
Showing 17–20 of 20 results

  • Ormus Oils Sacral Chakra ORMUS

    Sacral Chakra ORMUS

    Balance your Sacral Chakra

    $0.40 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Balance your Sacral Chakra

    Sacral Chakra ORMUS Balance your Sacral Chakra that is associated with our primal emotions and instincts, our personal creativity, and sexual desire. When the Sacral Chakra is unbalanced, you may feel overly emotional or be emotionally repressed and have unhealthy sexual relationships or suffer from sexual inhibitions. ORMUS Oils and Lotions Both allow for the absorption of ORMUS through the skin directly into the bloodstream to be circulated where it is needed most. Choose your preference. ORMUS Mists are aromatherapy sprays, energized with ORMUS to harmonize your energetic bodies. These are vibrational remedies, based on...

    • Helps Loving and Intimate Relationships
    • Feel Liked and Respected with a Sense of Belonging
    • Helps Balance Emotions, Transform Negative to Positive
  • Great Salt Lake Manna

    Great Salt Lake Manna

    Pure ORMUS Minerals

    $0.50 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Pure ORMUS Minerals

    Great Salt Lake Manna ORMUS is made from the magical, life-giving water of Great Salt Lake in Utah, USA (largest salt lake in the western hemisphere), and one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. While there are several streams flowing into the lake, there are no outlets for its waters, except through evaporation (like the Dead Sea). Because of this, the lake is as much as eight times saltier than the oceans. Minerals flow into Great Salt Lake at a rate of about 1.8 million metric tons per...

    • Great Manna for Beginners, Connect to Ancient America
    • Supports Spiritual Enlightenment and Physical Rejuvenation
    • Vibrational Shift Towards the Spiritual
  • Ormus Oils Trinity Manna

    Trinity Manna

    Synergistic Blend of ORMUS Waters

    $1.80 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Synergistic Blend of ORMUS Waters

    Trinity Manna The Trinity symbolizes the One Divine Nature of All - a reminder of the unity of all things, and that there is strength, beauty, continuity and purpose in that unity. Mind, Body, Soul. Maiden, Mother, Crone. Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Will, Wisdom, Love. Father Light, Mother Space, Individualized Child. Life, Death, Rebirth. Earth, Sea, Sky. Waxing, Full, Waning. Yin, Tao, Yang. Sulphur, Mercury, Salt. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Sun, Moon, Stars. Created by water alchemy method, using ORMUS from a trinity of primary source waters: Dead Sea Atlantic Ocean Great Salt...

    • Embodies Synergistic Powers of “The Three”
    • The Trinity Holds Strength, Beauty, Continuity and Purpose
    • From Three Primary Source Waters
  • Ormus Oils, Ambrosia Essential Oil Manna

    Ambrosia Essential Oil Manna

    Enhanced ORMUS Spiritual Effects

    $1.80 Cashback
     By: ORMUS Oils
    Enhanced ORMUS Spiritual Effects

    Ambrosia Essential Oil Manna adds a little extra "oomph" to your spiritual experience that comes from taking ORMUS. This combination of ORMUS (made from Dead Sea Salt) is specially prepared with an essential oil blend that adds a vibratory signature, to charge and direct your ORMUS towards the specific outcomes you intend. Pleasing taste and...

    • Enhance the Spiritual Dimension that comes from taking ORMUS
    • Charge and Direct Your ORMUS Towards Specific Outcomes
    • Adds a Little Extra “oomph” to Your ORMUS Experience