QuickSilver Scientific

QuickSilver Scientific products nourish your cells with superior nutraceuticals. Efficiently and fast. The power of intravenous therapy in convenient oral delivery. Effective products for optimal health. Made from the highest grade ingredients available. Discover the power of Liposomal Delivery. Where modern science unleashes the curative power of nature. QuickSilver Scientific is an industry leader in developing and producing the Liposomal Delivery system. The nutrients are protected and delivered straight into your bloodstream. Potent bioavailability for maximum absorption and benefits. QuickSilver Scientific has improved basic Liposomal Delivery technology. Creating even smaller, more stable, and tightly distributed single-layer spheres. Nutrients begin absorbing as soon as they hit your mouth. You get high absorption, before alteration by harsh digestion. Based on U.S. standards. And the growing body of scientific evidence generated from thousands of research studies. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

Showing 17–32 of 37 results

  • Nanoemulsion-edge Formula for Maximum Absorption

    D3 K2

    Maximum Absorption Formula

    $0.55 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Maximum Absorption Formula

    D3 K2 is an ideal balance of vitamins D and K for fast absorption. Highly-bioavailable liposomal blend allows optimal replenishment of one of nature’s most crucial vitamins. Most of us do not get enough Vitamin D3 from the sun. The wide-reaching benefits of having adequate Vitamin D3 include: Enhances immunity against bacterial, fungal, and viral invaders Reduces inappropriate immune responses to one’s own tissues Supports brain health and cognition Leave the "blues" behind Promotes healthy blood vessels (prerequisite for cardiovascular health). D3 K2 K2 works synergistically with D3 to support cardiovascular and bone health. The...

    • You May Have More Energy
    • Improve Your Moods
    • Supports Overall Well Being
  • Adrenal Gland Support

    Ultra Energy

    Adaptogenic Herbal Tincture

    $0.66 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Adaptogenic Herbal Tincture

    Ultra Energy is a liposomal adaptogenic, broad-spectrum blend of herbs. Designed to: Support adrenal function Resilience to stress (daily, long-term and traumatic) May enhance brain health Helps boost overall energy, health and vitality. For both men and women. Research shows that adaptogenic herbs spread their actions through your entire body. To fortify you under stressful conditions. This supports long-term health. Gentle enough for everyday...

    • Adrenal Gland Support
    • Helps Resilience and Endurance (not exhaustion)
    • Support For Both Women and Men
  • QuickSilver Scientific Progesterone Plus Professional 1fl oz

    Progesterone Plus

    Topical Replenishing Serum

    $0.43 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Topical Replenishing Serum

    Progesterone + topical replenishing serum helps reduce menopausal discomforts. May help infertility. Helps prevent uterine tumors. Benefits of taking may include: Protecting the endometrium (lining of the uterus) Preventing uterine tumors Maintaining HDL (good) cholesterol Reducing symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, mood swings) Reducing adverse side effects of synthetic hormones. Low levels can cause: Infertility or miscarriages  (may indicate ectopic pregnancy, resulting in miscarriage) Headaches (sometimes severe) Mood changes and anxiety Menstrual cycle irregularity Weight gain. Progesterone is important during childbearing years. Without enough, a woman might struggle with getting or staying pregnant....

    • Helps Reduce Menopausal Discomforts
    • May Help Infertility
    • Helps Prevent Uterine Tumors
  • QuickSilver Scientific, Bitter X

    Bitter X

    Ease Digestive Troubles AND Support Detoxification

    $0.50 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Ease Digestive Troubles AND Support Detoxification

    Bitter X Eases Digestive Troubles AND Supports Detoxification Before eating - helps prevent bloating and cramping. After eating - may ease indigestion, heartburn, nausea and upset stomach. You can actually improve the daily function of your digestive system, as Bitters feed the micro-bacteria that become your healthy intestinal flora. This formula is stronger than Bitters No 9. Slightly tempered for flavor with a touch of sweet orange essential oil. May support liver function for healthy bile production and flow (critical for optimal digestion and detoxification) Helps detoxify and strengthen...

    • Take Before Eating, Helps Prevent Digestive Troubles
    • Take After Eating Helps Relieve Digestive Troubles
    • Feeds Your Healthy Intestinal Flora
  • QuickSilver Scientific, QuintEssential Bioterrain Restore 0.9

    QuintEssential Bioterrain Restore 0.9

    Therapeutic Marine Plasma

    $0.50 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Therapeutic Marine Plasma

    QuintEssential Bioterrain Restore 0.9 Unique minerals support optimal health, for sensitive systems or a weaker constitution. Use QuintEssential Bioterrain Restore 0.9 when you're not at optimal wellness for an extended period of time. Ideal for a sensitive system or a weaker constitution. Also use it topically, anywhere on your skin to provide cosmetic improvement. The minerals and trace elements in Marine Plasma, extracted from plankton blooms, may enhance the health of your cells and overall performance. Because the composition of our cells is very similar to that of the ocean, this source provides the perfect balance...

    • Load Up with Essential Minerals
    • Supports Better Sleep and Calm Mental Focus
    • May Speed Recovery After Exercise
  • Keto Diet Support

    Keto Before 6

    Keto Diet Support

    $0.59 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Keto Diet Support

    Keto Before 6 Allows Keto Diet Freedom to Enjoy Carbs If you eat a standard keto diet throughout the day, Keto Before 6 gives you the flexibility to enjoy carbohydrates at dinner time. Helps you shift from glucose to fat burning within hours, rather than weeks. Targeted nutraceuticals help shift your body into natural ketone production. For a more well-rounded, sustainable diet. Supports healthy weight, energy production, cognitive performance, and cellular regeneration. Revolutionary formula helps drives ketone production at cellular level. By supporting critical metabolic pathways and signaling molecules, activated by the ketogenic diet. Nutraceuticals...

    • Allows More Flexible Keto Diet and Lifestyle
    • Helps Faster Return to Ketosis After Carbs
    • May Shift from Glucose to Fat Burning within Hours
  • Critical For Overall Health


    Critical For Overall Health

    $0.55 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Critical For Overall Health

    CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) promotes healthy aging at the cellular level. Your body's production of Coenzyme Q10 declines with age. It's essential to produce ATP (cellular energy). Also helps recycle antioxidants to protect you from the effects of free radicals (aging and tumors). Helps maintain the health of your: Heart Respiratory system Nervous systems Brain Eyes Oral (massage into gums) Unsurpassed Absorption CoQ10 absorption is dramatically improved with a nanoemulsified delivery system. It begins absorbing as soon as it hits your tongue. This delivery allows direct uptake into your bloodstream. Overcomes absorption barriers of most CoQ10...

    • Excellent for Higher Performance
    • Helps with Intense Mental Activity
    • May Increase Physical Energy Endurance and Strength
    • Supports Stronger Immunity
  • Liposomal Male Adrenal Support


    Male Energy and Stamina Support

    $0.63 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Male Energy and Stamina Support

    NanoMojo is a proprietary blend of nineteen herbs. Designed to support resilience and endurance in men. Helps responses to high demands with vigor. Not with exhaustion. All nineteen herbs are encapsulated in tiny, highly absorbable liposomes. The result is a an adaptogenic tonic, where a fraction of the amount of a traditional herbal formula offers rapid uptake, and equal or greater potency than standard dry herbs or...

    • Herbal Blend Helps Increase Resilience and Endurance
    • Rapid Uptake and High Potency
    • Adaptogenic Herbs Promote Balance and Harmony
  • QuickSilver Scientific, Biocidin

    Biocidin LSF

    Liposomal, Broad-spectrum Antimicrobial

    $0.81 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Liposomal, Broad-spectrum Antimicrobial

    Biocidin LSF is a synergistic combination of botanicals. Supports microbiome balance in your digestive system. May improve digestion and elimination. Includes botanicals to assist detoxification...

    • Antimicrobial Against Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses and Parasites
    • May Enhance Digestion and Elimination
    • Delivery System enables Rapid Absorption
  • Detoxify Safely and Effectively

    Ultra Binder

    Detoxify Safely and Effectively

    $0.84 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Detoxify Safely and Effectively

    Ultra Binder supports digestive health and may alleviate inflammation. May normalize bowel functions and flora. Helps you detoxify safely and effectively from a wide array of everyday toxins. The list of toxic substances we encounter in daily life is long: heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, hormone mimics, drug residues, food additives, mold and bacterial toxins. Ultra Binder can latch onto them all and escort them safely out of your body. Each ingredient has a strong ability to bind different classes of toxins. Together they offer a broad-spectrum binder that works. Because binders can be constipating,...

    • Binds To and Eliminates a Wide Array of Everyday Toxins
    • May Normalize Bowel Function and Flora
    • Non-constipating
  • QuickSilver Scientific, Estradiol +

    Estradiol +

    Topical Estrogen Replenishing Serum

    $0.37 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Topical Estrogen Replenishing Serum

    Estradiol delivers a bioidentical form of estradiol (E2), the dominant form of estrogen made by premenopausal women. Used for symptoms of menopause: Helps reduce hot flashes May reduce vaginal dryness Helps prevent bone loss. These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. Estradiol is also used to treat low estrogen levels in women with ovarian failure. And certain types of tumors (breast and...

    • Natural Women’s Hormone Therapy
    • Ease Menopausal Symptoms
    • Fast and Enhanced Absorption
  • QuickSilver Scientific, Estriol Plus

    Estriol +

    Topical Estrogen Replenishing Serum

    $0.35 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Topical Estrogen Replenishing Serum

    Estriol + is a synthetic form of a type of estrogen. It provides some protection without the risks associated with stronger estrogens. Used as hormone therapy to reduce symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, frequent urinary tract infections). Fast and enhanced absorption (compared to conventional creams). Bypasses your liver metabolism for optimal...

    • Natural Women’s Hormone Therapy
    • Ease Menopausal Symptoms
    • Fast and Enhanced Absorption
  • QuickSilver Scientific, Pure DHEA

    Pure DHEA

    Precursor to Many Hormones

    $0.45 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Precursor to Many Hormones

    Pure DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is highly bioavailable form of micronized DHEA. Nanoformulated. Designed to balance sex and other hormones in: Menopause Andropause Helps ease symptoms of hormone fluctuations: hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness in women, and muscle mass, muscle strength, decisiveness in men. Pure DHEA is a sex hormone naturally produced by the body. It helps synthesize both estrogen and testosterone. Your production declines with age. Supplementation can be a powerful ally to support healthy aging. Hormone fluctuations can be associated with: Decreased energy Hair loss Skin issues Weight variations Low libido Lack of...

    • Natural Hormone Therapy
    • Reverse Symptoms of Aging
    • Fast and Enhanced Absorption
  • Increase Your Overall Resilience

    The ONE

    Nutrients Help Increase Overall Resilience

    $0.79 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Nutrients Help Increase Overall Resilience

    This is The ONE You Need. An energizing plant-based formula. Unique and synergistic blend of nutraceuticals designed to: Extend your longevity Enhance resistance to stress Optimize mitochondrial function (cellular energy). Mitochondria are cellular precious renewable batteries. They produce energy critical to function. Breakthrough research has revealed a select group of exceptional molecules that support mitochondrial function: Coenzyme Q10 dramatically affects mitochondrial energy-producing capacity. Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) supports mitochondria protection from oxidative damage, may work to stimulate fresh growth of new mitochondria. Resveratrol is an antioxidant for  healthy...

    • May Extend Your Longevity
    • Helps Increase Energy
    • May Decrease Risk of Tumors and Signs of Aging
  • QuickSilver Scientific, DHEA + 100 ml

    DHEA +

    Nanoformulated Steroidal Hormone Tonic

    $0.74 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Nanoformulated Steroidal Hormone Tonic

    Nanoformulated DHEA + is a targeted formula, designed to support and balance healthy hormone levels for aging men and women in menopause or andropause. Your natural DHEA production peaks between the ages of 25 and 30. Supplementation of this influential hormone supports: Healthy weight Energy Libido Muscle maintenance. This blend includes the "mother hormone" pregnenolone. It's a precursor to all life-harmonizing sex and stress hormones. And it's tied to healthy cognitive function. Chrysin and DIM support healthy estrogen levels and metabolism. Adaptogenic herbs Ginseng and Maca support healthy stress resilience. DHEA + offers a balancing...

    • Natural Hormone Therapy
    • Reverse Effects of Aging
    • Fast and Enhanced Absorption
  • QuickSilver Scientific, IMD intestinal Cleanse

    IMD Intestinal Cleanse

    Helps Bind and Eliminate Toxic Heavy Metals

    $1.26 Cashback
     By: QuickSilver Scientific
    Helps Bind and Eliminate Toxic Heavy Metals

    IMD Intestinal Cleanse may optimize natural elimination of metals through your intestine. Also kills free radicals that cause aging and tumors. Intestinal inflammation is common and it reduces toxin elimination. IMD  helps reduce inflammation. This enables heavy metal binding and eliminating. Safely without recirculation. This product does not enter your bloodstream, so it will not lead to surges of mobilized metals that can potentially lead to kidney/liver overload. It intercepts toxic heavy metals that are circulating, and binds to them, escorting them out of your intestines. Organ and tissue-bound mercury may safely...

    • Enhance Your Natural Detoxification Pathways
    • Reduce Aging and Tumor-causing Free Radicals
    • Helps Prevent Toxic Waste Recirculation