Medical Establishment

Vaccinations Caused Spanish Flu Epidemic

All who lived through the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever seen… Read More

Vaccination: Rape of Vulnerability

The darkest story ever told – toxic substances (mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, etc.) in vaccines aggressively and negatively interact with babies… Read More

Possible Fake Flu Vaccine

If a fake flu vaccine was used, he said, those responsible for its use will be prosecuted for fraud… Read More

Quarantine Used to Contain Measles

Complete abuse of police powers to forcibly quarantine people who refused vaccination who were allegedly exposed to measles… Read More

How to Legally Avoid Vaccines

No one, under no circumstances has the right to vaccinate you or your children against your will… Read More

Gene Marks Susceptibility to Vaccine Injury

A genetic screening tool to identify individuals susceptible to vaccine injury is becoming more and more plausible… Read More

Doctors and Scientists Discuss Vaccination

Evidence of immune malfunction after vaccination warrants alternative methods of prevention… Read More

Prescription Pain Relief Warning

Long-term use can lead to many complications, and can actually exacerbate the symptoms… Read More

Psychotropic Drugs: Harbingers of Suicide

For those battling mental illness, there’s more to life than just popping pills and coping with harsh side effects… Read More

Psychiatry: Scientific and Dangerous

Prominent psychiatrists from all over the world meet annually to discuss invention of new diseases… Read More

Psychiatric Association President Resigns

The organization reflects and reinforces, in word and deed, our drug dependent society… Read More

Supplements Accelerate Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

On very high doses of niacin, vitamin C and GABA, one reported being able to cut his dose 60% down to 0.4 mg in one week… Read More