December 12, 2023 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 469: Exsula Superfoods Success Story

Exsula Superfoods are crafted exclusively from whole foods, offering a comprehensive array of vitamins and minerals, along with essential amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, and more. Tailored to meet diverse needs, each blend comprises wild-grown, organic, and non-GMO ingredients. Processed at low temperatures to preserve enzymes and nutrients. On today’s episode, Martin is joined by Bob Peterson, a seasoned 24-year veteran of Exsula Superfoods, who graciously unfolds his personal health journey. Bob highlights the remarkable impact that Exsula Superfoods products have had on his health, productivity, longevity, and overall well-being.

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MARTIN: Hi, this is Martin Pytela from Life Enthusiast. And today with me is Bob Peterson, one of our long, long, long time customers. Hello Bob, welcome.

BOB: All right, hi, how are you doing Martin? Good.

 MARTIN: I’m doing fine. Considering the years I’ve been around, I’m doing just fine. Bob, how long has it been since you started buying the Exsula products? 

BOB: I was trying to figure that out. I think it’s been 24 years. 

MARTIN: 1999, 1998? Like that?

BOB: Yeah, yeah.


BOB: Maybe it’s been 24 years. I think that’s what it was. That’s what I figured. Yeah. 

MARTIN: Okay, that’s awesome. So I guess it’s, well, I don’t want to put words in your mouth. Do you remember how the world was for you before or during or after you started using the products? 

BOB: Yeah, I remember a friend of mine who just passed away from cancer, pancreatic cancer at a very early age. The lightbulb went off in my head and because my parents were also not doing really well. So I decided that I was not going to go down those roads. And I didn’t want to end up like my friend or my parents. So, I decided that I was going to do everything in my power to make sure that it didn’t happen to me. I was talking to a lady who’s involved in another business with me and she told me about the products. I think the product she introduced me to first started with a Q, though the name escapes me now. It was a while back. She shared some stuff we were making together.

MARTIN: I think you’re thinking of Quantum.

BOB: Right, Right. It was like an Iridesca light, that product. I really liked it. I started with that and then got intrigued by other products from Exsula. So, one by one, I began purchasing them. I’ve used almost all, if not all, of them. I can’t recall if I’ve used every single one, but I’ve definitely used most of their products.

MARTIN: So what do you use these days?

BOB: Well, I use Iridesca, Strata-Flora, Ultimate Q10, XtraPure Lecithin, I use AuraMax, I use Ellagiplex, I use the New Liver formula, the Heart Studies Formula, I use Coral Calcium, and ORMUS Gold. Oh, and AuraGreens—I use that one too.

MARTIN: I remember even seeing an order recently.

BOB: The Nova Scotia Dulse Powder, I probably use about 20 products maybe.

MARTIN: That’s really good because you really now know them all right?

BOB: I just feel jazzed every time I take the products. I take so many different things, I’m just like I’m a real nut I guess but I make a smoothie in the morning with about 45 different products.

MARTIN: It’s quite the concoction. We call it the dog’s breakfast, right?

BOB: Yeah, and I got to tell you, about 20 minutes after having it, I just feel incredibly good. It’s like a surge of energy, I feel like taking a run around the block. I feel fantastic, like a million dollars. I’ve got friends who are on their way out.  They’re in wheelchairs, starting down that whole entourage medical establishment with walkers, canes, and you know, it’s disheartening. You know for a fact they’re headed down the wrong road.

MARTIN: Yeah, it is kind of difficult. My biggest challenge with friends or acquaintances has been that, even if I tell them what I do, they don’t ask a question. And even if I try to tell them that I would know how to help them, because I know stuff, they don’t care to know.

BOB: You know but people are just starting to get more proactive. I have another friend who’s a couple of years older than I am, and he’s really starting to become enamored. When he looks at me and I tell him things, he’s beginning to understand. He’s calling me all the time now. What should I do about this? I have a headache. He has all sorts of health concerns and for many years, he has relied on about six different doctors as his go-to people. But now, I’m becoming his go-to person.

MARTIN: So let’s talk a bit more about the specifics. So you have no complaints that you know of like health-wise?

BOB: The only nagging, silly, dumb problem I have is with my big toe on my right foot, and I think it might be gout. But then again, I don’t understand how it could be.

MARTIN: I could tell you a story about that. There are two ways to get gout: one is with too much red meat. The other is with too many carbohydrates or starch.

BOB: I see.

MARTIN: So depends which you might be.

BOB:  It would have to be the latter because I don’t eat meat. I don’t even purposely eat meat, let’s put it that way.

MARTIN: So it would be insulin, when you eat too much starchy food you raise insulin too high. It does two things. It puts excess fat on your body, and it causes gouty pain in the joints.

BOB: I see, So what would that be? What would that look like as far as food?

MARTIN: What specific foods would be causing that? 

BOB: Yeah.

MARTIN: Potatoes, rice, sweet potatoes, grains, wheat, bread.  

BOB: The only thing that falls into that category which I eat is a multi-grain gluten-free bread that I have.

MARTIN: Yeah, and that will probably be hard to give up.

BOB: Well, one of the things I really love in the middle of the day, strangely enough, is having an egg sandwich.

MARTIN: You could call it an omelet and skip the bread, have it with some veggies, salad on the side. Or maybe veggies inside the omelet. Maybe, well, it would be an experiment you’d have to try for about a month. Right. So, well, that’s not a huge complaint as far as I know because it doesn’t really stop you from walking about or doing your work.

BOB: No, no. My work schedule is so erratic. Some days I’ll work 10 or 12 hours, and some days I don’t work at all. On an average day, I work about half a day.

MARTIN: Well, so, okay, so minimal health complaints, you probably are not on any pharmaceuticals, I guess, right?

BOB: No, I don’t take anything. I don’t even take aspirin. I don’t take anything.

MARTIN: That’s awesome, right? It’s so unexpected. Whenever I go to a medical appointment, the first question out of their mouth is, ‘What drugs are you taking?’ It’s not ‘Do you take any?’ No, it’s ‘Which ones are you taking?

BOB: I go to people’s houses, and some of these people have an entire tray of probably a hundred different drugs they take, you know?

MARTIN: The funny thing is, of course, it’s coming through them into the toilet and down into the,

BOB: Yeah, I mean, you can’t criticize anybody because they are my customers.

MARTIN: I wouldn’t criticize them even if they weren’t, it’s their choices. So, I guess you can truly call yourself the product of the product itself, because with 25 or 24 years behind you, that’s pretty much what has built you now.

BOB: Yeah, I feel great. I mean, I don’t have any complaints. It’s not summer now, but in the summertime, I ride my bike five days a week, probably about a 45-mile bike ride. Then during the winter months, we’re in the beginning of winter now.

MARTIN: Yeah, there’s not much more one could say other than to have a smoothie every day, make a drink. I mean, it’s quite simple to do, right?

BOB: Very much so. There are days when I have my smoothie late enough in the day. For instance, if there’s an emergency or I have to leave here early, I usually wolf down the Heart Studies formula along with Ultimate Q10, and then I add a vitamin C product, Camu Camu, to it before leaving. If I don’t have my superfoods until maybe around two o’clock, I might even skip dinner. I mean, that might be it for the day. 

MARTIN: Yeah, it’s really sustainable.

BOB: It really is. You can be totally, incredibly hungry and have your smoothie and that really fills you up.  It really does.

MARTIN: So do you mix it with anything or just straight with water?

BOB: I just mix it with water. I use a water structuring unit actually. I have two of them. Then I pass it through this other unit from Natural Action Technologies. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with it.

MARTIN: Oh yeah, absolutely. Clayton Nolte, that’s who invented it.

BOB: Yeah, I put it through that. And then I have this wand called the Halo. I don’t know if you have ever heard of Halo

MARTIN: Oh yeah, absolutely.

Bob: I structure it with that.  and then I have this Itera… what’s it called?

Martin: Oh yeah, the Itera wand.

BOB: I use that to magnetize the water.

MARTIN: Yeah, I have one of those here too. It’s an awesome tool.

BOB: I have that water waiting for me cold in the refrigerator. So what I’ll do is I take eight ounces of green tea and I put that in the cup. Then I take four ounces of tart cherry juice and then I add about 16 ounces of the water. And then I put all the superfoods right in there. 

MARTIN: So, it’s quite a tall drink.

BOB: It’s a quart.

MARTIN: I mean I do something similar. I make 32 ounce smoothies.

BOB: Yeah, you know what, I used to use juice, but I think juice tends to make me heavy. There are a lot of calories. 

MARTIN: Well the tart cherry juice is really good.

BOB: Well, I used to use pure apple juice or pure, if you make a tall glass of apple juice, that’s like having 20 apples or something.

MARTIN: That’s a lot of sugar. That’s just way too much energy.

BOB: Yeah, so I’ve learned to enjoy it with less, a bit more moderation.

MARTIN: Well, it’s great. Do you have any messages to the world?

BOB: Well, people have to take the time to educate themselves. The reason I like for instance, the Iridesca, is that Jevari, when he made that product, he took a cross-section of the body, cross-section by cross-section. He said: “What does the heart need? What does the liver need? What do the kidneys need? What does your brain need? What do your muscles need?” So, he took all of that and came up with the best of the best from every source and concocted that product. It’s a magnificent product. I mean, there’s nothing. I don’t think there’s anything you can put in your body that can even beat it. There’s just nothing that can beat that. You just can’t go wrong.

MARTIN: You know, we keep testing and no, there’s nothing like it out there. And most companies, most manufacturers don’t really feel like putting together 350 ingredients. It’s quite tedious. 

BOB: Right. You just can’t. And let’s say you had a really sloppy day, maybe you ate some junk that you shouldn’t have eaten. You went to someone’s house, they served something that wasn’t that great, but you ate it because you didn’t want to be discourteous. Maybe it wasn’t a good eating day. But with the Iridesca, at least you have the foundation covered. So, your body thanks you for giving it a slice of the best. You’re not cheating yourself out of anything. That’s the way it goes.

MARTIN: I agree. That is the most complete. And that is probably not going to get easily beaten, because it’s hard to make.

BOB: Yeah, if you took ingredient by ingredient and tried to duplicate it, you’d probably spend three or 400 hundred dollars on just one item.

MARTIN: I did that. I went to a health food store and I started shopping for the components. And when you put everything that’s in it in your shopping cart, you end up spending about $500 on the $150 bottle of Iridesca.

BOB: Yeah. It’s all there. It’s easy. It mixes really well with whatever you want to mix it with. You can put it in a shaker cup, and it mixes almost instantaneously. Yeah, I put it in a mixer cup I got from Dr. Brown’s, a baby formula mixer. But I like it. I know it’s kind of odd, but I like it.

MARTIN: Like a fork on a stick that spins, right?

BOB: Yeah. And sometimes what I’ll do is I’ll mix it and I’ll just bring it with me, and it just sits in my car waiting for me when I want to have it, and here it is.

MARTIN: Yeah, the thing is good for about two days after mixing anyway, so it’s quite alright.

BOB: Right. If you put it in the refrigerator or something, it probably holds real well. 

MARTIN: Yes. Awesome. Well, Bob, thank you so very much for sharing yourself, your time, and your wisdom. It’s been one with time. A lot of testing, right?

BOB: Yeah, sure is.

MARTIN: Thank you, Bob. This is Martin at Life Enthusiast, alongside Bob Peterson, a 24-year veteran of Exsula Superfoods. Thank you.



Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff December 12, 2023
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