
Scientific References: Hormones

Listed Alphabetically for Your Convenience Read More

Podcast 411: Zadiol Reduces Effects of Stress

With Dan Voetman. Zadiol can reduces stress and pain, and balance hormones to improve most aspects of your health… Read More

Podcast 377: Meno-Ease

With Elijah Free. Experience menopause more comfortably by supporting hormone changes… Read More

DHEA and Magnesium Supplementation

Every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency and low levels of the hormone DHEA. They go together… Read More

Normalize Your Stress Hormones

Are you happy with your response to stress? Road rage? Angered by co-workers? Frustrated with friends? Then here’s what you need… Read More

Pineal Gland: Physical AND Spiritual Functions

Physically it regulates sleep-wake patterns. Spiritually links physical and spiritual worlds… Read More

Pre Menstrual Syndrome

To the eternal aggravation of countless women through time, PMS can last as long as 14 days until menstruation begins… Read More

Estrogen Or Progesterone: Which One is for You?

Estrogen dominance is a problem today for both genders and all ages… Read More

Correct Estrogen Excess and Obesity

Conversion of androstenedione and testosterone into estrogen is blocked by DeAromatase… Read More

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Study showed estrogen taken alone for at least 10 years raised breast cancer risk by 40% and taken with progesterone, that figure went to 100%… Read More

Oxytocin is the Trust Hormone

A brain chemical that boosts trust works by reducing activity, and damping connections in brain circuits that process fear… Read More


Adequate Testosterone levels help rebuild strength, mental drive, libido and youth for both women and men… Read More