
Podcast 469: Exsula Superfoods Success Story

With Bob Peterson. These Superfood blends are crafted exclusively from whole foods, offering a comprehensive array of nutrients… Read More

Fibromyalgia Explained

Main defining symptoms are pain (often disabling) in muscle fibers and connective tissues, the inability to reach a deep state of sleep, fatigue and depression… Read More

Podcast 468: Master Peace

With Matt Hazen. Powerful combination of Zeolite and Marine Plasma, supports vibrational and physical cellular cleansing… Read More

Nicotine Pouches and Other NRTs

There’s now a wide variety of products to help smokers in their cessation journey… Read More

Podcast 467: Protelase

With Spencer Feldman. Spike proteins produced by the recent jab experiment can have severe repercussions like blood clotting (stroke), autoimmune problems and various other issues… Read More

Podcast 466: AO Scan

With Paige Wheeler. The AO Scan from a bioresonance device evaluates different facets of an individual’s health, and offers insights into the body’s energy frequencies… Read More

Scientific References: Skin Care Ingredients

Listed alphabetically for your convenience, to support the quality of our ingredients… Read More

High Spin State (Energized) Water by Dan Nelson

The simple explanation of what the fundamental essence of water is strongly suggests errors in reasoning… Read More

Podcast 465: Tessamet

With Spencer Feldman. Tessamet helps decrease histamine production in the body. It may help to alleviate symptoms in the sinuses and lungs, skin, digestive system and brain… Read More

Podcast 464: Cholephage

With Spencer Feldman from Remedy Link. When Ox bile is consumed, it enters the bloodstream to support the body with the break down and elimination of unwanted fats and cholesterol. After riding the body of rancid fats, we need to replace them with healthy fats our body can actually utilize… Read More

Podcast 463: Sleeping Soundly with Biocrystals

With Monica Leal. Sleep deprivation prevents our ability to function properly and can have serious negative side effects on our health. The Biocrystal products aim to create a better sleep environment, optimizing our immune system and cellular function… Read More

Podcast 462: Cellerciser

With David Hall and Martin Pytela. The Cellerciser is designed to help improve cardiovascular health, increase circulation and lympathic health, strengthen muscles, and increase overall fitness at a cellular level. It’s a low-impact type of exercise that doesn’t put strain on our joints like other high-impact exercises… Read More