Digestion and Food Intolerances

Digestion and Food Intolerances Symptoms of poor digestion are not always recognized. One can have heartburn, constipation and/or diarrhea. It can also cause inflammation and pain in any part of your body. Allergies can develop or worsen. For good health in both the long and short term, we need to efficiently absorb adequate nutrients. And that means good digestion. Dehydration can cause poor digestion, as can a lack of digestive enzymes and imbalanced gut flora. Support good digestion with Energized Water, Digestive Enzymes, Fiber and Probiotics. Take a look at all our Blogs about Digestion and Food Intolerances. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

Showing 65–66 of 66 results

  • Ormus Oils Burdock Spagyric Tincture

    Burdock Spagyric Tincture

    Balance Physical and Spiritual Energy

    $0.24 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Balance Physical and Spiritual Energy

    Spiritually, Burdock Spagyric Tincture helps eliminate negative emotions. It removes the illusions (veil) that prevents seeing and experiencing the beauty and love surrounding us. Chakra - Heart Day - Friday Planetary Ruler - Venus, when out of balance leads to escapism, depression, delusion, emotional upset, and physically with skin, kidney and fertility problems. Energy - highest love, refinement, sensuality, earthly pleasure, feminine energy, fertility, harmony and balance. Burdock Spagyric Tincture balances Venus energy and: May help impotence and infertility Antioxidant (anti-aging, reduce tumor risk) Anti-inflammatory (may reduce pain) Helps detoxifies...

    • May Help Impotence and Libido
    • Anti-Inflammatory May Alleviate Aches and Pains
    • Supports Detoxification of Blood, Liver and Kidneys
    • Helps Balance Hormones
  • ZeoHealth Esdifan


    Slow Down Over Active Bowels

    $0.25 Cashback
     By: ZEO Health
    Slow Down Over Active Bowels

    Esdifan Slow Down Over Active Bowels Enjoy your life without succumbing to the embarrassing situations and uncomfortable pain of diarrhea. No more running home after eating out. Helps slow bowels to allow normal functioning Eases painful cramping Lower incidents of constipation Removes excess fluid in digestive tract (firms stool) Over 80% success rate All-natural alternative, safe for long-term use. Great for travel to exotic locations. Take Esdifan and take back your life. A revolutionary and unique, all natural formula designed to stop diarrhea and sour stomach. Helps as a preventive. Extremely effective for those who suffer...

    • May Eliminate Diarrhea Painful Cramping
    • All-natural and Safe for Long-term Use
    • Lower Incidence of Constipation
    • Warning for California, per prop 65, may contain lead