ADR Systems

ADR Protect

Energy Stimulator, Electrosmog Protection Device
Price: $24.95
  • May Reduce Fatigue and Pain from Inflammation
  • May Reduce Adverse Effects of EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies)
  • Helps Balance Your Energy

Energy Stimulator, Electrosmog Protection Device


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The ADR Protect is a revolutionary Electrosmog Protection Device that may reduce the adverse effects of electromagnetic pollution on the human body. It can equalize the environmentally disordered energy levels in your acupuncture channels (meridians).

With balance restored, your protective mechanisms are able to compensate for nearby harmful electromagnetic pollutants.

ADR Protect The ADR Protect is about 1″ in diameter, with an adhesive backing to place it on various devices that you keep near your body (e.g., cordless or cell phones, computer mouse, wallet, watch, etc.).

Inside is flexible magnetic foil with precisely located, mathematically defined points, covered with a gelatin paste. This paste is a composite of ceramic substances and metal oxides, showing specific infrared radiation absorption and emission properties.

Highly recommended for users of electronic devices, especially wireless and mobile.

Technical Info

EMF protection

Construction of the ADR Protect

The ADR Protect is made of flexible magnetic foil with precisely located, mathematically defined points, covered with a gelatin paste. This paste is a composite of ceramic substances and metal oxides, showing specific infrared radiation absorption/emission properties.

EMF ProtectionAll materials and components used in the manufacture of ADR Protect are the result of extensive scientific research.

The ADR Protect strengthens the proper functioning of your body, which in turn counteracts the stressful effects of electromagnetic pollution.

Distribution of Magnetic Field Intensity

Food Harmonizer

Figure 1. Distribution of Hx magnetic field intensity.

Magnetic Field

Figure 2. Distribution of Hz magnetic field intensity.

Thermographic Research Results

Research was conducted at Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences, Institute of Radiology Radiophysics Department in Poznan, Poland.

According to thermographic criteria, a slight decrease of facial temperature, with simultaneous reduction of nose temperature, suggests an increase of internal carotid blood flow (i.e., brain perfusion improvement). The distinct increase in finger temperature (up to 2C) suggests clear blood perfusion improvement.

The thermographic research results of palm and fingers of a subject during a time interval under the influence of an active ADR Protect Energy Stimulator. Thermographic research testing using an active ADR Protect Energy Stimulator over several time intervals shown above was conducted at the Jzef Strus Municipal Hospital, Radiophysical Laboratory of the Department of Radiology in Poznan, Poland.

  • Photo type I – photo taken using visible light.
  • Photo type II – photo taken using infrared light.
Photo type I Photo type II Photo type II Photo type II
initial state w/o ADR Protect initial state after 10 sec after 30 sec


Photo type I Photo type II Photo type II Photo type II
after 60 sec after 90 sec after 120 sec after 180 sec

The distinct increase in finger and palm temperature over time under the influence of active ADR Protect Energy Stimulator suggests significant improvement in peripheral blood circulation in a subject with Raynaud’s disease symptoms. The tests also proved that inactive ADR Protect Energy Stimulator did not have a placebo effect on all tested subjects (see research diagram).

Photo type I Photo type II Photo type II Photo type II
initial state w/o ADR Protect initial state after 10 sec after 30 sec


Photo type I Photo type II Photo type II Photo type II
after 60 sec after 90 sec after 120 sec after 180 sec

The thermographic research results of palm and fingers of a subject during a time interval under the influence of an active ADR Protect Energy Stimulator.

The thermographic research results of a subject before and after use of ADR Protect Energy Stimulator.

Before use During use Temp. (C)

Thermographic research testing of before and after use of ADR Protect shown above was conducted at Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences, Institute of Radiology – Radiophysics Department in Poznan, Poland.

According to thermographic criteria, a slight decrease of facial temperature, with simultaneous reduction of nose temperature during test “B”, suggests an increase of internal carotid blood flow (i.e., brain perfusion improvement). The distinct increase of finger temperature (up to 2C) suggests clear blood perfusion improvement.

Ryodorak Research Results

Research finding of meridians by means of the Nakatani (RYODORAKU) method: under the influence of ADR Protect, there is an equalization of energy in meridians between the left and right sides of the body, which indicates restoration of disordered balance (see lower graph). Subsequent pairs of bars correspond to different organs of the body.

Research Results of Meridian Balancing

Measuring meridians using the Nakatani (RYODORAK) method before and after use of ADR Protect Energy Stimulator confirmed positive effects on energy balance:

before use of ADR Protect after 10 minutes of use of ADR Protect

Research findings clearly show that under the influence of ADR Protect, there is an equalization of energy balance in meridians between the left and right side of the body, represented by vertical bars of corresponding colors. Also seen is a change in values of energy levels at particular points toward normal level. Subsequent pairs of bars correspond to different organs of the body.

Research testing on meridians of before and after use of ADR Protect shown above was conducted at the PRIMAX MEDICA Institute for Physical Medicine Research in Poznan, Poland.

Glossary of diagrams:
L, R – left and right side of a body
Y axis – (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150) units of an electric current in microamps (A)
  • H1 – lung meridian
  • H2 – pericardium meridian
  • H3 – heart meridian
  • H4 – small intestine meridian
  • H5 – triple warmer meridian
  • H6 – large intestine meridian
  • F1 – spleen & pancreas meridian
  • F2 – liver meridian
  • F3 – kidney meridian
  • F4 – urinary bladder meridian
  • F5 – gall bladder meridian
  • F6 – stomach meridian

Measuring average value of asymmetry in the pulse amplitude between the left and right brain’s hemispheres before and after use of ADR Protect Energy Stimulator by scanning brain surface blood vessels confirmed its balancing effects:

Left side Right side
before use of ADR Protect
after use of ADR Protect

The research results showed that after use of ADR Protect there is a significant reduction in asymmetry of the pulse amplitudes of blood vessels in the surface layer of the left and right hemisphere of the brain.

The research testing of before and after use of ADR Protect Energy Stimulator shown above was conducted at the PRIMAX MEDICA Institute for Physical Medicine Research in Poznan Poland.

Results and Discussion

The detailed results of the immediate measurements are presented on the web page; presented here are the synoptic tables 1-3 and their respective figures. Presented in Table 1 are the mean temperature values for the various measurements and their differences. The measurements taken are subject to a four-way classification: 2 x 2 x 3 x 2, i.e. the sides of the body x the places of measurement (fingers – palm) x the terms of measurement (W – P1 – P2) x the kinds of temperature (min – max). P1 and P2 indicate the results of the respective measurements after 140 seconds of the application of the placebo or the ADR Protect. No substantial differences were noted between the means of the minimum and maximum temperatures for the left and right side of the body, nor any significant interaction between this factor and the others, namely the place and term of measurement and the kind of temperature (minimum and maximum).

Since the minimum temperatures for the whole hand occur at the fingers, the significance of the differences in temperature between the fingers and the palm occurs only for maximal temperatures, which are decidedly higher at the palm than in the fingers. The place of measurement has an effect on the differences between the terms of measurement and on the temperature span, i.e. on the difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures. Highly significant differences in both maximum and minimum temperatures were noted between the terms of measurements W, P1 and P2 both in the fingers and in the palms on the left and right sides of the body (Table 2, Figure 1). The greatest increase in temperature occurred after the ADR Protect was applied.

A highly significant rise in temperature was also noted between the placebo and the ADR Protect. The differences between placebo P1 and the rest state W were also significant, albeit to the least extent (Table 3). That the differences between the maximum and minimum temperatures were significant results from physiology. However, the size of the max – min difference was strictly related to the place and term of measurement, and not to the side of the body on which these measurements were made. After the ADR Protect was applied, the max – min temperature span for the whole hand decreased substantially. This phenomenon was not noted for the fingers, where the differences were minor.


1. The initial temperatures of the subjects’ left and right hands did not differ significantly, whereas the placebo and the ADR Protect had a uniform effect on both hands, even though the disc was always placed under the left palm. One can conclude that the effect of the ADR Protect and of the placebo were not local; one can surmise that they are of a systemic nature.

2. The significance of the differences in maximum temperatures between the fingers and the palms has been repeatedly confirmed by the observations of other researchers, as well as our own, that deficiencies in blood supply generally begin in the peripheral parts of limbs.

3. A positive (beneficial) effect was produced in the tests by the placebo, yet a significantly greater effect came with the application of the ADR Protect. Thus, the ADR Protect energy stimulator clearly improves the quality of blood supply in both hands, despite being applied under one palm only.

4. The application of the ADR Protect helps to level out the blood supply in the periphery of the hand, lessening the differences between the minimum and maximum temperatures.

Fig.1 Means of minimal and maximal temperatures before (W) and 140 seconds after application of placebo (P1) and ADR Protect (P2) and left (L) and right (R) hands (H) and fingers (F).


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Directions for Use

Simply attach to your skin (close proximity is fine).

Attach it to your computer mouse, your mobile phone, put it in your wallet, back of your watch, or just in your pocket.

Recommended Use

Helps balance your subtle energy flow and protect against EMF from hands-free and cell phones, computers, microwaves, Wi-Fi and all electronic or electric appliances. May help balance your energies and reduce aches and pains from inflammation.

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