Tag: aromatherapy


Popular for its aroma (scent and relaxing effect), decoration, in cosmetics and as an insect repellent… Read More


Not just a popular pastry ingredient, it’s a powerful spice with a number of amazing health benefits… Read More

Essential Oils Introduction

Highly concentrated natural plant extracts and only one or two drops can produce significant results… Read More

Ylang Ylang

Helps reduce negative emotions (fear, uncertainty, depression). For youthfulness in general, appearance and vigor in bed… Read More

Rock Rose Essence

Used by natural healers since the middle ages for infections, and especially for the skin… Read More

Book: Healing Oils of the Bible

Aromatherapy Theory and the Blood-Brain Barrier. We can reprogram cells with the correct information so they can function properly… Read More

Aromatherapy Guide to Emotions

Many uses for aromatherapy: anger, anxiety, sadness, fatigue, grief, guilt, insecurity, insomnia, panic, restlessness, worry and more… Read More

Aromatherapy Guide to Afflictions

Many uses for aromatherapy: pain relief, antimicrobial, aphrodisiac, astringent, decongestive, deodorant, diuretic, expectorant, immune boosting, insect repellent and so much more… Read More

Aromatherapy Guide by Function

Many uses for aromatherapy: pain relief, antimicrobial, aphrodisiac, astringent, decongestive, deodorant, diuretic, expectorant, immune boosting, insect repellent and so much more… Read More

Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

Ancient Egyptians were first to recognize therapeutic potential of essential oils, for personal and ceremonial use… Read More

Aromatherapy Carrier Oils

Aromatherapy Carrier Oils (apricot, jojoba, sesame, sweet almond) are used to dilute essential oils… Read More

Blood-Brain Barrier

All Essential Oils cross the blood-brain barrier. This makes them uniquely able to address disease, both physically and emotionally… Read More