Dental and Oral

Dental and Oral health is crucial for your overall well being. Most drug store toothpastes contain glycerin and it blocks the natural re-mineralization of your teeth. Brushing with Magnesium helps to bind calcium into your tooth enamel. Bacteria from your mouth can cause chronic infection and inflammation in other parts of your body. Goldenseal Drops help to block bacterial growth in your mouth to support healthy gums, and decrease bad breath. If you have TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain, your solution may be TMJ-Ease. People feel relief in as little as 2 to 4 weeks. ​​​​​​​Take a look at all our Blogs about Dental and Oral concerns. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

Showing all 15 results

  • Amazing Soak

    Oxygenating Soaking Solution

    $4.00 Cashback
     By: Wetway
    Oxygenating Soaking Solution

    Amazing Soak Helps Rejuvenate Your Skin and All Internal Tissues Soak your body (or feet) to increase your oxygen. This may improve your energy and alertness.  Revitalize your skin with deep pore cleansing. Reduce stress and pain. The longer you soak, the deeper it goes. Enhances your available oxygen to help: Alleviate sore, tired or over-exercised muscles Recover faster from injury, surgery, strenuous activity Reduce pain from inflammation Increase blood flow Effective oral antimicrobial rinse Improve energy and sleep or relaxation Support elimination of toxins. Amazing Soak Diminishes Skin Problems Antiseptic (disinfecting) and anti-inflammatory (reduce...

    • Helps Raise Your Energy and Sharpen Your Senses
    • May Reduce Pain from Inflammation
    • Helps Revitalize Skin, Muscles and Organs
  • Neutralizer Gel

    First Aid Tool

    $0.16 Cashback
     By: Miracle II
    First Aid Tool

    Neutralizer Gel is an invaluable First-aid tool. Helps speed repair of skin tissue that has been damaged from wounds such as cuts, scrapes, bites, stings, poison ivy, and heat and sun burns. Also helps ease aches and pains from inflammation, over-work and bulging veins. Use it on your gums to help stop bleeding. By supporting the healthy tissue balance, it helps eliminate fever blisters, warts, moles, skin tags, stretch marks and scars. Neutralizer Gel is also wonderful as an aftershave lotion or tooth paste. Excellent for use in areas where concentrated effects are required for...

    • Helps Speed Skin Repair
    • May Ease Pain from Inflammation
    • Reduce Redness and Swelling
    • Oral Application for Gum Health
  • Wetway Amazing O 2 oz

    Amazing O

    Supports Cellular Oxygenation

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: Wetway
    Supports Cellular Oxygenation

    By supporting cellular oxygenation, Amazing O enhances: Digestion Nutrient Absorption Metabolism Detoxification. Concentrate Amazing O for Nasal and Oral Disinfectant Spray and MORE See 'Instructions' tab for specific dilutions. Transdermal Oxygenation Optimal oxygenation is essential for good health, better digestion and nutrient uptake. May invigorate, boost energy and support metabolism. Amazing O Creates Drinking Water Create a highly purified and more oxygenated drink. May eliminate pathogens (bacteria, fungi, virus) and breakdown resistant chemical contaminants. Improves oxygenation in blood and tissues Aids digestion May boost energy Detoxifies Anti-inflammatory Anti-parasitic Alcohol-free antiseptic wash May improve gum and mouth...

    • Helps Improve Oral, Sinus and Lung Health
    • Fast-acting and Soothing
    • May Inactivate Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi
  • Wetway, O-Spray


    Nasal and Oral Disinfectant Spray

    $0.25 Cashback
     By: Wetway
    Nasal and Oral Disinfectant Spray

    O-Spray is a Game Changer! This vertical micro mist spray bottle is for both nasal and oral use. Helps to disable allergens, and protect from invading airborne agents. Safe for all ages. O-Spray For Nasal Use: Fast acting Barrier against all airborne agents Neutralizes allergens and airborne contaminants Relieves dryness in nasal passages Helps remove microbial colonies on nose and throat Inactivates virus, eliminate bacteria and fungi Lessens the effect of existing viral attack Clears sinuses Reduces sinus inflammation Improves infectious respiratory conditions Non-habit forming. O-Spray For Oral Use: Fast-acting penetration of mucous...

    • Helps Improve Sinuses and Oral Health
    • Fast-acting and Soothing
    • Inactivates Viruses, Eliminates Bacteria and Fungi
  • Colloidal Ionic Silver

    Killer Antimicrobial

    $0.15 Cashback
     By: TransDerma Minerals
    Killer Antimicrobial

    Colloidal Ionic Silver is Without Side Effects! Silver has been known for its germ-killing properties for centuries. It was the antibiotic treatment used by thousands of medical doctors, prior to 1938. It was the only effective tool to kill infections. After antibiotic drugs were discovered, silver was pushed aside. Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine" recommended silver for wound mending. Ancient Greeks and Romans used silver to deal with bodily infections and prevent food spoilage. The King of Persia used silver containers to carry water to prevent bacterial growth. Failing Antibiotics Antibiotics have been overused...

    • Natural Antibacterial, Antiviral and Antifungal
    • Helps Kill Antibiotic-resistant Bugs
    • Purest Ingredients, Effective Mix of Ionic and Colloidal Silver
  • Earth Friend Herb Tincture TMJ Ease 1 oz


    Organic Herbal Tincture

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture

    TMJ-Ease may provide relief for TMJ Pain (Temporal Mandibular Joint). Some feel relief in as little as two to four weeks, when hardened deposits of fibrin and calculi are softened, dissolved and re-absorbed. The causes of TMJ pain include nutritional imbalances that allow hardened fibrin and acidic calculi to buildup in the temporal mandibular joints. With the necessary metabolic chemistry corrected, the body literally disallows the condition that created the environment for the fibrinous buildup to exist. As a result, your body returns to its native state of metabolic and functional...

    • Helps Resolve Tension In Your Jaw
    • TMJ Pain Relief by Restoring Metabolic Balance
    • Dissolve Fibrin and Calcified Calculi in the TM Joint
  • Twilight America Goldenseal Drops

    Goldenseal Drops

    Antibacterial and Antifungal

    $0.25 Cashback
     By: Twilight America
    Antibacterial and Antifungal

    Goldenseal Drops For use in helping your body to clear up infections. Goldenseal has antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties. A totally unique way to deliver herbal remedies directly to your cells by way of your skin, your body's largest organ. A magnesium chloride solution carries the infection-fighting properties of Goldenseal, and delivers them directly to your cells for immediate absorption. About Goldenseal The original purpose for Goldenseal extract was to deal with Staph and Strep infections. Goldenseal has been used for 500 years, to treat most every infectious condition known to man. These Goldenseal Drops made...

    • Helps Fight Infections
    • Great on Sore Gums and Infected Tonsils
    • Magnesium Helps Relax and Calm
  • Neutralizer Gel 7X

    Concentrated First Aid Tool

    $0.75 Cashback
     By: Miracle II
    Concentrated First Aid Tool

    Neutralizer Gel 7X is an invaluable First-aid tool. Helps speed repair of skin tissue that has been damaged from wounds such as cuts, scrapes, bites, stings, poison ivy, and heat and sun burns. Also helps ease aches and pains from inflammation, over-work and bulging veins. Use it on your gums to help stop bleeding. By supporting the healthy tissue balance, it helps eliminate fever blisters, warts, moles, skin tags, stretch marks and scars. Neutralizer Gel 7X is also wonderful as an aftershave lotion or tooth paste. Excellent for use in areas where concentrated effects are...

    • Helps Speed Skin Repair
    • May Ease Pain from Inflammation
    • Reduce Redness and Swelling
    • Oral Application for Gum Health
  • NA Herb Spice OregaFRESH


    Promotes Optimal Oral Health

    $0.15 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Promotes Optimal Oral Health

    OregaFRESH is Best For Your Oral Health Natural and fluoride-free toothpaste infused with the power of Oreganol P73 - a potent antioxidant. Daily use helps reduce dental plaque, freshens breath and promotes optimal oral health withOUT the use of harsh or dangerous...

    • Freshens Your Breath
    • Antioxidant Power of Oreganol P73
    • Natural and Fluoride-free
  • Cinnamol

    Delicious with Many Healthy Benefits

    $0.34 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Delicious with Many Healthy Benefits
    Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $33.99.

    Cinnamol - Extremely Concentrated Cinnamol is easy to take sublingually (under your tongue), which ensures optimal absorption. And the cinnamon flavor is delicious! Freshens your breath May protect your heart health May lower blood sugar May help prevent cognitive decline Helps prevent or stop Candida Sweetens food without sugar Natural food preservative Cinnamol Unique Processing Method: Supercritical CO2 Extraction Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a naturally-occurring chemical substance, and a supercritical fluid, meaning it converts into liquid when pressurized. It leaves behind no residues, but DOES leave behind ALL compounds in the cinnamon that are...

    • Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory
    • Anti-microbial, Anti-biotic, Anti-fungal and Anti-viral
    • Sweetens Without Sugar and Freshens Your Breath
  • Clovanol

    Antiseptic and Delicious

    $0.34 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Antiseptic and Delicious
    Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $33.99.

    Clovanol is Extremely Concentrated Cloves are  a strong and natural antioxidants, to reverse free radical damage that can cause tumors and aging. Oral Care The most common use: it cleans (antiseptic and fresh breath), soothes tooth aches and supports gum health. Powerful Anti-inflammatory Clove has widespread applications in homeopathic medicine, and contains an elevated level of eugenol that helps stop inflammation and cellular oxidation (which causes aging). Clove oil has a eugenol concentration of 80-90%. Helps Kill Candida and Intestinal Parasites Candida plagues modern society because of diets high in processed foods, sugar, alcohol and stress. Clove...

    • Oral Antiseptic, Relieves Toothaches
    • Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory
    • Anti-microbial, Anti-biotic, Anti-fungal and Anti-viral
  • NA Herb Spice OregaCARE


    Promotes Oral Health

    $0.10 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Promotes Oral Health

    OregaCARE - Swirl and Swallow for Oral Health Promote the health of your teeth and gums without the use of harmful substances like fluoride and other chemicals. This edible oral cleanser is infused with the power of Oreganol P73 - a potent antioxidant. Ideal for use with OregaFRESH...

    • Freshens Your Breath
    • Promotes Optimal Oral Health
    • Antioxidant Power of Oreganol P73
  • Earth Friend Herb Co. Voice-Ease Herbal Tincture 1 fl oz.


    Organic Herbal Tincture

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture

    Voice-Ease is a simple yet powerful herbal formula. Starts working instantly to help restore your lost voice. When your voice is not working normally. If it's scratchy, hoarse or whispering. Can be a result of an inflamed infection that affects lungs, larynx and entire respiratory system. If not treated properly, this can last for months. Sometimes it can be permanent. For your best possible outcome, we recommend this entire course of treatment. Take Voice-Ease with the following: Cell-Ease helps clarify chemical signal between cells. Cell-Ease Support helps with obtaining...

    • Helps Restore Your Normal Voice
    • Natural and Effective
    • 100% Organic and Wild-crafted
  • RemedyLink, Bicarbamet


    Balance Your pH Effectively

    $0.89 Cashback
     By: RemedyLink
    Balance Your pH Effectively

    Bicarbamet Metabolic Acid Detox May Help Balance Your pH Metabolism continuously makes acids (H+ and CO2). CO2 can be exhaled. But H+ must be either turned into CO2 by adding bicarbonate, or excreted out in urine by phosphate and glutamine/ammonium pathways. Since unwanted growths consume both phosphate and glutamine, it may be preferable to use the bicarbonate pathway to remove metabolic acids. Supports Health of Teeth and Bones When the body becomes overly acidic, it can rob calcium and phosphate from bones (which are made from calcium phosphate), to help the kidneys remove acids. This can...

    • Detoxify Metabolic Acids
    • May Help Balance pH
    • Supports Health of Teeth, Bones and Digestion
  • White Pond Lily

    White Pond Lily

    Organic Herbal Tincture

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture

    White Pond Lily (Nymphaea odorata) Helps improve inflamed/irritated bowel, diarrhea and intestinal spasms May help prolapse in the pelvic area (bowel, uterus, bladder), vaginal dryness/irritation or excessive discharge, and excessive menstrual bleeding (more than 7 days) Helps bleeding gums, sore throat and thrush May relieve boils, sores and pressure sores May reduce excess bronchial mucus/congestion and irritated mucus...

    • May Improve Health of Mucus Membranes
    • Helps Relieve Mouth and Pressure Sores
    • May Help Prolapse in Pelvic Area