Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Aromatherapy and Essential Oils have powerful, mind-altering effects. They are holistic treatments, inhaled or applied onto your skin. Hemps improve the health of your body, mind and spirit. This is an effortless way to shift yourself into a better state of being. Transform and uplift your moods and thoughts. Shift from anxiety to joy. Balance your emotions. Change your reality to feel loved. Feel focused and centered. Enhance your spiritual practices for enlightenment. Helps you get a good night sleep. Essential Oils activate smell receptors in your nose. They send messages through your nervous system to your brain. Your brain affects your limbic system, which plays a role in your emotions. Your hypothalamus is affected and creates feel-good brain chemicals like serotonin. Take a look at our Health Blogs about Aromatherapy and Essential OilsYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

Showing 17–20 of 20 results

  • Clovanol

    Antiseptic and Delicious

    $0.34 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Antiseptic and Delicious

    Clovanol is Extremely Concentrated Cloves are  a strong and natural antioxidants, to reverse free radical damage that can cause tumors and aging. Oral Care The most common use: it cleans (antiseptic and fresh breath), soothes tooth aches and supports gum health. Powerful Anti-inflammatory Clove has widespread applications in homeopathic medicine, and contains an elevated level of eugenol that helps stop inflammation and cellular oxidation (which causes aging). Clove oil has a eugenol concentration of 80-90%. Helps Kill Candida and Intestinal Parasites Candida plagues modern society because of diets high in processed foods, sugar, alcohol and stress. Clove...

    • Oral Antiseptic, Relieves Toothaches
    • Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory
    • Anti-microbial, Anti-biotic, Anti-fungal and Anti-viral
  • Cinnamol

    Delicious with Many Healthy Benefits

    $0.34 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Delicious with Many Healthy Benefits

    Cinnamol - Extremely Concentrated Cinnamol is easy to take sublingually (under your tongue), which ensures optimal absorption. And the cinnamon flavor is delicious! Freshens your breath May protect your heart health May lower blood sugar May help prevent cognitive decline Helps prevent or stop Candida Sweetens food without sugar Natural food preservative Cinnamol Unique Processing Method: Supercritical CO2 Extraction Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a naturally-occurring chemical substance, and a supercritical fluid, meaning it converts into liquid when pressurized. It leaves behind no residues, but DOES leave behind ALL compounds in the cinnamon that are...

    • Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory
    • Anti-microbial, Anti-biotic, Anti-fungal and Anti-viral
    • Sweetens Without Sugar and Freshens Your Breath
  • Cilantrol

    Health Benefits with Exotic Aroma and Taste

    $0.34 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Health Benefits with Exotic Aroma and Taste

    Cilantrol has Powerful, Broad Range of Benefits Breaks down fat (cholesterol AND body fat) Helps digestion by reduce gas (pain and cramping) Alleviates spasms (coughing, limbs, intestinal and nervous) Antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory Generally relaxes your body and mind. Technically, Coriander refers to the entire plant, however Cilantro is the Spanish word for Coriander leaves. Antibacterial Coriander's use in foods may prevent food-borne illnesses. May treat antibiotic-resistant infections, according to the authors of a study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology. Vitamin K and Vitamin A One serving...

    • Helps Breaks-down Fat (cholesterol and body fat)
    • Antibacterial – Antioxidant – Anti-inflammatory
    • Calming and Stabilizing
  • North American Herb & Spice, Elderol


    Concentrated Berry Extract

    $0.30 Cashback
     By: North American Herb & Spice
    Concentrated Berry Extract

    Elderol supports good health by cleansing. It's a powerful antioxidant. Strengthen immunity Supports your respiratory system Helps balance blood sugar. Contains Elderberries that support your immune system with hemagglutinin protein. It supports healthy cell walls, making them difficult to penetrate. This inhibits a virus’s ability to penetrate cells and/or replicate. Elderol ~ The Power of WILD Grown Wild berries are more potent in effects than commercial berries. All of the wild, sun-ripened berries in BerriMax are harvested in remote North American regions. Above the 55th parallel. Harsh northern weather creates hardy and nutrient-dense...

    • Supports Detoxification
    • May Strengthens Immunity and Respiratory System
    • Helps Balance Blood Sugar