
One very common symptom of intestinal parasites is digestive problems. Unexplained and persistent gas, constipation or diarrhea. Other signs of parasites are skin issues like rashes, hives and itching. Fatigue, even when you get enough sleep. Muscle and joint pain. Never feeling full, even after eating a large meal. Low blood iron and anemia. Recurrent yeast infections. Itching of the anus or vagina. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

Showing all 8 results

  • Exsula Superfoods, Strata-Flora both sizes


    Cleanse and Rebuild Digestive Health

    $0.65 Cashback
     By: Exsula Superfoods
    Cleanse and Rebuild Digestive Health

    Strata-Flora helps cleanse and rebuild digestive and immune health. May optimize bowel regularity. Helps eliminate bad bacteria, viruses, yeast and parasites. More than Probiotic supplementation. Helps balance your digestive flora. Probiotic supplements benefit the natural, good bacteria in your digestive tract. Just as "bad" bacteria can make us sick, good bacteria can protect us from degeneration and disease. Antibiotics means "against life" - probiotics means "for life". Supplementing with good, friendly bacteria (probiotics in Strata-Flora) aids digestion. This promotes natural immunity and resistance to diseases. Crucial to regain and maintain your health and vitality. Living...

    • May Optimize Bowel Regularity (less toxins=less pain)
    • Supports Digestive and Immune Restoration
    • Helps Eliminate Viruses, Bad Bacteria, Yeast and Parasites
  • Remedylink Panaceum


    Prebiotic Blend for Microbiome Support

    $0.89 Cashback
     By: RemedyLink
    Prebiotic Blend for Microbiome Support

    Panaceum nurtures your microbiome. A healthy microbiome may dramatically increase your lifespan and quality of life. We all want to feel healthy and youthful up right to the end. This formula is a symbiotic ancient intelligence made up of bacteria and bacteriophages. It helps manage all your key systems: Neurotransmitters Antibodies Hormones Antioxidants Blood sugar Detoxification. Nurturing your microbiome requires some oligosaccharides (special sugars). This powder contains 8 different oligosaccharides. They recreate the diet of a primitive and successful hunter-gatherer. Unfortunately, modern diets are nothing like that of our ancestors. So the microbiome becomes...

    • Supports a Healthy Internal Environment
    • May Strengthen Immunity
    • Helps Kill Parasites
  • RemedyLink, Zoiben


    Parasitic and Fungal Detox

    $0.89 Cashback
     By: RemedyLink
    Parasitic and Fungal Detox

    Zoiben contains 6 different essential oils as well as the bitter herb extract berberine, all of which are known for their effects on parasites and lack of toxicity to us. Parasites Humans don't have good anti-parasitic defenses, and parasites (including their eggs) are in our food and water. Plants DO have good anti-parasitic defenses, and animals know to find eat anti-parasitic plants - those that are bitter and aromatic, with essential oils - to rid themselves of parasitic infections. Yeast Fungi are also parasitic. They live on the same food sources as parasites and have...

    • Helps Eliminate Parasites and Yeast
    • May Decrease Food Cravings
    • Lose Weight and Balance Your Moods
  • Earth Friend Herb Co. Vermifuge Herbal Tincture 1 fl oz.


    Anti Parasite Formula

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Anti Parasite Formula

    Vermifuge protects you from opportunistic infections and invasions. May eliminate many types of parasites and their eggs from: Intestines Blood Skin layers Other affected areas of the body. Effective for many types of parasites from around the world. Great for traveling to third world countries. Or areas with communicable parasites. Most parasites lay their eggs on or around the full moon. So it's important to take Vermifuge as directed. It will take three full moons plus a couple of weeks thereafter. This ensures that the full moon cycle of egg laying, opening,...

    • Infection Protection
    • Helps Clear Parasites From Intestines, Blood and Skin
    • Great for Travelling
  • Clovanol

    Antiseptic and Delicious

    $0.34 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Antiseptic and Delicious
    Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $33.99.

    Clovanol is Extremely Concentrated Cloves are  a strong and natural antioxidants, to reverse free radical damage that can cause tumors and aging. Oral Care The most common use: it cleans (antiseptic and fresh breath), soothes tooth aches and supports gum health. Powerful Anti-inflammatory Clove has widespread applications in homeopathic medicine, and contains an elevated level of eugenol that helps stop inflammation and cellular oxidation (which causes aging). Clove oil has a eugenol concentration of 80-90%. Helps Kill Candida and Intestinal Parasites Candida plagues modern society because of diets high in processed foods, sugar, alcohol and stress. Clove...

    • Oral Antiseptic, Relieves Toothaches
    • Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory
    • Anti-microbial, Anti-biotic, Anti-fungal and Anti-viral
  • NA Herb Spice Fenatrol


    Tasty Digestive Aid and More

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Tasty Digestive Aid and More

    Fenatrol (fennel oil) is a blend of wild fennel extract, emulsified in organic extra virgin olive oil. Fennel is a plant that can be eaten as a vegetable. It's a tasty aromatic spice for a variety of Ayurvedic and Mediterranean dishes. It contains vital nutrients not available in an average diet. Helps relieve digestive issues such as heartburn, intestinal gas, bloating Expectorant, promotes sputum secretion by air passages, treats coughs Antispasmodic helps suppress muscle spasms. Fennel was highly valued by ancient by Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese, and...

    • Helps Relieve Digestive Issues (heartburn, intestinal gas, bloating)
    • Expectorant (promotes sputum secretion by air passages, treats coughs)
    • Antispasmodic (helps suppress muscle spasms)
  • QuickSilver Scientific, Crypto Co-Max

    Crypto Co-Max

    Blend of 3 Highly Bioavailable and Potent Botanicals

    $0.75 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Blend of 3 Highly Bioavailable and Potent Botanicals

    Crypto Co-Max is a balanced synergistic botanical formula. Supports strong immunity, helps reduce inflammation and is a broad spectrum antimicrobial against parasitic infections. Broad Spectrum AntiMicrobial Support Carefully selected plant compounds work together to enhance each other’s effects, providing powerful and comprehensive health solution. Botanicals help modulate the immune response, to manage active and persistent microbial challenges. Including vector-borne stressor and their accompanying biofilms. Vectors are living organisms that can transmit infections. Many are bloodsucking insects. They ingest disease-producing microorganisms during a blood meal from an infected host (human or animal). Then the vector replicates...

    • Supports Strong Immunity
    • Helps Reduce Inflammation
    • Broad Spectrum AntiMicrobial
  • QuickSilver Scientific, Cryptolepis


    Sanguinolenta Root Extract

    $0.45 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Sanguinolenta Root Extract

    Cryptolepis supports strong immunity, helps reduce inflammation and is a broad spectrum antimicrobial against parasitic infections. Research shows targeted microbial support for other, increasingly common microbial challenges.¹ Supports Strong Immunity Helps modulate immune responses that address multiple pathogens. Helps Reduce Inflammation Studies show that cryptolepine, an alkaloid found in the herb helps modulate the NF-kB pathway (see Scientific References tab). Broad Spectrum AntiMicrobial Support: Cryptolepis has been studied to be impactful on both active and persistent forms vector-borne illnesses (see Scientific References tab). Liposomal Delivery This technology supports the delivery of potent botanicals, to target vector-borne...

    • Supports Strong Immunity
    • Helps Reduce Inflammation
    • Broad Spectrum AntiMicrobial