Pain and Inflammation

Most people think that pain and inflammation happen naturally with age. But it does not have to be so. To be free of pain, you need adequate and efficient nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. It can truly be that simple. The main symptoms of inflammation are pain, swelling, redness, heat and loss of function. And it may all  be reversible. To reduce and eliminate pain and inflammation, we offer supplements and devices. You can achieve amazing results to improve your quality of life! Thousands of people have eliminated their pain with Amino Acids. Magnesium is highly effective to relieve muscle and joint discomfort. Herbs and herbal tinctures address the specific, rare nutritional imbalances that cause connective tissue inflammation. Silica holds all your connective tissues together. This supports your structure: bones, joints, cartilage and muscles. Systemic Enzymes help postpone or reverse aging. They enable proper functioning of your natural inflammatory response, to repair injuries. Crystal Salt Brine Therapy is powerful and practical to relieve pain and inflammation. It also helps you detoxify. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are healthy fats and help reduce inflammation. They are not stored as fat. They’re burned for energy. Consider CBD (cannabidiol) from Hemp. It's very effective for spasms, tremors and cramps. Take a look at all our Blogs about Pain and InflammationYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

Showing 17–32 of 89 results

  • Eternal Jing Longevity Tonic by RD Herbs 90g

    Eternal Jing

    Longevity Formula

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Longevity Formula

    Eternal Jing has many anti-aging properties: May increases energy (staying power) Helps lower stress May strengthen hair, teeth, nails, and bones Promotes creativity May rejuvenates sexual energy Helps you feel more self-empowered. If you have felt chronic tiredness and lack of motivation, Eternal Jing can help. Eternal Jing contains the most revered anti-aging herbs. Ancient Chinese Emperors and Empresses considered them "Herbs of the Immortals". Jing is our true power base. What we're capable of achieving. How much we can endure. ORMUS (orbitally rearranged monotomic elements) is included to increase efficacy....

    • Anti-aging
    • May Increase Energy
    • Helps Lower Stress
  • Endurance Increased Stamina by RD Herbs 90g


    Helps Increase Your Stamina

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Helps Increase Your Stamina

    Endurance helps enhance your strength and resilience. Great for anyone who endures physical strain/exertion. Athletes, construction workers, healthcare workers, etc. Anyone wanting to increase their daily stamina and power. Helps tone muscles and build structural strength Supports bones, tendons and ligaments May feel anti-aging Supports sexual funcitons. ORMUS (orbitally rearranged monotomic elements) is included to increase efficacy. It helps boost your health in every way. Physically, mentally and spiritually. Nourish your body, mind and soul. An easy path to body repair and enlightenment. Ancient Egyptian and Chinese tombs contain urns holding...

    • May Feel Anti-aging
    • Helps Build Muscles and Strength
    • Supports Connective Tissues
  • AuraFit

    Superfood Blend with Silica and 300mg Ecklonia Cava

    $0.50 Cashback
     By: Exsula Superfoods
    Superfood Blend with Silica and 300mg Ecklonia Cava

    AuraFit contains 300mg Ecklonia Cava. Choose your Silica rejuvenation boost factor with the amount of Ecklonia Cava you need: AuraSil (30mg Ecklonia Cava) AuraMax (1200mg Ecklonia Cava) Silica Helps Strengthen Your Connective Tissues May minimize joint discomfort. Transfers calcium and essential minerals into the bone matrix. May Increase Flexibility and Mobility Reduce muscle soreness from physical activity. Silica for Bone Support Helps maintain bone density and strength. May Strengthen Arteries Increases elasticity of blood vessels. Support Skin, Hair, Nails Teeth & Gums Restore youthful appearance with moisture and lubrication back into an aging body. In women, depletion...

    • Discounted for Short Date
    • Helps Strengthen Arteries
    • May Restore Connective Tissues
    • Helps Increase Mobility and Bone Strength
    • For Athletic/Sexual Boost use AuraMax
  • BluShield Pendant

    X1 Pendant

    Neutralize Effects of Wi-Fi, 4G and 5G ElectroMagnetic Frequencies

    $3.99 Cashback
     By: Blushield
    Neutralize Effects of Wi-Fi, 4G and 5G ElectroMagnetic Frequencies

    X1 Pendant Stay Balanced and Protected when Between Protected Zones The X1 Pendant is the latest in active 5G EMF protection. You can eliminate or reduce negative symptoms related to EMF exposure, such as fatigue, headaches, brain fog, emotions (mood swings). Helps maintain better level of alertness, may help with: Better sleep Maintaining alertness Travel (car, bus, train, air, boat).  Reduces travel sickness and fatigue (enables restful sleep while traveling). Especially great for driving in electric vehicles, and travel by electric train. Users of Wifi (cell phones, gamers, computer users). Looks amazing and provides years...

    • EMF (electromagnetic frequency) Protection
    • Helps Neutralize Stress
    • May Improve Sleep and Moods
  • Allevian Select Blend of Maca Roots and Cats Claw Dietary Supplement 90 Vegetable Capsules


    Herbal Combination

    $0.29 Cashback
     By: UHTCO Corporation
    Herbal Combination

    Allevian is a select blend of Maca Roots and Cat's Claw: Maca provides nutrients that may balance hormones. This may improve moods and energy. Cat's claw may relieve pain from inflammation. The synergy of nutrients in Maca stimulates and nourishes your hypothalamus and pituitary gland, naturally creating a healthy and balanced hormonal system...

    • Helps Balances Hormones in Men and Women (fertility and libido)
    • Anti-inflammatory May Improve Joint Comfort
    • May Increase Energy and Stamina (Physically and Mentally)
  • Cat’s Claw Tea

    Raw Herbal Tea

    $0.19 Cashback
     By: PurelyWild
    Raw Herbal Tea
    Original price was: $43.99.Current price is: $19.00.

    Drink Cat’s Claw Tea daily, to support your whole body health. Supports strong immunity Anti-inflammatory May reduce pain Potent source from the wild Peruvian...

    • Discounted for Decreased Potency (out of date)
    • Supports Strong Immunity
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • May Reduce Joint Pain
  • PurelyWild SpruceAlive Wild, raw spruce extract-plus 1 fl. oz.

    SpruceAlive Drops

    Full Spectrum Spruce Resin Extract

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: PurelyWild
    Full Spectrum Spruce Resin Extract

    SpruceAlive Drops support your cellular health. With the power of wild, raw Spruce Resin Extract. Topical antibacterial and antifungal properties support healthy tissue regeneration to help repair skin sores and wounds Supports your natural internal cleansing response Helps cleanse urinary and digestive systems May increase strength needed for daily work Supports healthy sleep (rise earlier with more energy and strength). Ethically picked and processed. Carefully removed by hand from trees in the far northern wilderness. Spruce resin is produced by wild spruce trees to repair them from trauma and injury. Humans can...

    • Supports Cellular Health and Tissue Regeneration
    • Antibacterial and Antifungal (skin repair)
    • Digestive, Immune, Heart, Blood pressure and Prostate Support
  • Infrared and red light therapy belt

    The BodyGuard

    Red and Infra-Red Light Therapy

    $2.99 Cashback
     By: Life Enthusiast
    Red and Infra-Red Light Therapy

    The BodyGuard harnesses red and near-infra-red light. It helps restore energy and helps fight viruses. This technology uses therapy known as photobiomodulation. Benefits may include: Increase exercise performance and recovery Reduce inflammation and pain Immune boost Faster healing Improve sleep quality Increase testosterone Improve skin health....

    • Helps Relieve Pain and Inflammation
    • Supports Tissue Repair at Cellular Level
    • People Report Fast and Effective
  • Nano soma bottle and packaging

    Nano Soma

    Anti-aging and DNA Repair Support

    $0.57 Cashback
     By: Life Enthusiast
    Anti-aging and DNA Repair Support

    Nano Soma Anti-aging and DNA Repair Support Nano Soma helps repair DNA damage. This damage can come from: Exposure to environmental toxins Emotional trauma Viral infections And other stressors. These things all affect your cells ability to replicate correctly. Nano Soma is able to help restore your cells ability to replicate, withOUT these distortions. It's like making new cells just like the original. Instead of a fuzzy replication. Benefits of Nano Soma may include: Anti-aging to increase longevity Improves most underlying health problems Reduces inflammation and pain Blocks infections Enhances wound healing Increases energy Promotes...

    • Helps Clear DNA damage
    • May Increase Life Length and Quality
    • Helps Reduce Pain from Inflammation
    • May Improve Immunity
  • Life Enthusiast, Zadiol


    Proprietary Blend of Botanicals

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: Life Enthusiast
    Proprietary Blend of Botanicals

    Zadiol helps balance hormones. This may gradually improve most aspects of your health. May reduce anxiety, and increase your sense of calm. May relieve pain for increased mobility. May increase motivation and energy. May improve mental clarity. Help boost immunity. Excessive stress disrupts your hormone balance. This causes problems with your immune and adrenal systems. Leading to a wide spectrum of painful diseases and mental health disorders. Zadiol may help you regain a healthy hormone balance so that all your downstream critical systems can return to normal. May Relieve  Anxiety from Past, or...

    • Helps Balance Hormones
    • Helps Reduce Extreme Anxiety, Increase Calmness
    • Helps Boost Immunity
  • zetox bottle


    Detoxifier and Antiviral with Vitamin B12 and D3

    $0.22 Cashback
     By: ZEO Health
    Detoxifier and Antiviral with Vitamin B12 and D3

    Zetox helps remove toxins and heavy metals that build up in your body. This may enhance your general immune function and overall well being. Absorbs toxins May provide protection from radiation Helps remove heavy metal contamination (e.g. mercury, lead, arsenic) May boost immunity (protection from colds, flu, viral infections) Helps balance the pH May reduce free radicals Helps suppress viral infections Assist in purging parasites, pathogens and viruses from your body Antibacterial activity and antiviral effect May provide relief for some allergies of eyes and sinuses Helps accelerate wound repairs...

    • Helps Remove Toxic Heavy Metals and Other Chemicals
    • Helps Boost Immunity with D3
    • Supports Energy Production with B12
  • Laser therapy eqipment with accessories


    Portable Laser Therapy

    $5.99 Cashback
     By: Life Enthusiast
    Portable Laser Therapy

    InfraHelios helps initiate tissue repair at the cellular level. People report fast and effective results with pain and inflammation. Helps reduce or eliminate the need for potentially addictive medication. InfraHelios laser therapy uses a combination of light stimulation and tissue warming. Supports deep cellular activation and improvement in micro-circulation. Helps reduce inflammation (swelling) and pain in conditions such as: Hands and feet Back Shoulders Knees InfraHelios Portable Infrared Light can be used alone, or with physical...

    • Helps Relieve Pain and Inflammation
    • May Repair Tissues at Cellular Level
    • People Report it’s Fast and Effective
  • Bottle of 120 Capsules HCP Fomulas Synovera Joint Support


    Joint and Connective Tissue Support

    $0.60 Cashback
     By: HCP Formulas
    Joint and Connective Tissue Support

    Synovera is a blend of clinically proven ingredients, formulated to support and protect healthy joints, ligaments, tendons, synovial tissue and cartilage. Helps improve flexibility, mobility and speed of recovery from...

    • Strengthen Connective Tissue
    • May Improve Flexibility and Mobility
    • Joints, Tendons, Bursa, Ligaments
  • Mud Puddle

    Anti-inflammatory Skin Treatment

    $0.20 Cashback
     By: Alexandria Professional
    Anti-inflammatory Skin Treatment

    Mud Puddle is a rejuvenating skin treatment. For use as a face mask and/or body wrap. Deeply penetrates to help clear toxins. Promotes tissue firmness and strength. Anti-inflammatory properties soothe red, swollen skin conditions. Helps relieve both acute and chronic pain. From sports injuries, fractions and dislocations. May also help tight muscles or tendons in need of stretch. May improve skin texture Helps reduce ingrown hair problems Helps increase blood circulation May relax soft and connective tissues Helps increase lymph and metabolic activity. Mud Puddle is made from all-natural Hungarian Wellness...

    • Helps Relieve Inflamed Skin Conditions
    • May Relieve Both Chronic and Acute Pain
    • Helps Detoxify and Rejuvenate Your Skin
  • CR Supplements, Magnesium


    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    $0.43 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    Adequate Magnesium intake promotes better sleep and deeper rest. It also helps: Relieve muscle and joint pain and discomfort Helps relax nerves Great for restless legs, muscle cramps and twitches May improve bad moods, stress and anxiety Feel more calm and centered May improves heart function and blood pressure Supports kidney and bone health. Magnesium is the most important mineral that your body requires for cellular health (along with calcium, sodium and potassium). It supports the regeneration and maintenance of living cells. It soothes your nervous system (providing deeper rest), and...

    • Helps Relieve Joint and Muscle Pain
    • May Improve Sleep and Relaxation
    • Helps Overcome Stress and Bad Moods
  • Amazing Soak

    Oxygenating Soaking Solution

    $4.00 Cashback
     By: Wetway
    Oxygenating Soaking Solution

    Amazing Soak Helps Rejuvenate Your Skin and All Internal Tissues Soak your body (or feet) to increase your oxygen. This may improve your energy and alertness.  Revitalize your skin with deep pore cleansing. Reduce stress and pain. The longer you soak, the deeper it goes. Enhances your available oxygen to help: Alleviate sore, tired or over-exercised muscles Recover faster from injury, surgery, strenuous activity Reduce pain from inflammation Increase blood flow Effective oral antimicrobial rinse Improve energy and sleep or relaxation Support elimination of toxins. Amazing Soak Diminishes Skin Problems Antiseptic (disinfecting) and anti-inflammatory (reduce...

    • Helps Raise Your Energy and Sharpen Your Senses
    • May Reduce Pain from Inflammation
    • Helps Revitalize Skin, Muscles and Organs