Brain and Memory

Most people think that Brain and Memory functions decrease with age. Becoming more forgetful can be from a specific nutritional deficiency. These supplements can help if you have trouble learning new things. Or cannot recall where you put things. Decreased brain functions can also be caused by chronic inflammation or rising toxicity. Also from allergic reactions to ingested or inhaled irritants. These supplement can help:

  • Enhance your overall brain health, memory and concentration. Increase your clarity, focus and attention, prevent memory loss and help nerve synapses.
  • Supercharge your brain with adequate brain food.
  • Oxygenate your pineal and pituitary glands.
  • Repair DNA and regrow brain cells.
Take a look at all our Blogs about Brain and Memory. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

Showing 1–16 of 50 results

  • Nano soma bottle and packaging

    Nano Soma

    Anti-aging and DNA Repair Support

    $0.57 Cashback
     By: Life Enthusiast
    Anti-aging and DNA Repair Support

    Nano Soma Anti-aging and DNA Repair Support Nano Soma helps repair DNA damage. This damage can come from: Exposure to environmental toxins Emotional trauma Viral infections And other stressors. These things all affect your cells ability to replicate correctly. Nano Soma is able to help restore your cells ability to replicate, withOUT these distortions. It's like making new cells just like the original. Instead of a fuzzy replication. Benefits of Nano Soma may include: Anti-aging to increase longevity Improves most underlying health problems Reduces inflammation and pain Blocks infections Enhances wound healing Increases energy Promotes...

    • Helps Clear DNA damage
    • May Increase Life Length and Quality
    • Helps Reduce Pain from Inflammation
    • May Improve Immunity
  • Exsula Superfoods XtraPure Lecithin

    XtraPure Lecithin

    From Organic Sunflower Seeds

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: Exsula Superfoods
    From Organic Sunflower Seeds

    XtraPure Lecithin Lubricates Your Brain and Nervous System Known for being an essential fat that's present in every cell in our body, having a healthy amount of lecithin in our system should not be taken lightly. Often used in medicines to help combat a number of conditions such as high cholesterol, gallbladder disease, anxiety, skin conditions and many more, there's no denying the important role that lecithin plays in our overall health and everyday life. As a dietary supplement, lecithin can help to increase cognitive functions, promote cardiovascular health, and help with...

    • Helps Supercharge Your Brain and Nerves
    • Supports Efficient Fat Metabolism (weight loss)
    • May Boost Immunity (fight cold/flu)
  • Algonot NeuroProtek


    Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Neuroprotective

    $0.45 Cashback
     By: Algonot
    Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Neuroprotective

    NeuroProtek promotes body and mind harmony. Helps reduce oxidative stress (tumors and tumor-like diseases) May reduce inflammation (pain) including conditions of the heart and blood vessels (cholesterol) Helps maximize nutrient absorption Protects against neuronal damage Helps increase attention, concentration, focus and learning May increase endurance and athletic performance. This formula is full of flavonoids, found in fruits and vegetables. They have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. Most diets contain few flavonoids. NeuroProtek is formulated to maximize flavanoid effects, and overcome absorption obstacles. An exclusive combination of three highly pure, natural...

    • Promotes Body and Mind Harmony
    • Supports Healthier Brain and Heart Functions
    • May Increase Endurance and Athletic Performance
  • Exsula Superfoods High Pectin Apple Fiber Supplement

    Apple Fiber

    Improve Bowel Regularity

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: Exsula Superfoods
    Improve Bowel Regularity

    Apple Fiber promotes regular bowel movements. Improving regularity will enhance your nutrient absorption and waste elimination. This may energize your immune system for overall increased health, vitality and healing. Better detoxification is a great first step to battling both obesity and abnormal glucose levels. As a cholesterol-lowering agent, this formula may be even more effective than oat bran and psyllium. Even more impressive, research suggests that Apple Fiber may battle or guard against colon tumors by accelerating the elimination of toxins. This very special high quality supplement is naturally occurring, and extracted with...

    • Promotes Digestive Regularity
    • Cleaner Digestive System
    • Promotes Stronger Immunity
  • Health BreakThroughs MPS Gold 100

    MPS-Gold 100

    MucoPolySaccharides (MPS) from Aloe and Larch

    $1.12 Cashback
     By: Health BreakThroughs
    MucoPolySaccharides (MPS) from Aloe and Larch

    MPS-Gold 100 is a Powerful Immune Boost You May Recover FASTER from a Catastrophic Health Setback MucoPolySaccharides (MPS) and Glyconutrients have improved so many conditions. Difficult to list them all because positive effects have shown in every cell, organ, gland and system in the body. Rebuild Your Health Help rebuild tissues damaged by blood clots or oxygen deprivation People report profound changes in the brain and nervous systems Supports circulatory and digestive systems May reduce inflammation and pain to increase mobility Helps stabilize blood sugar Decrease systemic candida Supports mental clarity and a...

    • Supports Circulatory, Nervous and Digestive Systems
    • Helps Rebuild Tissues Damaged by Blood Clots or Oxygen Deprivation
    • May Reduce Inflammation and Pain to Increase Mobility
  • GaiaThera, Intense C60 front view

    Intense C60

    Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant

    $1.35 Cashback
     By: GaiaThera
    Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant

    Intense C60 Helps Increase Your Health and Longevity Intense anti-aging, helps speed body repairs, antioxidant and more: Helps stops inflammation in joints and spine Helps balance and sustain energy all day May strengthen immunity, resistance to viral and bacterial invasions Helps protect nerves, supports emotional balance May help mental clarity, lift brain fog, maintain focus Helps improve attitude and motivation Supports stronger bones Strengthens digestion and food-to-energy conversion May increase endurance and muscle strength (Lift heavier weights, faster running/cycling times) Helps you train harder and recover faster (C60 is approved for...

    • Helps Stop Inflammation and Joint Pain
    • May Strengthen Immunity (cold, flu, etc.)
    • Helps Increase Muscle Strength and Endurance
  • Life Enthusiast, Zadiol


    Proprietary Blend of Botanicals

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: Life Enthusiast
    Proprietary Blend of Botanicals

    Zadiol helps balance hormones. This may gradually improve most aspects of your health. May reduce anxiety, and increase your sense of calm. May relieve pain for increased mobility. May increase motivation and energy. May improve mental clarity. Help boost immunity. Excessive stress disrupts your hormone balance. This causes problems with your immune and adrenal systems. Leading to a wide spectrum of painful diseases and mental health disorders. Zadiol may help you regain a healthy hormone balance so that all your downstream critical systems can return to normal. May Relieve  Anxiety from Past, or...

    • Helps Balance Hormones
    • Helps Reduce Extreme Anxiety, Increase Calmness
    • Helps Boost Immunity
  • Earth Friend Herb Tincture ALZ Ease 1 oz

    ALZ Memory-Ease

    Improve Recall and Clarity of Thought

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Improve Recall and Clarity of Thought

    ALZ Memory-Ease is a combination of herbs that has historically shown to help prevent memory loss and associated symptoms. Relatives of people using ALZ Memory-Ease daily report better memory and memory functions in a short amount of time. Users of ALZ Memory-Ease who use the product for themselves, report overall better memory. ALZ Memory-Ease approaches the problem of memory loss with a unique blend of herbs that are used for a multi purpose approach to this problem. Herbs used in this combination have historically been used to clear the brain of...

    • May Help Prevent Memory Loss
    • Helps Nerve Synapses
    • Good for Elderly People
  • zetox bottle


    Detoxifier and Antiviral with Vitamin B12 and D3

    $0.22 Cashback
     By: ZEO Health
    Detoxifier and Antiviral with Vitamin B12 and D3

    Zetox helps remove toxins and heavy metals that build up in your body. This may enhance your general immune function and overall well being. Absorbs toxins May provide protection from radiation Helps remove heavy metal contamination (e.g. mercury, lead, arsenic) May boost immunity (protection from colds, flu, viral infections) Helps balance the pH May reduce free radicals Helps suppress viral infections Assist in purging parasites, pathogens and viruses from your body Antibacterial activity and antiviral effect May provide relief for some allergies of eyes and sinuses Helps accelerate wound repairs...

    • Helps Remove Toxic Heavy Metals and Other Chemicals
    • Helps Boost Immunity with D3
    • Supports Energy Production with B12
  • TrueHope, EMPowerplus

    EMPowerplus Advanced

    Mental Health Supplement

    $0.72 Cashback
     By: TrueHope
    Mental Health Supplement

    EMPowerplus Advanced provides optimal nutrition for your brain and nerves. Nutrition for Your Brain and Nerves Contains Potential Life-changing Essential Nutrients Supports, Maximizes and Enhances Optimal Mood Stability Memory ~ Concentration ~ Calm Clarity And the ability to cope with all that life throws at you. Also please consider that this product has the chance of correcting the deficiency that is causing the imbalance to begin with. A Solution, NOT a Bandaid We offer the product a discount when you commit to automatic monthly shipments. In as little as one week, many...

    • Enhances Mental Clarity
    • Boosts Mood Stability
    • Proven Blend of Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids
  • 60 Capsules Bottle of Algoran Energy and Rejuvenation with Ecklonia Cava

    Algoran Energy & Rejuvenation

    Helps Balance Male Hormonals and Manage Energy

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: Marine Technology
    Helps Balance Male Hormonals and Manage Energy

    Algoran Energy & Rejuvenation Contains Ecklonia Extract - a Super Antioxidant with powerful free radical scavenging ability. It can also cross the blood-brain barrier. PLUS the benefits of Tongkat Ali - well regarded for its hormonal boosting properties. Especially good at relieving most chronic degenerative conditions and reducing inflammation.  Helps build muscle strength, energy, endurance and resilience. Users report higher energy, sounder sleep (more sleep and falling asleep quicker), reduced pain and general improvement of health conditions - more good days every week. Tongkat Ali is said to help raise testosterone levels, promote muscle...

    • Contains Ecklonia, a known Nitric Oxide releaser (so is Viagra)
    • May Enhance Sex and Energy
    • Helps Reduce Inflammation and Pain
  • CR Supplements, Selenium


    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    $0.23 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    Selenium is essential for the proper functioning of your body. Critical for thyroid hormone production Antioxidant to help prevent and stop tumor growth Defends against heart disease Helps prevent aging mental decline May boost immunity Helps reduce serious breathing difficulties. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that may prevent and stop tumor growth. Helps reverse symptoms of aging and eliminate painful degenerative diseases. Antioxidants help kill free radicals that cause mutated cell growth (tumors). Free radicals are by-products of your metabolic processes. Caused by insufficient nutrition and detoxification. Stress and exposure to...

    • Critical for Thyroid Function
    • Antioxidant Helps Prevent and Stop Tumor Growth
    • May Slow Aging Mental Decline
  • GaiaThera, Methylene Blue

    Methylene Blue

    Powerful Antioxidant

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: GaiaThera
    Powerful Antioxidant

    Methylene Blue is a powerful antioxidant, critical for health. Antioxidants help neutralize the effects of stress and aging. They're necessary for a healthy brain, nerves and muscles (including heart). A deficit may cause rapid aging, emotional instability, loss of mental power. The antioxidant properties of Methylene Blue support: Helps calm nerves and stress May improve sleep and energy May improve immunity May boost brain functions, mental alertness and good moods Helps regulate homocysteine levels Plays a role in neurological activity Enhances growth and repair of all cells Aids in metabolism of carbohydrates and...

    • Helps Calm Nerves and Reduce Stress
    • Enhances Energy and Performance
    • May Boost Brain Functions
  • MarineTechnology InnerHealth

    Algoran Inner-Health

    With Nano Curcumin and Ecklonia Cava

    $0.35 Cashback
     By: Marine Technology
    With Nano Curcumin and Ecklonia Cava

    Algoran Inner-Health was known as Algoran Lifeforce Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant This is blend of two natural ingredients Ecklonia Cava and Nano-Curcumin. Considered by many researchers to possess properties that are effective in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. Inflammation is part of all disease states and nano-curcumin shuts off the master switch for inflammation in the body. It is the preferred antioxidant for smokers, those with pain from inflammation, even in the bowels. It can also be taken as an overall protective herb for general health. Powerful blend of herbs, synergistically working to help reduce...

    • Contains Ecklonia, a known Nitric Oxide releaser (so is Viagra)
    • May Enhance Sex and Energy
    • Helps Reduce Inflammation and Pain
  • TrueHope, EMPowerplus Methylated Advanced

    EMPowerplus Methylated Advanced

    Nutrition for Brain and Nerves

    $0.72 Cashback
     By: TrueHope
    Nutrition for Brain and Nerves

    EMPowerplus Methylated Advanced Methylated Version - for MTHFR and Other Genetic Anomalies Because some people have difficulty processing B-vitamin folate, EMPowerplus Methylated Advanced includes the methyl forms of vitamin B12 and folate. Nutrition for Your Brain and Nerves Contains Potential Life-changing Essential Nutrients Supports, Maximizes and Enhances Optimal Mood Stability Memory ~ Concentration ~ Calm Clarity And the ability to cope with all that life throws at you. Also please consider that this product has the chance of correcting the deficiency that is causing the imbalance to begin with. A Solution, NOT a...

    • May Enhance Mental Clarity
    • Helps Boosts Mood Stability
    • Proven Blend of Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids
  • Exsula Superfoods, Advancium


    SuperFood Blend

    $0.65 Cashback
     By: Exsula Superfoods
    SuperFood Blend

    Nutrients in Advancium may help you achieve: Maximum energy for better performance Re-mineralization pH balance Inside every cell of your body is a trimmer, happier, sexier, more creative and youthfully radiant person very eager to be revealed. By incorporating this powerful Superfood nutrition into your daily plan, you can create results higher for your efforts, regardless of whatever other steps you are (or are not yet) taking for your personal health. First-timers often say that their Superfood experience is the turning point toward hope, a rapid yet nurturing, cleansing and rejuvenating...

    • Ultimate Green Phytonutrient Concentrate Beyond Anything “out there”
    • The Strongest Most Energizing Formula We Make
    • May Improve Your Immune Function, Mental Performance and Memory