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Health Concerns (502)
Health Concerns Your body is an amazing, self-healing system, when its needs are met. Here we present tools for your body to begin repairing itself. Physically, emotionally and spiritually too. Enhance your energy, longevity and quality of life. We take a wholistic approach to well being. To help you understand WHY your body is falling apart. And how to bring it back to energetic, optimal performance. Our Health Coaches can help you find the best products for you. And we have a wide variety of educational Blogs and Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance. Most Health Concerns can be improved (even eliminated) with only a few simple changes. Your road to better health can begin with better Hydration, Nutrition and Cleansing. When overloaded, every chain breaks at its weakest link. Yours may be heart, liver or skin. We can help you solve chronic inflammatory problems that do not respond well to mainstream medicine. Pain, auto immune disorders, cardiovascular and digestive issues can be eased and sometimes even eliminated. Your youthful and invincible self is still inside you. Just buried under layers of unfortunate events and choices. Returning to more youthful health may be like an archaeological restoration. Picture your body like a masterpiece painting. Like the Mona Lisa hanging in a smoky bar, covered in layers of grime. We can show you how to peel off the grit and make it shiny again. This will amp-up your immune system, to repair and maintain vibrant health. -
Home and Body Care (183)
From Aroma Therapy and Energy Devices, to Skin Care and Water Filters, we offer everything for a healthy home and body. All natural products to enhance the food you eat, the air you breathe and the energetic space around you. Our mission is to give you a longer, more vibrant life. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance. -
Minerals (141)
Our foods are now deficient in minerals. Unlike previous generations. Modern farming focuses on maximum production. Not maximum nutrition. Our soils are over-worked and under-nourished. They grow food deficient in many nutrients. People are starving for nutrients that used to be in our food. Many are over-fed yet under-nourished. This type of malnutrition causes pain and chronic degenerative diseases. Supplements are now necessary to regain and maintain your health. Minerals are involved in every life process at the cellular level. Every heart beat. Every thought and feeling. Cells deficient in minerals are working under stress. This causes premature aging. Aggression is tied to a copper and zinc imbalance. Road rage is often caused by a Magnesium deficiency. PMS can be an iodine deficit. Chromium is involved in blood glucose and weight management. The quality of your supplements will directly affect your quality of life. When your body gets its required nutrients, it can repair and maintain itself. Find out your specific Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Take a lood at our Blogs about Magnesium, Minerals: Major, Minerals: Trace, MSM and Suflur, and ORMUS. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance. -
Supplements (327)
Supplements may help you live longer with more quality of life. Nutrient-dense, whole food supplements target deficiencies in a typical diet of cooked and process foods. Your body is an amazing self-healing system, when its needs are fulfilled. Adequate nutrition. Efficient cleansing and pH balancing. Exercise is essential, even if you’re in too much pain to move. Supplements can help solve chronic inflammatory problems that do not respond well to mainstream medicine. Support your digestive and circulatory systems. We’re all starving for nutrients that are missing in food. Because our soils have been depleted. Overworked and underpaid. Focusing on maximum production, not nutrition. Then processing and cooking destroys many remaining nutrients. This type of malnutrition causes pain and chronic degenerative diseases. Supplements are now necessary to regain and maintain your health. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.