out, and thinks: I can’t clean out that stuff, I am not set up to deal with metals! But the fungus stays in the body and is actually influencing the body to eat more sugar because the fungus needs carbs to survive. So we eat more sugar, and the fungus grows out of control.

MARTIN: That is right. And I believe cancer is a fungus as well, or at least it is the next stage. We have discussed the pleomorphic theory of illness. Fungus and cancer share a common mechanism of action. They both can only exist in absence of oxygen, presence of carbohydrates, it is a fermentation process, and instead of having its output as CO2, carbon dioxide, it has its output either as lactic acid, or alcohol. So with that said, a person who has candida is basically always drunk. It is really strange, but candida is actually producing alcohol in the body. When you make wine, you take grapes, you smash them up, that is the sugar that you are after, you put water on it, a little bit of yeast, and then you limit access to oxygen. That is how you make alcohol. Also with candida, we are talking about brain fog. That is caused by two things. One is the lack of sugar for the brain. The brain is your biggest consumer of sugar in your body, thinking involves having sugar available. The other thing is the presence of alcohol, which impairs your function in many ways. So what can we do to undo this? One obvious option is to accept that what feeds candida is sugar, so you would need the eliminate sugar, just like you described earlier, going on a highly restricted diet that cuts back on all sugar, alcohol, carbohydrates, essentially eliminate all fruits, grains, so no bread, pasta, and also beans and other legumes.

SCOTT: And that is not even including the most important food groups, which are the candies, chocolate bars, and soft drinks!

MARTIN: Sorry, my friend, I totally forgot those.

SCOTT: And what about my latté?

MARTIN: Yeah, your latté would have to be made from a steak. I would say we would need to whip up some egg, and spice it with Tabasco. There is your latté. So anyway, this ties back to our previous week’s conversation, where we were introducing Genki foods and Zeolite because both of these two products tie together in our ability to eliminate candida. First, Zeolite is important in its ability to bind and remove toxins, especially heavy metals and the likes. So when you remove those, your body finally gets rid of the reason why it is actually growing the fungus. The second one is we need to rebuild the terrain, and we go after it with probiotics, essentially, we completely overwhelm your digestive system with the good guys,. Visualize flooding of an army of ants, just invading a field and just digging everything down, that is the sort of thing that happens when you go into that Genki process. You can check these products on our website. There is this drink called GOLD, it is a special mix of all the high bacterial cultures, but we also have the intense capsules and a bag of powder.

SCOTT: Martin, if somebody has candida, which, if you have been drinking Coke and 7up and eating donuts or muffins your whole life, using antibiotics, and living in a city anywhere in the world, you probably have this. Tell us what would life be like without it? How would you feel without candida in your stomach?

MARTIN: Healthy, I guess. (laughing) I am having a hard time to describe what does absence of illness feels like. I guess you would be joyful, powerful, strong, not tired, energetic, optimistic, non-depressed, non-angry, not easy to upset, you would feel bulletproof. But even if you have candida, it is still okay, as long as the candida stays in your digestive tract. It is the overgrowth that is the problem, and of course when you develop a leaky gut. The only way you can overwhelm and defeat candida is by the presence of oxygen, so we need to actually alkalize the body, to the point where oxygen is carried to the tissue. Then we must remove the causes or the acidity. That is where Zeolite helps because it helps us remove the sources of acidity. We also need to stick to the alkalizing lifestyle, and we also can supplement oxygen. We have Oxygen Supplements on our website that work great.

The other tool that is quite effective is hydrogen peroxide, which can be found in local stores. It must be food grade though. Another tool that has been popularized lately is MMS, Miracle Mineral Solution, which is oxychlor, but this thing, unfortunately, is being actively suppressed by the FDA. It is essentially a bleaching agent, but it is a completely safe product that is effective. But of course, that is what the medical world does not want you to have. The pharmaceutical companies want you to not be able to buy things that will make you healthy, they want you to pay them for the treatments. They don’t want you fixed. They want you just coping. Fortunately, we still have the stabilized oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, those are very effective ways of supplementing the oxygen. That is going to push on the fungus. Remember, the fungus can only exist in the presence of sugar, and the absence of oxygen, keep that in mind.

SCOTT: Right. A part of the purpose of the fungus, from the body’s perspective, is to get rid of toxic metals, but the fungus can’t do that, so we need to make sure to use some tools to get rid of these toxins in some other way.

MARTIN: That is right, that is where Zeolite comes into the picture. That is pretty much the only tool we have that is not invasive. There are invasive techniques, there is intravenous chelation available, but these things cost $150 per session, and you need to be plugged into an IV for two hours in a doctor’s office, sitting, doing nothing other than reading magazines. With Zeolite, all you have to do is just add a few drops of this stuff to your drinking water.

SCOTT: And it really has no taste.

MARTIN: No, there is nothing offensive about it. If you really want to go big, the Zeolite powder with 400g in a container is going to help with any problem.

SCOTT: Yeah. So, to sum it all up – many people suffer from candida overgrowth, it causes a lot of problems, it basically makes us drunk all the time. If it is just in your stomach, that is not a big problem, but if it starts leaking into the rest of your body, then it becomes a real problem. And the reason that we have got it is we have killed all the good bacteria in our gut with antibiotics, we have allowed room for this fungus to kind of come in and take over, we over-consume carbohydrates, and we also have this toxic load in our bodies this fungus is trying to clean out, but it really can’t. So we have this vicious circle going on, which just gets worse and worse. So we need to get the toxic metals out, we need to get the fungus out, and we need to restore the good bacteria in our stomach, and the rest of our body.

MARTIN: You are a master of summarization! They should have you speaking in public.

SCOTT: (laughing) Thank you. So, in order to do that, we need to use Zeolite to remove toxic metals from our bodies. By the way, what are the side effects of Zeolite?

MARTIN: I can’t think of any, really. The only side effect you will have is if you take too much, you will feel tired because you will overwhelm your liver’s detox capacity, but that is temporary. There is one other natural way of heavy metal detoxing, and that is a combination of cilantro and chlorella. Cilantro is a plant, it is also known as coriander in India, but it is the green stuff you put in your salsa. So you could chop up a large amount, or you could even make cilantro pesto, which is lovely, and you need to combine it with chlorella. Cilantro helps the body disengage the heavy metals from where they are hiding, and chlorella helps the body to remove them. Chlorella by itself doesn’t do a great job of disengaging it from wherever it is hiding, so you need to do the combo of the two. You can buy fresh cilantro in a grocery store, and you can get chlorella in our store, for example.

SCOTT: Yeah! And then the Genki foods combined with the Zeolite will help remove the fungus from your body and remove the heavy metals.

MARTIN: That is right. Then we finally go and get a bottle of Strata-Flora to fix it all. This is like the final polish, which is going to sweep everything clean and put a coat of varnish on, to make it all good. Strata Flora is capable of recolonizing your gut with good bacteria.

SCOTT: I think the biggest message we have to give anybody is that our bodies tend to be acidic, they tend to be full of fungus, full of toxic metals, and those things cause all the problems that we may have, whether it is cancer, colds, flu, lack of energy, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, all those sorts of things come from that.

MARTIN: Many people have spent huge amounts of money on different treatments and pills, and they were not successful. Our North American narrow-minded problem-oriented thinking says: You have too much candida, let’s just kill the candida. But that is about as smart as removing the sirens of firetrucks because it is clearly associated with fires.

SCOTT: Right, but the candida is a result of a problem, it is not the problem, and just removing it does not fix the problem.

MARTIN: Exactly. When you kill off candida, you have given the person a bit of relief. But you need to take away the reason why the body has it there, which is toxins. And then you need to figure out how you are going to remove it, systemically. That means alkalizing the entire terrain, allowing the oxygen to stay in the tissue. Remove the toxins, and repopulate the gut with friendly bacteria.

SCOTT: There you go! And you can do that all easily and quickly with some of the products we offer on!

MARTIN: You can also call me at (866) 534 3388!

SCOTT: Cool! Thanks for joining us, everybody! Martin, thank you again for sharing your extensive knowledge with me and our listeners! I appreciate it, and I am sure they do as well!

MARTIN: Thank you! This is Life Enthusiast, restoring vitality to you and to the planet! See you next time!

Note: the information provided are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your medical professional(s) if you are dealing with a specific medical issue.

August 26, 2010
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