Nervous System

Your nervous system is made up of your brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves in the rest of your body. Fibers called nerves carry important messages back and forth between your body and your brain. Everything in your body is connected. Your heart beat and breathing. Movement and senses. Speech, thinking and learning. And your memories. Specific nutrients are here to help you calm down when overstimulated. Support restoration of damaged nerves. Soothe the rest-and-digest side of your nervous system with Magnesium supplementation. Inflammation from heavy metal toxicity can disrupt nerve signals. We all need regular cleansing to detoxify from pollution. Consider CBD (cannabidiol) from Hemp. It's very effective for spasms, tremors and cramps. Take a look at all our Blogs about the Nervous SystemYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

Showing all 16 results

  • Ultra Liquid Zeolite product bottle

    Ultra Liquid Zeolite

    Natural, Fast Acting, Super Detoxifier

    $0.20 Cashback
     By: Life Enthusiast
    Natural, Fast Acting, Super Detoxifier

    Ultra Liquid Zeolite is a powerful internal cleansing agent with NO detoxification side-effects. It captures toxins and deactivates them. This process supports your immune system to defend against a broad range of infections and chronic conditions. Effects of Zeolite detoxification: May improve your general state of health Detoxifies heavy metals Helps remineralize your body Helps reduce free radicals and risk of tumors My prevent premature aging Powerful anti-inflammatory Supports stronger immunity May improve energy Helps reduce allergy symptoms May balance moods Helps balance your pH May increase your nutrient absorption Safe...

    • Supports Detoxification
    • May Boost Immunity
    • Helps Trap and Remove ALL Toxins
  • Amazing Soak

    Oxygenating Soaking Solution

    $4.00 Cashback
     By: Wetway
    Oxygenating Soaking Solution

    Amazing Soak Helps Rejuvenate Your Skin and All Internal Tissues Soak your body (or feet) to increase your oxygen. This may improve your energy and alertness.  Revitalize your skin with deep pore cleansing. Reduce stress and pain. The longer you soak, the deeper it goes. Enhances your available oxygen to help: Alleviate sore, tired or over-exercised muscles Recover faster from injury, surgery, strenuous activity Reduce pain from inflammation Increase blood flow Effective oral antimicrobial rinse Improve energy and sleep or relaxation Support elimination of toxins. Amazing Soak Diminishes Skin Problems Antiseptic (disinfecting) and anti-inflammatory (reduce...

    • Helps Raise Your Energy and Sharpen Your Senses
    • May Reduce Pain from Inflammation
    • Helps Revitalize Skin, Muscles and Organs
  • TransDerma Minerals, Magnesium Oil all sizes

    Magnesium Oil

    Easy Mineral Supplement

    $0.13 Cashback
     By: TransDerma Minerals
    Easy Mineral Supplement

    Fast and effective Magnesium Oil helps relieve stress and more... Magnesium is critical for your cellular health, nervous system, and regenerating and maintaining living tissue. Magnesium is an essential nutrient for virtually every reaction in your body. Supports cellular regeneration. Magnesium is involved in almost all cellular processes in your body. It is traditionally used to relieve pain from inflammation and stiffness. It is the most important mineral that your body requires for cellular health (along with calcium, sodium and potassium). It supports  maintenance, repairs and regeneration of living cells. It soothes your nervous...

    • Soothes Nervous System for Deeper Rest
    • Helps Relieve Joint and Muscle Pain
    • Helps Overcome Stress and Bad Moods
  • Algonot NeuroProtek


    Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Neuroprotective

    $0.45 Cashback
     By: Algonot
    Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Neuroprotective

    NeuroProtek promotes body and mind harmony. Helps reduce oxidative stress (tumors and tumor-like diseases) May reduce inflammation (pain) including conditions of the heart and blood vessels (cholesterol) Helps maximize nutrient absorption Protects against neuronal damage Helps increase attention, concentration, focus and learning May increase endurance and athletic performance. This formula is full of flavonoids, found in fruits and vegetables. They have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. Most diets contain few flavonoids. NeuroProtek is formulated to maximize flavanoid effects, and overcome absorption obstacles. An exclusive combination of three highly pure, natural...

    • Promotes Body and Mind Harmony
    • Supports Healthier Brain and Heart Functions
    • May Increase Endurance and Athletic Performance
  • GaiaThera, Methylene Blue

    Methylene Blue

    Powerful Antioxidant

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: GaiaThera
    Powerful Antioxidant

    Methylene Blue is a powerful antioxidant, critical for health. Antioxidants help neutralize the effects of stress and aging. They're necessary for a healthy brain, nerves and muscles (including heart). A deficit may cause rapid aging, emotional instability, loss of mental power. The antioxidant properties of Methylene Blue support: Helps calm nerves and stress May improve sleep and energy May improve immunity May boost brain functions, mental alertness and good moods Helps regulate homocysteine levels Plays a role in neurological activity Enhances growth and repair of all cells Aids in metabolism of carbohydrates and...

    • Helps Calm Nerves and Reduce Stress
    • Enhances Energy and Performance
    • May Boost Brain Functions
  • GaiaThera Life Crystal Pineal Clearing and Activator 3 and 1 fl. oz

    Pineal Clearing

    Brain and Hormone Food

    $0.55 Cashback
     By: GaiaThera
    Brain and Hormone Food

    Pineal Clearing oxygenates your pineal and pituitary glands. High Frequency, High Energy Formula Food for cellular revitalization, replenishment and nourishment for your Pineal gland and whole body. Helps decalcify and detox thyroid and pineal glands Helps repairs your brain and regrows brain cells Supplies ATP and GTP to your brain May repairs DNA Helps detoxifies heavy metals, removes fluoride deposits Helps increase good feelings Boosts cellular ATP Restores the connection to your higher mind Activates the eighth Chakra, the Soul Star. Pineal Clearing is combined with mechanically extracted Fulvic Acid...

    • Helps Removes Fluoride
    • May Restores Brain Cells
    • Support for Your Pineal Gland
  • Earth Friend Herb Tincture Neural Ease 1 oz


    Organic Herbal Tincture

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture

    Neural-Ease helps brain trauma recovery. It's a very specific formula for a very specific usage. This herbal combination has shown in clinical use to help restore neural functions from head injuries. These herbs have historically been used to help neural synapses work at a better metabolic capacity and they oxygenate the brain to increase nutrient supply. Also good for general neural problems that are metabolic in nature, rather than traumatic. This product was originally designed to help war veterans who may suffer from traumatic brain injury...

    • Support for Brain Trauma Recovery
    • Help Restore Normal Neural Functions After Brain Injury
    • Brain Function is Supported by Metabolic Balance
  • Remedylink Nervidyne


    Nervous System and Brain Support

    $0.89 Cashback
     By: RemedyLink
    Nervous System and Brain Support

    Nervidyne: Myelin Sheath Support for Nervous System and Brain About Myelin Sheaths They are part of your central nervous system, which carries messages back and forth between your brain and the rest of your body. Healthy myelin sheaths are essential for the proper functioning of your nervous system. Myelin Sheaths are sleeves of fatty tissue (lipid-rich substance) that protects your nerve cells, wrapping around them like insulation around electrical wires, and are easily damaged by mercury (black dental fillings). Mercury can melt the myelin sheath right off a nerve cell, and Nervonic acid may support...

    • Helps Protect Your Nerve Cells (neuroprotective)
    • Anti-aging – Reduces Free Radicals
    • Improves Extreme Low Moods and Brain Functions
  • RemedyLink, Albedextrin


    Lysosomal Detox

    $0.89 Cashback
     By: RemedyLink
    Lysosomal Detox

    Albedextrin is an effective and convenient way to detoxify secondary toxins. This can improve: Arterial health- may clear buildup of plaque Brain health - may stop amyloid formation Skin appearance - may eliminate brown spots Organ health - may restore optimal performance Especially good for people experiencing performance decline associated with aging. Your path to better health must include cleansing to detoxify. Dramatic detoxification can eliminate almost every chronic disease. Most diseases are the direct result of accumulated toxins from your body's inability to eliminate them. Almost all of us are becoming loaded...

    • Effective and Convenient Detox
    • May Improve Health of Arteries and Brain
    • Good for Intermittent Fasting
  • GaiaThera Ascension and Activator 12 and 4 fl. oz.


    Align with Your Higher Self

    $0.55 Cashback
     By: GaiaThera
    Align with Your Higher Self

    Ascension can give you focus and endurance. Physically and mentally. It may help to re-grow brain cells, and reduce physical and emotional stress. Helps boost your cellular ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for more energy. Feeds your cells powerful anthocyanins, carotenoids and antioxidants. Helps to realign your DNA to its original blueprint. Ascension works synergistically with Life Crystals to help chelate heavy metals. Detox and helps repair thyroid and pineal glands. Studies suggest that ATP provides 95% of all cellular energy in your body. Without it, life would cease. It's the ultimate food for cells. ATP supplies...

    • Helps Restore Endocrine Balance
    • May Repair DNA and Feed Mitochondria
    • Improves Mental Focus and Chakra Alignment
  • RemedyLink, Cholephage 60 capsules


    Supports Circulation Health

    $0.89 Cashback
     By: RemedyLink
    Supports Circulation Health

    Cholephage provides liposome bile to support detoxification of plaque. Arterial Health In a healthy person, small amounts of bile circulate in the bloodstream helping keep cholesterol soluble, and aid in keeping arteries healthy. Toxic metals suppress reverse cholesterol transport and cause cholesterol to crystallize in the artery wall. Macrophages come to try to remove the crystallized cholesterol, but they die in the process. Their death is a signal for more macrophages to come but they also die. Atherosclerotic plaque is the accumulation of these dead macrophages (foam cells) and insoluble cholesterol. Bile...

    • May Increase Heart and Circulatory Health
    • Promotes Normal Blood Flow
    • Promotes Cellular Membrane Health
  • Nanoemulsion-edge Formula for Maximum Absorption

    D3 K2

    Maximum Absorption Formula

    $0.55 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Maximum Absorption Formula

    D3 K2 is an ideal balance of vitamins D and K for fast absorption. Highly-bioavailable liposomal blend allows optimal replenishment of one of nature’s most crucial vitamins. Most of us do not get enough Vitamin D3 from the sun. The wide-reaching benefits of having adequate Vitamin D3 include: Enhances immunity against bacterial, fungal, and viral invaders Reduces inappropriate immune responses to one’s own tissues Supports brain health and cognition Leave the "blues" behind Promotes healthy blood vessels (prerequisite for cardiovascular health). D3 K2 K2 works synergistically with D3 to support cardiovascular and bone health. The...

    • You May Have More Energy
    • Improve Your Moods
    • Supports Overall Well Being
  • Premium, Fast-acting for Mood and Energy Support

    Methyl B-12

    Liposomal Mood and Energy Support

    $0.53 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Liposomal Mood and Energy Support

    Methyl B-12 Vitamin B-12 supports more energy, better sleep and reduced stress. Necessary for a healthy brain, nerves and heart. Keep on-hand for any time you need a mood and/or energy lift. Vitamin B-12 is critical for health. One of the most important daily nutrients. And it's the most chemically complex of all the vitamins. Helps calm nerves and stress May improve sleep and energy May improve immunity May boost brain functions, mental alertness and good moods Helps regulate homocysteine levels Plays a role in neurological activity Enhances growth and repair of all...

    • Helps Calm Nerves and Stress
    • Enhances Energy
    • May Boost Brain Functions
  • Andreas See Oils Black Sesame Seed Oil 7 fl. oz

    Black Sesame Seed Oil

    Essential Oil May Boost Immunity and Overall Health

    $0.39 Cashback
     By: Andreas Seed Oils
    Essential Oil May Boost Immunity and Overall Health

    Black Sesame Seed Oil is a Powerful Antioxidant Delicious AND highly therapeutic with extensive health benefits: Anti-aging Antioxidants defend against harmful free radicals Promotes heart and kidney health Good to support nervous system, digestion and metabolism Helps maintain normal blood sugar Anti-parasitic (intestinal worms) Helps balance hormones (menopause) Nourishes hair Stimulates blood circulation Supports the nervous system Helps protect against DNA damage from radiation. Black Sesame Seed Oil has been celebrated for its  health-giving properties for thousands of years. It's one of the most studied oils. All the life-changing benefits of thousands of black...

    • May Reduce Inflammation and Pain
    • Supports Bone Density
    • Helps Balance Hormones
  • Tau Kava Kavaplex Premium Kava Oil 30mL


    Herbal Tincture

    $0.68 Cashback
     By: Andreas Seed Oils
    Herbal Tincture

    Kavaplex This oil contains Kava (Piper Methysticum). Most research has focused on its potential to calm an overstimulated nervous system. The active ingredients are called kavalactones, which account for 3–20% of the dry weight of the root of the plant. Studies suggest kavalactones may have the following effects: Reduce nervousness Protect neurons from damage Reduce pain sensations Reduce the risk of abnormal cell replication (tumors). Kava has been used for thousands of years. Enjoyed by millions as a drink. Traditionally prepared by kneading and squeezing the root powder in...

    • Helps Reduce Stress and Anxiety
    • May Reduce Pain
    • Helps Reduce Risk of Tumors
  • Brahmi

    Brahmi Bacopa Monnieri

    Organic Herbal Tincture

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture

    Brahmi Bacopa Monnieri (adaptogenic herb) Often used to support meditation, calms the nervous system and helps relieve body tension. Benefits the brain and nervous system May improve joint mobility Cooling to those who are often overheated. In Ayurvedic medicine, Bacopa: Has a sweet taste and is energetically cooling May balance pitta dosha (often manifests in excess heat in body and blood) Calming and soothing Balances all doshas, but may increase vata in...

    • Calms the Nervous System
    • Helps Relieve Body Tension
    • May Improve Joint Mobility