Cleanse and Detoxify

Juicing Benefits

From detoxifying while nourishing, to improve your energy and overall well being, physically, mentally and spiritually… Read More

Pau D’Arco

Highly valued for it’s ability to detoxify the body, particularly, the liver, kidneys and the intestinal tract… Read More

Basics of Cleansing to Detoxify

Regular cleansing (both internal and external) of your body is required for the maintenance of health, or reversal of disease. No exceptions… Read More

Pleasurable Detox in Your Bathtub

If you’re feeling in need of relaxation and rejuvenation, a detoxifying bath may be just what you need. Full bathtub or footbath only… Read More

Household Cleaners can Make You Sick

If you’re using common household cleaners, your indoor air is way more polluted than outside. They really can affect your health… Read More

Liver Cleanse to Rebuild

Detoxify your liver to help slow aging. If your liver is clogged with toxins you’ll feel tired and miserable. A healthy liver gives you lots of energy… Read More

Health Basics to Enjoy a Pain-free Life

For a happier, longer and pain-free life you need proper hydration, adequate nutrition and effective toxin elimination… Read More

Currently at Fukushima

Radioactive water is still leaking into the ocean. Groundwater that was also contaminated is coming to the surface… Read More

Keep Your Home Healthy

Most houses are full of irritants that are easily absorbed through lungs, skin, eyes and digestive tract… Read More

Book: 7-Day Detox Miracle

Restore your mind and body’s natural vitality with this safe and effective life-enhancing program… Read More

Lemons for Cleansing

Designed primarily cleansing (not weight loss). Recommended for those suffering from a serious medical condition… Read More

Lemon Water Health Benefits

May include reduction of digestive discomforts including heartburn, burping and bloating… Read More