Herbs: Dried

Dried herbs are powerful tools that may improve every aspect of your well being. Based on millennia of traditional use, dried herbs help strengthen immunity. May improve your memory. Enhance detoxification and elimination. Some may help you  lose weight and balance blood glucose. Other have anti-aging effects and so much more. Herbs are potent and may have interactions with pharmaceutical medicines. Please consult your healthcare provider before taking. Take a look at all these Blogs: Plants: Extracts, Plants: Fruits and Berries, Plants: Grains, Nuts and Seeds and Plants: Herbs and Spices You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

Showing 1–16 of 55 results

  • Dr. Miller, Holy Tea

    Holy Tea

    Herbal Bowel and Liver Cleanse

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: Dr. Miller
    Herbal Bowel and Liver Cleanse

    Holy Tea helps improve bowel movement regularity. The most important component of good health is a clean digestive tract. The cause of most (if not all) disease is toxic buildup in your colon. For optimal health, your bowels should move every time you eat. For most of us, that's 3 times every day! By drinking Dr. Miller's Holy Tea, you can easily improve your bowel health (two to three movements daily) by adjusting the amount of tea you drink. Improve regularity Break down toxic waste and flush it out Purge parasites Calm digestion...

    • Supports Regular Bowel Movements
    • May Relieve Bloating and Other Signs of Poor Digestion
    • Helps Increase Energy, May Assist Weight Loss
  • Dr Miller Miracle Tea

    Miracle Tea

    Herbal Bowel and Liver Cleanse

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: Dr. Miller
    Herbal Bowel and Liver Cleanse

    Miracle Tea helps break down and flush out toxic waste in your bowels. This tea is similar to Holy Tea but includes stronger stimulants (Sarsaparilla and Ginseng) that you may not require if the original Holy Tea is already working for you. Our bodies respond differently to natural herbs and you should decide for yourself which tea is better matched to your constitution. Regulate Your Bowel Movements Allow yourself the benefits of a much needed bowel and liver cleanse. With continued use of Miracle Tea, you may see and feel...

    • Supports Regular Bowel Movements
    • May Relieve Bloating and Other Signs of Poor Digestion
    • Helps Increase Energy
    • May Assist Weight Loss
  • Life Enthusiast, Zadiol


    Proprietary Blend of Botanicals

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: Life Enthusiast
    Proprietary Blend of Botanicals

    Zadiol helps balance hormones. This may gradually improve most aspects of your health. May reduce anxiety, and increase your sense of calm. May relieve pain for increased mobility. May increase motivation and energy. May improve mental clarity. Help boost immunity. Excessive stress disrupts your hormone balance. This causes problems with your immune and adrenal systems. Leading to a wide spectrum of painful diseases and mental health disorders. Zadiol may help you regain a healthy hormone balance so that all your downstream critical systems can return to normal. May Relieve  Anxiety from Past, or...

    • Helps Balance Hormones
    • Helps Reduce Extreme Anxiety, Increase Calmness
    • Helps Boost Immunity
  • PineNeedle Tea

    Cleansing and Immune Support

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: PurelyWild
    Cleansing and Immune Support

    Antioxidant and Immune Support PineNeedle Tea supports the health of all your cleansing mechanisms. Excellent detoxification, helps strengthen your immune and digestive systems. Pleasant taste and an invigorating agent. Uplifting benefits like walking through a pine forest. Antioxidant properties help reverse symptoms of aging, and eliminate painful degenerative diseases. Contains a wealth of vitamins and minerals: 5x more Vitamin C than lemons Vitamin A that's good for eyesight, lung health, immunity and red cell production Wide range of germ-killing terpenes: Alpha-pinene, D-limonone, Beta-Caryophyllene (BCP), shikimic acid, germcrene plus dozens of others. Terpenes cleanse poisonous man-made...

    • Supports Your Cleansing Mechanisms
    • May Strengthen Immunity and  Digestion
    • Raw, Wild and Handpicked
  • UHTCO Corporation, Camu Camu C++

    Camu Camu C++

    Whole Food Vitamin C Complex

    $0.32 Cashback
     By: UHTCO Corporation
    Whole Food Vitamin C Complex

    Camu Camu C++ Helps Strengthen Your Immune System The main benefits from Camu Camu C++ are related to extremely high vitamin C content. Helps detoxify whole body, especially the liver Improves symptoms of viral infections (blisters) Healthier lungs, sinuses, nasal passages Supports nervous, circulatory and endocrine (hormone) systems Strong antioxidant, helps regenerate other antioxidants such as vitamin E Speeds wound healing Promotes iron absorption Promotes healthy levels of white blood cells Aids collagen synthesis Rich in vitamins, minerals and Amino Acids that help absorb vitamin C High in potassium - more than...

    • May Boosts Immunity
    • Helps Reduce Effects of Stress
    • Supports Lungs, Nervous, Circulatory and Endocrine Systems
  • TrueHope, EMPowerplus

    EMPowerplus Advanced

    Mental Health Supplement

    $0.72 Cashback
     By: TrueHope
    Mental Health Supplement

    EMPowerplus Advanced provides optimal nutrition for your brain and nerves. Nutrition for Your Brain and Nerves Contains Potential Life-changing Essential Nutrients Supports, Maximizes and Enhances Optimal Mood Stability Memory ~ Concentration ~ Calm Clarity And the ability to cope with all that life throws at you. Also please consider that this product has the chance of correcting the deficiency that is causing the imbalance to begin with. A Solution, NOT a Bandaid We offer the product a discount when you commit to automatic monthly shipments. In as little as one week, many...

    • Enhances Mental Clarity
    • Boosts Mood Stability
    • Proven Blend of Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids
  • Oreganol P73

    Kills Germs: Viral, Bacterial, Fungal

    $0.52 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Kills Germs: Viral, Bacterial, Fungal

    Oreganol P73 is a potent germ killer and immune support for colds and influenza (antifungal, antibacterial). Also a powerful antioxidant (kills free radicals, reducing your risk of tumors) and fights aging. Anti-inflammatory properties too. High percentage of calcium, magnesium and zinc, absorbed from mineral-rich soil at high elevations (up to 12,000 feet) Synergistic balance of over 50 phytochemicals, including phenolic compounds, terpenes and esters Blend of several species of Mediterranean oregano plants Special mineral-rich soil makes Oreganol P73 a unique and powerful Oregano Oil. This whole food extract is from the same Wild Oregano...

    • Supports Stronger Immunity
    • Antifungal and Antibacterial – Excellent for Colds and Flu
    • Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Properties
  • Folium pX

    pX Super Antioxidant

    Powerful Detoxifier to Support Immunity

    $0.90 Cashback
     By: Folium
    Powerful Detoxifier to Support Immunity

    pX Super Antioxidant was created to cleanse the body of free radicals by inactivating them. Combats toxic heavy metals, radiation poisoning and free radicals. Developed by scientists in the former USSR. Under government direction, following the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. To improve the health of those who were exposed to radiation. Years of clinical trials and testimonials demonstrate these benefits. Patented formula works to boost immunity. Helps decrease infections (viruses). Enhance lung health. Especially important in the current world-wide situation. This will help you feel better and recover faster from illness and activity. Full-Body Metal Detox Cleanse Fast...

    • Full-Body Cleanse
    • Helps Boost Immunity
    • May Increase Physical and Mental Energy
  • Uhtco Graviola XP

    Graviola XP

    Broad Use Amazonian Health Tonic

    $0.29 Cashback
     By: UHTCO Corporation
    Broad Use Amazonian Health Tonic

    Graviola XP Best natural supplement to help build healthy cells and much more: Antioxidant Antibacterial, anti-fungal Anti-parasitic, insecticidal and anti-malarial Helps whole body detoxification Vasodilator and helps lower blood pressure Anti-convulsant and anti-spasmodic Antidepressant Antimutagenic May reduce severe headaches Helps relieve inflamed, red skin issues. Graviola XP has no known side effects, toxicity reports or interactions with any supplement or pharmaceutical...

    • Antioxidant
    • Antibacterial and Anti-fungal
    • Helps Whole Body Detox
  • PCS Matrix

    Reduce Frequent Urination

    $0.55 Cashback
     By: Matrix Nutrients
    Reduce Frequent Urination

    PCS Matrix in an herbal combination traditionally used by herbalists to support the prostate gland and reduce frequent urination. Matrix ~ Better For You Supplements All Matrix supplements provide nutrients in a Whole Food Matrix which means they will be presented to your body in the same form as they are in food, and have have been tested by independent labs, and found they are: Significantly better absorbed, longer retained and better used than standard chemical supplements Do not need to be taken with food because they inherently contain all food factors...

    • Support for Prostate Gland
    • Helps Reduce Frequent Urination
  • Dream Adaptogenic Herbs by RDT Herbal Formulas 90g


    Blend of Herbs to Help Relieve Stress

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Blend of Herbs to Help Relieve Stress

    Awaken helps you adapt to the stresses of life. Wonderful for multi-taskers, high-achievers and goal oriented people. Eventually stress can wear you down. It's unavoidable and demands accumulate every day. These premier herbs are known to battle stress, and may provide mental clarity. Supports regulation of circadian rhythms. Helps you rest when you need to. Also supports energy and flexibility. Awaken is an adrenal rejuvenation formula. When our adrenals are strong, we feel like we can take on the world. Sophisticated combination of the world's top adaptogenic herbs. Also contains ORMUS (orbitally rearranged...

    • Supports Better Mental Focus
    • May Help You Sleep Better
    • Supports Adrenal Glands
  • Eternal Jing Longevity Tonic by RD Herbs 90g

    Eternal Jing

    Longevity Formula

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Longevity Formula

    Eternal Jing has many anti-aging properties: May increases energy (staying power) Helps lower stress May strengthen hair, teeth, nails, and bones Promotes creativity May rejuvenates sexual energy Helps you feel more self-empowered. If you have felt chronic tiredness and lack of motivation, Eternal Jing can help. Eternal Jing contains the most revered anti-aging herbs. Ancient Chinese Emperors and Empresses considered them "Herbs of the Immortals". Jing is our true power base. What we're capable of achieving. How much we can endure. ORMUS (orbitally rearranged monotomic elements) is included to increase efficacy....

    • Anti-aging
    • May Increase Energy
    • Helps Lower Stress
  • Dream Sleep Tonic by RDT Herbal Formulas 90g


    Sleep Tonic

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Sleep Tonic

    Dream helps to gently relax your muscles. It may quiet your mind and helps relieve anxiety. You may wake up refreshed. And it's not habit forming. One pleasant-tasking cup, 30 minutes before bed. ORMUS (orbitally rearranged monatomic elements) is included to increase efficacy. It helps boost your health in every way. Physically, mentally and spiritually. Helps nourish your body, mind and soul. An easy path to body repair and enlightenment. Ancient Egyptian and Chinese tombs contain urns holding ORMUS made from gold. This ORMUS is derived from precious inner-Earth salts,...

    • May Relax Muscles, Quiet Mind, Relieve Anxiety
    • Helps You Enjoy Peaceful Dreams and Wake Refreshed
    • Non Habit-forming
  • Shift Spiritual Empowerment Rehmannia Dean Thomas 90g


    Chinese Herbal Formula with ORMUS

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    Chinese Herbal Formula with ORMUS

    Shift is excellent for spiritual seekers. This formula promotes: Peaceful mind and calm spirit Balanced emotions Grounding Anti-anxiety Liberates the body, mind and spirit Lightens oppressive energies. Excellent for those who are: Stuck in a rut Don't believe in higher energies Feel unrewarded Afraid of the beyond. Helps remove "psychic baggage" and spiritual suppression. You need a strong resilient body and good energy. But without enlightenment, it's only materialistic. Powerful herbal combination. Used in ancient Asia for strengthening spiritual peace and centeredness. These herbs are known to open "Shen" (higher, spiritual component of the human...

    • Promotes Spiritual Empowerment
    • Helps Reduce Anxiety
    • Lightens Oppressive Energies
  • North American Herb and Spice, OregaMAX front of bottle


    Kills Germs: Colds and Influenzas

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Kills Germs: Colds and Influenzas

    OregaMax is potent germ-killing immune support. Potent antioxidant (kills free radicals, reducing your risk of tumors) and fights aging. Powerful germ-killer and immune support for colds and influenza (antifungal, antibacterial). Anti-inflammatory properties too. OregaMax  Kills Colds and Influenzas This wild oregano grows directly on rock in the Mediterranean mountains, making it rich in natural trace minerals. It is a top source of natural calcium, zinc, copper and phosphorous. OregaMax also contains Rhus coriaria - a mountain berry with a wealthy array of desirable antioxidant activity. Rich in water soluble tannins, naturally occurring vitamin...

    • Highly Concentrated and Wild-crafted plant-based Organic Nutrients
    • Immune System Support – Excellent for Colds and Flu
    • Powerful Antioxidant with Anti-inflammatory Properties Too
  • Phoenix Womens Vitalization by RD Herbs 90g


    For Women Entering Pre-menopause and Beyond

    $0.46 Cashback
     By: RDT Herbs
    For Women Entering Pre-menopause and Beyond

    Phoenix contains herbs that support hormone balance. Including progesterone synthesis. Progesterone helps women retain female characteristics and energies. It also estrogen regulation. Postmenopausal women hold great potential to be leaders and guides. Phoenix helps: Support women's hormone balance Supports stronger bones, tendons and ligaments May increase stamina Helps empower the Soul for spiritual fortitude. Bone density is critical for menopausal women with stressful lives. Phoenix supports Yang Jing. This is the vital kidney essence of strength and endurance. ORMUS (orbitally rearranged monotomic elements) Chinese foxglove (Rehmannia, Chinese: Shu Di huang)is included...

    • Support Women’s Hormone Balance
    • May Increase Stamina
    • Supports Stronger Bones, Tendons, Ligaments