Mental Health

Anxiety Self-Help Made Easy

Anxiety is a form of fear that happens as a result of thoughts, rather than because of real immediate danger in the present environment… Read More


Depression is frequently related to imbalanced levels of calcium and magnesium… Read More

Stress and Hormones

Hormones are the true measure of your health as they’re directly related to your state of mind and well-being… Read More

Toxins and Mental Health

Your brain consumes 80% of the energy you produce, so it follows that it needs targeted nutrients… Read More

Power of Will

We can achieve anything we put our mind to, we just need to adjust our mindset and cultivate our habits… Read More


Success may be from you attitude, how you see and feel things physically, emotionally and spiritually. Chose to be positive, eat well and seek growth… Read More

Podcast 262: Emotional Freedom Techniques

With Joan Kaylor. Discover how powerful this non-invasive method can clear stored emotional injuries… Read More