Tag: water

Tap Water Dangers

Every chemical we use eventually gets into the water we drink. There’s no new water, just recycled… Read More

Water Magnetization

Biomagnetic Hydrology: the interactive effects of two forces of natural energy… Read More

Ionized Water vs. Bottled Water

Bottled water is not as healthy as many believe, and tons of plastic bottles end up in landfills… Read More

Water by Tim O’Shea – Part 2

Water Fluoridation and its impact on your health… Read More

Water by Tim O’Shea – Part 1

We’ve been conditioned to cover up symptoms of chronic dehydration with food or with drugs… Read More

Waters of Life

The quality of the water determines the quality of life it gives. It’s necessary for life… Read More

Book: The Hidden Messages in Water

High-speed photography shows crystals formed in frozen water change when subjected to positive or negative thoughts or words… Read More

Book: The Water Wizard

In company with the bacteria, all the water polluting particles are also dispatched towards the periphery of the pipe. Thus the water is easily and simultaneously purged of suspended matter… Read More

Health Basics to Enjoy a Pain-free Life

For a happier, longer and pain-free life you need proper hydration, adequate nutrition and effective toxin elimination… Read More

EMFs: Earth Radiation or Geopathic Stress

Can negatively affect people, animals and plants and sometimes cause a variety of serious ailments… Read More

Mercury and Water

After polluting the world with over 600,000 tons of mercury in the last century, it’s estimated we’ll add 60,000 to 90,000 more in the next 10 years… Read More

Lead Toxicity

Symptoms, effects, sources and detection… Read More