Pain and Inflammation

Most people think that pain and inflammation happen naturally with age. But it does not have to be so. To be free of pain, you need adequate and efficient nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. It can truly be that simple. The main symptoms of inflammation are pain, swelling, redness, heat and loss of function. And it may all  be reversible. To reduce and eliminate pain and inflammation, we offer supplements and devices. You can achieve amazing results to improve your quality of life! Thousands of people have eliminated their pain with Amino Acids. Magnesium is highly effective to relieve muscle and joint discomfort. Herbs and herbal tinctures address the specific, rare nutritional imbalances that cause connective tissue inflammation. Silica holds all your connective tissues together. This supports your structure: bones, joints, cartilage and muscles. Systemic Enzymes help postpone or reverse aging. They enable proper functioning of your natural inflammatory response, to repair injuries. Crystal Salt Brine Therapy is powerful and practical to relieve pain and inflammation. It also helps you detoxify. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are healthy fats and help reduce inflammation. They are not stored as fat. They’re burned for energy. Consider CBD (cannabidiol) from Hemp. It's very effective for spasms, tremors and cramps. Take a look at all our Blogs about Pain and InflammationYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

Showing 17–32 of 88 results

  • Amazing Soak

    Oxygenating Soaking Solution

    $4.00 Cashback
     By: Wetway
    Oxygenating Soaking Solution

    Amazing Soak Helps Rejuvenate Your Skin and All Internal Tissues Soak your body (or feet) to increase your oxygen. This may improve your energy and alertness.  Revitalize your skin with deep pore cleansing. Reduce stress and pain. The longer you soak, the deeper it goes. Enhances your available oxygen to help: Alleviate sore, tired or over-exercised muscles Recover faster from injury, surgery, strenuous activity Reduce pain from inflammation Increase blood flow Effective oral antimicrobial rinse Improve energy and sleep or relaxation Support elimination of toxins. Amazing Soak Diminishes Skin Problems Antiseptic (disinfecting) and anti-inflammatory (reduce...

    • Helps Raise Your Energy and Sharpen Your Senses
    • May Reduce Pain from Inflammation
    • Helps Revitalize Skin, Muscles and Organs
  • Mud Puddle

    Anti-inflammatory Skin Treatment

    $0.20 Cashback
     By: Alexandria Professional
    Anti-inflammatory Skin Treatment

    Mud Puddle is a rejuvenating skin treatment. For use as a face mask and/or body wrap. Deeply penetrates to help clear toxins. Promotes tissue firmness and strength. Anti-inflammatory properties soothe red, swollen skin conditions. Helps relieve both acute and chronic pain. From sports injuries, fractions and dislocations. May also help tight muscles or tendons in need of stretch. May improve skin texture Helps reduce ingrown hair problems Helps increase blood circulation May relax soft and connective tissues Helps increase lymph and metabolic activity. Mud Puddle is made from all-natural Hungarian Wellness...

    • Helps Relieve Inflamed Skin Conditions
    • May Relieve Both Chronic and Acute Pain
    • Helps Detoxify and Rejuvenate Your Skin
  • Earth Friend Herb Tincture Arthritis Ease 1 oz


    May Reverse Calcification of Joints

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    May Reverse Calcification of Joints

    Arthritis-Ease is a unique formula developed by master herbalist Elijah Free. It addresses inflammatory joint pain by correcting nutritional imbalances that allow hardened calculi to buildup in joints, causing painful symptoms. You may feel pain relief in as little as two to four weeks, as the calcified deposits are eliminated through re-absorption. The main action of Arthritis-Ease is to cause proper metabolic balance again, in disturbed metabolism. Once this occurs, your body literally dis-allows the metabolic condition that leads to painful, swollen, stiff joints. As a result, your body returns to its...

    • Helps Restore Movement and Range
    • May Dissolve Bone Spurs and Unwanted Calcified Deposits
    • 100% Organic or Wild-Crafted Herbs
  • Earth Friend Herb Tincture Cell Ease 1 oz


    Organic Herbal Tincture

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture

    Cell-Ease Supports more efficient nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. Helps reduce pain from inflammation and increase overall well being. Cell-Ease works in by supporting cell wall permeability. This restores normal cell functions. Loss of cellular permeability causes distorted chemical signals and insufficient and/or incorrect information to operate. Many adverse health effects may result including chronic inflammation, skin conditions and some acute genetic disorders. The herbs in Cell-Ease support cell wall permeability, and cellular signal communication. Here's how it happens for many: About half of the population has a genetic defect that causes the body to...

    • Helps Reduce Fatigue and Pain from Inflammation
    • Promotes Cleansing, Detoxifying
    • May Restore Normal Cell Function
  • Earth Friend Herb Tincture Cell Ease Support 1 oz

    Cell-Ease Support

    Organic Herbal Tincture, Support for Cell-Ease ONLY

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture, Support for Cell-Ease ONLY

    Very Important... Cell-Ease Support works only with Cell-Ease. This product will increase the anti-inflammatory effects of Cell-Ease. Please go read its...

    • Helps Reduce Fatigue and Pain from Inflammation
    • Promotes Cleansing, Detoxifying
    • May Restore Normal Cell Function
  • Earth Friend Herb Tincture Fibro Ease 1 oz


    Organic Herbal Tincture

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture

    Fibro-Ease may help fibrosis in muscles. It addresses the specific, rare nutritional imbalances that cause connective tissue inflammation. This advanced herbal combination helps restore your natural metabolism and chemistry that brings back normal, pain-free function. Fibro-Ease has provided pain relief in as little as 2 to 4 weeks. Helps fascia and muscles begin to soften, and hardened fibrinous material safely and efficiently re-absorb. The tissues of your body may return to their natural healthy state: flexible, free-flowing and pain-free. Fibro-Ease works specifically on the nutritional imbalance associated with the growth of fibrous tissues...

    • Helps End Chronic Soft Tissue Pain
    • May Restore Natural Facia Metabolism and Chemistry
    • 100% Organic or Wild-Crafted Herbs
  • Earth Friend Herb Tincture TMJ Ease 1 oz


    Organic Herbal Tincture

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture

    TMJ-Ease may provide relief for TMJ Pain (Temporal Mandibular Joint). Some feel relief in as little as two to four weeks, when hardened deposits of fibrin and calculi are softened, dissolved and re-absorbed. The causes of TMJ pain include nutritional imbalances that allow hardened fibrin and acidic calculi to buildup in the temporal mandibular joints. With the necessary metabolic chemistry corrected, the body literally disallows the condition that created the environment for the fibrinous buildup to exist. As a result, your body returns to its native state of metabolic and functional...

    • Helps Resolve Tension In Your Jaw
    • TMJ Pain Relief by Restoring Metabolic Balance
    • Dissolve Fibrin and Calcified Calculi in the TM Joint
  • Earth Friend Herb Co. Cell Tox-Ease Herbal Tincture 1 fl oz.

    Cell Tox-Ease

    Support Long Term Viral Infection Recovery

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Support Long Term Viral Infection Recovery

    Cell Tox-Ease is a cornerstone of 4 essential formulas to: Quickly render the Cytokine Storm ineffective. And eventually harmless. Manage MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase), see below Cytokines It's a general term for small proteins that control inflammation. When pathogens invade, Cytokines signal your immune system to do its job. Some cytokines stimulate your immune system. Others slow it down. An viral infection causes the release of a large amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This event is known as a "Cytokine Storm". The result is potentially life-threatening systemic...

    • Helps Resolve Fatigue and Pain from Inflammation
    • Supports Rapid Cellular Cleansing
    • Helps Neutralize Cellular Toxic Build-up
  • Earth Friend Herb Co. Skin and Bone Repair Herbal Tincture 1 fl oz.

    Skin and Bone Repair

    Organic Herbal Tincture

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture

    Skin & Bone Repair was created to help speed repairs to: Skin Bones Muscle Ligaments Tendons That have been: Damaged (torn, sprained, punctured, scraped, cut) Broken or fractured Post operative incisions Burned or bitten. Skin & Bone Repair quickly supplies nutrients to assist rebuilding tissue and bone. With age, your body's essential repair materials become less effective. And less abundant. Any type of auto immune disease (like MTHFR, see below) can also slow repairs. Skin & Bone Repair bypasses an inadequate auto immune response and rushes needed nutrients to the damaged site. MTHFR Here's how it...

    • Helps Rebuild Connective Tissues
    • Promotes Stronger Bones, Healthier Skin
    • Good for Breaks, Fractures, Teeth and Bone Loss
  • Pokeroot


    Organic Herbal Tincture

    $0.80 Cashback
     By: Earth Friend Herb Co
    Organic Herbal Tincture

    Pokeroot (Phytolacca americana) Helps reduce inflammation in mucous membranes in airways Helps reduce inflammation in joints, tendons, muscle, ligaments, bones, muscles and glands Supports lymphatic system...

    • Helps Reduce Inflammation
    • May Reduce Joint Pain and Improve Mobility
    • Supports Lymphatic Cleansing
  • zetox bottle


    Detoxifier and Antiviral with Vitamin B12 and D3

    $0.22 Cashback
     By: ZEO Health
    Detoxifier and Antiviral with Vitamin B12 and D3

    Zetox helps remove toxins and heavy metals that build up in your body. This may enhance your general immune function and overall well being. Absorbs toxins May provide protection from radiation Helps remove heavy metal contamination (e.g. mercury, lead, arsenic) May boost immunity (protection from colds, flu, viral infections) Helps balance the pH May reduce free radicals Helps suppress viral infections Assist in purging parasites, pathogens and viruses from your body Antibacterial activity and antiviral effect May provide relief for some allergies of eyes and sinuses Helps accelerate wound repairs...

    • Helps Remove Toxic Heavy Metals and Other Chemicals
    • Helps Boost Immunity with D3
    • Supports Energy Production with B12
  • CR Supplements, Magnesium


    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    $0.43 Cashback
     By: CR Supplements
    Ionic Mineral Supplement

    Adequate Magnesium intake promotes better sleep and deeper rest. It also helps: Relieve muscle and joint pain and discomfort Helps relax nerves Great for restless legs, muscle cramps and twitches May improve bad moods, stress and anxiety Feel more calm and centered May improves heart function and blood pressure Supports kidney and bone health. Magnesium is the most important mineral that your body requires for cellular health (along with calcium, sodium and potassium). It supports the regeneration and maintenance of living cells. It soothes your nervous system (providing deeper rest), and...

    • Helps Relieve Joint and Muscle Pain
    • May Improve Sleep and Relaxation
    • Helps Overcome Stress and Bad Moods
  • Ormus Oils Lavender Spagyric Tincture

    Lavender Spagyric Tincture

    Herbal, Alchemical Tincture

    $0.24 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Herbal, Alchemical Tincture

    Lavender Spagyric Tincture is an herbal, alchemical tincture. The object of plant alchemy is to supplement forces lacking within the body, tempering energies and restoring balance, both physically and spiritually. "Alchemy provides the perfect medium through which the state of perfection or harmonious balance can be gained." ~ Frater Albertus, The Alchemist's Handbook Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): Chakra - Throat Day - Wednesday Planetary Ruler - Mercury Plant Parts Used - flowers Energy - communication, movement, flexibility/adaptability, travel ideas, flexibility, cleverness, balance, initiation, breath and connection between the different subtle levels of being. Lavender Spagyric Tincture balances Mercury energy and...

    • Helps You Feel Calm and Uplifted
    • Aids Peripheral Circulation and Digestion
    • Helps Eliminate Severe Headaches
  • Generation Plus Serralone


    Systemic Enzyme Serrapeptase

    $0.57 Cashback
     By: Generation Plus
    Systemic Enzyme Serrapeptase

    Serrapeptase in Serralone helps reduce fibrin, mucus, inflammation and pain. Supports normal circulation and blood pressure. Serrapeptase may improve inflammatory conditions that manifest in joints, back, connective tissues, muscles and circulatory health. Supports normal circulation and blood pressure, by reducing fibrin May relieve painful symptoms from auto immune reactions/disorders May speed recovery from injury, accident and surgery May prevent plaque build-up in arteries May help manage excessive sinus mucus May relieve inflammation from sprains. Serrapeptase Helps Reduce Fibrin Fibrin contributes to abnormal hardening of tissues (endometrial, breasts, arteries, painful joints), unwanted fibrosis, and...

    • Helps Reduce Pain and Improve Mobility
    • May Reduce Fibrin (endometrial, breast, arteries, joints)
    • Supports Normal Circulation and Blood Pressure
  • UHTCO Corporation, Sacha Inchi Oil

    Sacha Inchi Oil

    Tasty Essential Fat Supplement

    $0.26 Cashback
     By: UHTCO Corporation
    Tasty Essential Fat Supplement

    Sacha Inchi Oil is rich in unsaturated Essential Fatty Acids Omega 3, 6 and 9. Also high in protein and Amino Acids They are anti-inflammatory with many  other health benefits: May strengthen immunity Supports cardiovascular health May improve mental clarity and memory Helps improve vision Supports bones and joints Omega 3 plays an important role during pregnancy. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are called essential because your body cannot make them, nor store them. They're essential for most body tissues and body processes. We need a regular supply from food and supplements. Sacha Inchi seeds:...

    • Helps Reduce Pain from Inflammation
    • Supports Cardiovascular Health
    • May Increase Immunity and Brain Function
  • Ormus Oils Cold Fire ORMUS Oil

    Cold Fire ORMUS Oil


    $0.40 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils

    Cold Fire ORMUS Oil is Anti-inflammatory Most inflammatory conditions are believed to be caused by an overproduction of an enzyme called COX-2. The essential oils used in this proprietary ORMUS oil blend have long been used for treating inflammatory conditions, and may be natural COX-2 inhibitors. Combining these essential oils with ORMUS and grape seed oil creates very powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Cold Fire ORMUS Oil helps to calm pain from inflammatory conditions to ease muscle and joint pain and strengthen responses to infections and injuries. In addition, a growing body of scientific evidence is...

    • Anti-Inflammatory Helps Relieve Pain
    • Calm and Soothing for Your Spirit
    • Great Massage Oil